Porís de Candelaria: the town hidden in a cave on La Palma


Porís de Candelaria the town hidden in a cave on La Palma

The Palm It's one of those secrets you're afraid to share but at the same time you know that it deserves to be told loudly. The Isla Bonita, they call it , and they do not lack reasons, because despite the fact that choosing one of the members of the Canary archipelago is an arduous task, the landscapes of The Palm They are of a beauty that hurts.

Its leafy forests, its Beaches of black sand, its imposing volcanoes, its starry skies... La Palma has plenty of reasons to fall in love, and Poris de Candelaria is one of them. A fishing town? A cave? A cove without sand? This remote spot, hidden in the municipality of Tijarafe , is all that and more.

Descent towards Porís de Candelaria

Descent towards Porís de Candelaria

Porís de Candelaria is a fairytale setting, an embrace between the wildest side of nature and the hand of man, an oasis where you can steal five more minutes from the clock it becomes a first necessity.

There are also those who call him the Proís de Candeleria . What does "prois" mean? According to the RAE: “Stone or something else on land, in which the boat is moored” . On the other hand, the place has been named in honor of the Virgin of Candelaria, who will you find a small image.

How to get to this visual delight? There are three options: by car, on foot or by sea.

- By car. You must drive to Tijarafe, a town that you will reach by taking the LP-1 highway. Once there, a steep deviation will guide you down the road -pay attention to the curves and the narrowness of the road- towards the two parking areas of Porís de Candelaria. The browser will be essential , because they are not signposted.

Though the main car park It is about 500 meters lower than the first, it is not very wide and usually fills up.

Views of Porís de Candelaria from the boat

Views of Porís de Candelaria from the boat

If you manage to park in it, you will only have to walk along the path that leads to the coast for about a few 5 minutes ; it's to light gait , a little more if you do it handheld.

- Walking. More of thousand kilometers of roads they draw the map of La Palma. If one of the pillars of your trip is hiking, you can also do the circular route PR LP 12.2. Tijarafe.

The route has a length of 10' 3 kilometers (round trip), an approximate duration of four hours and one medium difficulty. Although a priori it should be simple, you have to take into account the great unevenness that it overcomes.

During the excursion you will cross the Natural Monument of the Barranco del Jurado, famous for the curious geological formations that houses (you swear), and you will walk the cliff west coast of the island to finish in the Porís de Candelaria.

- Boat. Reach the crystal clear waters of Porís de Candelaria by boat It is one of the most tempting alternatives. Also, if you are lucky, during the journey you will be able to sight Whales and dolphins.

Starting from Puerto de Tazacorte , the maritime expedition -operated by several companies- guides passengers to the destination in question, but passing through other enclaves of extreme charm, as is the case of the beach of la Veta, Cueva Colorada or Cueva Bonita -only accessible by sea-.

The color of the water hypnotizes

The color of the water hypnotizes

This last grotto, located to the right of the mouth of El Jurado and with two cavities (one outlet and one inlet), It was a escape route for fishermen during the seventeenth century, when pirates attacked the coast.

Whatever your choice, don't forget to come down equipped with: swimsuit, towel, diving goggles, booties, bottle of water and, if you intend to spend a few hours, some groceries , Well, in this wild corner you will not find either beach bars or kiosks.

In turn, you must have a bag to collect waste , since there is no trace of trash cans either.

in this spectacular geological cavity -about fifty meters high- you will come across a handful of white houses, built almost a century ago for those locals who longed for a refuge to spend the hot summers. After memorizing and photographing the idyllic postcard , it is worth giving a dip

Warning: no lifeguard , so you will have to weigh whether the state of the sea is adequate, as we recommend don't stray too far from the mainland.

You can leave your belongings on the rocks , from where the most impatient jump into the sea: Although restlessness seizes you, check first that it is a safe area. descend through the stairs , installed to facilitate diving, is the easiest way to dive.

The houses were raised almost a century ago

The houses were raised almost a century ago

Enough with examine the seabed for fish , float in the crystal clear waters of the sea inlet and let the sun caress your skin -and the song of the birds the ears- to understand why Porís de Candelaria is one of the most magical corners of the island , affirmation that becomes superlative at sunset.

When the day comes to an end, back in town, remember make a stop at the Mirador del Morro, for the ** rugged views ** are a priceless souvenir.

If after the upload you feel like some delicious wrinkled potatoes or a cold beer , write down the following gastronomic addresses: the nearest Kiosco El Diablo, the restaurant The wall wave Isla Verde Brewery.

Look at the postcard is spectacular

Take a peek, the postcard is spectacular

Dear traveler, you will need, at least, a drink of cold water to digest the immense beauty of this jewel of the Atlantic. We give faith.

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