The other triangle of museums in Madrid


Ham Museum

The classic among classics


Address: grand via 72

History: It was in August 1978, a few meters from the Prado Museum and the Botanical Garden, when it opened the first themed bar/restaurant in Madrid , which was baptized as the Museo del Jamón , obviously because beautiful cured pig's feet were exhibited on its walls. Their owners they knew little about museography, but they did know a lot about the world of charcuterie , to which they have been dedicating themselves for more than 50 years with premises in different markets of the city. The success over the years has been so brutal that (as happened with the Guggenheim or the Hermitage) the family has grown, and there are already ten ham museums in the capital.

permanent collection : the museum's funds are nourished (in the most literal sense of the expression) by all kinds of sausages, squid, cheese, boards... and, of course, ham (Serrano, Granadino, Ibérico and Bellota) . The jewel in the crown is the Iberian ham sandwich on rustic bread (at a price of €3).

Temporary exhibitions : the new menus (more than 100) change according to the season. They include two dishes, bread, drink and dessert for 9.50 euros.

Ham Museum

The museum shop of Alcalá 55

Friends of the museum: The unconditional supporters of the Museo del Jamón number in the hundreds of thousands. Here and there. It drives them crazy, they look for it, they repeat it every time they return to the city. The clientele, however, is very different in each of them: in Gran via 72 or in Atocha they are mostly visitors (national and international), while, for example, the one in Alcalá 155, tends to be more frequented by those who work or live in the area. From March to June (that is, now) the high season begins , due to the influx of tourism. The Japanese are true fanatics and love to be photographed against the background of covered walls.

The museum store: obviously the best memory that you can take under your arm from this museum is a ham, a shoulder or some vacuum-packed sausage , ready to travel, but there is also quite sui generis merchandising such as bottle racks, bag hangers, mugs, sausage postcards (?) and a magnet of a stuffed pig.

Shcedules and prices: Incredible as it may seem, the employees of the Museo del Jamón assure that there are neither one nor two who call daily to ask where to buy the tickets for the Museo del Jamón and visiting hours.

Ham Museum

Ham Museum


Address: Paseo de Recoletos, 41 (Pza. Colón)

History: the fever of the wax museums in other cities of the world and the choice of Spain by several Hollywood production companies as a set for their filming, got the bug of the world of cinema and celebrities here; this led to the opening of this museum in the heart of the capital in 1972.

Permanent Collection: the characters that have had the honor of being reproduced in cerumen are divided into categories: history, arts and sciences, entertainment, sports, horror and children. Since Christopher Columbus (the first figure that was molded and that gives its name to the square where it is located) to Cristiano Ronaldo (one of the last) and from Napoleon to Obama, everyone who has stood out for something in life, yes or yes, has to take a photo with his double.

Some replicas are as unrecognizable as the Fernando Alonso or Michael Jackson (we knew it was him because of the t-shirt that bears his name) and others as downtrodden as Brad Pitt's (what happened to that hunky blond Thelma and Louisse?), Rafa Nadal's (with all the joys that has given) or that of Carlos Sainz himself (we assume that they refer to the rally champion and part-time jinx, but we are not entirely clear).

Unfortunately, some of the most successful were withdrawn following the vicissitudes of contemporary history, as Jaime de Marichalar, who was melted down when he signed the divorce papers with the Infanta (first relegated to a bullfighting scene and then wheelbarrowed out of the museum) or Inaki Urdangarin, whose whereabouts became unknown and left a tremendous hole (also here), when he ceased to be a good and exemplary child. Two new additions are already on fire, that of Marc Marquez, motorcycle GP rider, and Admiral Blas de Lezo.

Cristiano Ronaldo


Temporary exhibitions: As if that were not enough, the exhibition of figures is joined by another series of irresistible attractions in this museum: nothing less than a simulator that makes a truly adrenaline-pumping virtual trip ; a terror train, the tour of the most frightening and unbearably terrifying underground promenade; and multivision technology, a hilarious history of Spain in 3D.

Friends of the museum: The lovers of the museum are mainly children and families, although there are also many adults who go crazy for it.

The museum store: unfortunately it does not have. Perhaps at some point they will auction the withdrawn figures ( eye that the one from Urdangarín they want in Switzerland ) .

Shcedules and prices: Mon-Fri: 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Sat-Sun and holidays: from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Adults 17 euros. There are offers for couples (nothing more romantic than cuddling in front of the statue of Aznar), for 25 Euros; and for families (50 Euros)

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe, quite passable


Address: Gran Vía, 12

History: since 1931, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly, Bette Davis, Frank Sinatra, Alaska and Almodóvar among a very long list of celebrities, artists, crooks and other museum pieces, they have raised the elbow in this place of art deco aesthetics which bears the name of its founder Perico Chicote, a barman at the Ritz hotel and a great bottle collector. More than a decade ago it came back to life and became Refuge of modern Madrid after a darker time.

Permanent Collection: although it offers a good collection of spirits (probably one of the largest in the world), mainly from gin, vodka, rum and whiskey from different origins; In general, people come here for a cocktail.

The letter is also endless: from the most classic (Gin Fizz or Martinez), tropical (caipirinha, mojito or Fog Cutter), sparkling (Kyr Royale or Porn Star Martini), contemporaries (Cheesy, an original mix of pear vodka, pears, cinnamon, chocolate and parmesan foam) , without alcohol (such as the Alaska that only has passion fruit, grapefruit juice, Orgeat and soda; or the Shirley Temple with orange juice, ginger ale, grenadine) , and the creations by Chicote (such as the Chicote: gin, vermouth and Grand Marnier; or the Pacifico of gin, cherry brandy, Grand Marnier and lemon) .

Chicote Museum

Chicote cocktails

The museum store: it is still under construction. promise to be a room for the picky drinker and the mythomaniac.

Friends of the museum: Chicote's public is heterogeneous: from regulars with more than a couple of decades leaning on their little tables to modern, actors and groupies, in addition to some clueless who falls there after the obligatory visit to the center of Madrid or some who hope to see the chef on TV here (he's serious).

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Chicote Museum

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