We eat with Pepe R. Rey (in his favorite places)


We eat with Pepe Rey

Chef Pepe R. Rey.

“My kitchen is quite elementary, simple in appearance. Although there is all the technique in the world behind it, I am not interested in telling the diner about it, I don't think they have to know if this is done one way or another . I'm satisfied with his enjoyment, I don't ask him questions, or attention, or complicity... The important thing is that he perceives that we work for him and that there is a good product”, Pepe R. Rey told us, so, of course, we started is gastroroutanchega by your restaurant , to continue with the sites that he himself recommends:

** EL BOHÍO ** (Avda. de Castilla-La Mancha, 81. Illescas. tel. 925 51 11 26)

After the last reform, the restaurant space features a contemporary style , very consistent with cuisine, always tasty and sparkling, by Pepe Rodríguez Rey . You can eat à la carte or opt for one of the tasting menus . Statements as appetizing as the quarter-hour soup; the mackerel, cheese and black olive marinade; the pig's tail with lentils; the gizzard and mushroom lasagna ; old clothes reinterpreted with its sweet stew broth or a ratatouille hide dishes with roots and tradition who arrive at the table modern and elegant dresses . Pepe's ability to transform rustic recipes in subtle bites surprise and move. Anyone who has faced the forcefulness of a 'jams' understands it. His ability also reaches the desserts , chapter in which many professionals succumb. at the time of choose drink , it is advisable to be advised by his brother, Diego Rodriguez King , who, in addition to carrying the weight of the room, has gathered a magnificent cellar with an excellent selection of champagnes.

The Bohio

THE JAIL (Dionisio Guardiola, 9; Albacete; tel. 967 22 72 42)

“A city classic with great stews and very good seasonal product ”, Pepe Rey tells us. They are recommended spoon dishes with mushrooms and mushrooms . Along with creative interpretations of some classics such as chocolate-pickled partridge with duck liver, we find others that stick to tradition, such as migas ruleras, porridge, etc. Its essential homemade desserts.

** MIAMI GASTRO ** (Avda. del Rey Santo, 3; Ciudad Real; tel. 926 92 1943)

The last bet of the owners of the famous Miami Park restaurant , one of the best known in the city. Contemporary space, very striking, with a bar area and tables where they serve themed menus . Skewers (the most successful is the courgette flower in tempura, stuffed with goat cheese and fresh herbs ), modern rations ( frog legs, eel salad with mustard vinaigrette, scallop ceviche, Japanese smoked chicken salad or pan de cristal with Iberian shoulder) and its star dish, the beef burger with gorgonzola and arugula. "A good place for up-to-date tapas and a menu of the day at an unbeatable price," recommends Pepe.

Miami Gastro

MARQUINETTI PIZZERIA (Avda.de D. Antonio Huertas, 47; Tomelloso; Ciudad Real; tel. 926 51 46 66)

Jesús Marquina (hence the Italianized name of the restaurant) is one of the great pizza makers in the world. His parents gave weddings years ago and he converted the business into a trattoria with home delivery service. He has won the world pizza championship several times and holds the Guinness World Record for world's largest pizza , which was held in Tomelloso in 2011. His fame is such that he receives students from all over the planet (Even Italians!) Who want to learn from his art, as his son Gustavo, world runner-up in pizza acrobatics, has already done. “In addition to the fact that the pizza dough is the best in the world, I am amused by their acrobatic games with the dough,” says Rey.

THE PONDEROUS (San Francisco, 20; Cuenca; tel. 969 21 32 14)

Hams hanging from the ceiling and a typical inn atmosphere , in this temple of tapas in Cuenca in his mythical bar. After more than 40 years open, the obsession of its owners continues to be to find the best products. “The home-made preserves with La Mancha products stand out: partridges, atascaburras, morteruelo...”, the chef tells us. The **escabeche partridge (much appreciated in the Royal House)**, the scrambled eggs, the grilled pig's ear and the grilled morels with ham, as well as the **boletus in batter (edulis and chanterelle) are essential. **, oyster mushrooms from Galicia, Portugal and Zamora, suckling lamb chops and black leg tomatoes.

HERNANDO PASTRY (Miguel Fluiters, 35; Guadalajara; tel. 949 21 15 49)

This establishment has been open for more than a century , one of the oldest in Guadalajara, famous for its Drunk biscuits . They sell more than 300 dozen daily , an amount that is multiplied at Christmas. Juicy, well balanced and elaborated in an artisan way , with syrup made with sugar and honey from the Alcarria, its recipe is a secret that passes from generation to generation. And there are four. In addition to drunk, they make other sweets, “In general, all of them are of a very good level,” says the chef.

MALL (Paseo de la Alameda, 2; Sigüenza; Guadalajara; tel.949 39 05 53)

“Good bar and well-drafted beer in this magnificent place of traditional portions and tapas” , says chef Pepe R. Rey. He wears more than a quarter of a century open and presume to have more than 100 tapas and portions: battered cod, bravas potatoes, tiger mussels, padrón peppers, cecina, meatballs... Attention to the mushrooms , in season, and at sausages of the land . excellent relationship price quality.


** BENIPAN ** (San Agustín Market; Cuesta del Águila, 1-3; Toledo. tel.925 21 58 98)

On the ground floor of pleasant and modern gastronomic market of San Agustín , Do you sell delicious breads made in an artisanal way: farmhouse, rustic, spelled, malt, figs and blueberries, seven cereals.... To make them they use sourdoughs with long fermentations and flours of the best quality. The result is noticeable. "The bread is made in Bargas, and can compete with the best in Spain" King explains. They also offer pastries, cakes, chocolates and artisan jams.

ROOM HOUSE (Pale Man, 5; Toledo; tel. 925 22 26 14)

Open since 1920 It is already in its fifth generation. “I like the offer of very well selected products from the region” explains the chef. artisan cheeses (which have received international awards), cured meats and hams from Toledo (chorizos and sausages of deer or wild boar, homemade black pudding...) , oils, wines, game products, artisan sweets (chocolate marzipan chestnuts, marzipan eels, nevaditos...) , artisan preserves and spices as precious as saffron . They also sell products from other areas: asparagus from Navarra and a successful selection of wines preserved in heated cellars , which is personally selected by its owner, who is also a sommelier.

THE OAK OF ORTEGA (La Plata, 22; Toledo; tel. 925 10 20 72)

The Ortega oak offers great Spanish products and personalized treatment, "the best of the best is sold in this Toledo store" , says chef Pepe R. Rey. Their La Mancha Theme Bundle It includes hand cut ham (by his master ham maker), Semi-cured Manchego sheep cheese, marzipan liqueur , extra virgin olive oil, deer jerky (made by its owner), wine, braised partridge , pickled partridge, orza loin and stewed deer.

The Oak of Ortega

Good ham in La Encina de Ortega.

_* Published in the Condé Nas Traveler Gastronomic Guide 2015, it is now on sale in digital format at Zinio and Apple. _ You can also download the application for Android and on the App Store completely free of charge and start diving into the Spanish gastro map.

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