Hotels with cinema


Christmas cinema on the rooftop of The Berkeley in London

Christmas cinema on the rooftop of The Berkeley in London

As always, the important thing is not what, but how. It's not enough to fill a room with chairs and put up a big screen. The idea of ​​having a cinema in a hotel has to be consistent with the spirit of the place. In addition, the communion that is achieved by watching a movie in the company of, usually, strangers, is too special to miss out on.

There are good examples of hotels with cinemas. Each one looks for his formula. These are some.


This format is repeated in cities like London or New York . It is not about opening a room for the enjoyment of customers as about using it for commercial purposes. In these hotels, profiles of the show biz meet for their screenings and parallel events. The Tribeca Hotel It is a perfect example of this way of making a hotel space profitable. And, in addition, to do it with elegance taking advantage of the slipstream of the Tribeca Film Festival and the cinematographic halo of New York City itself.

Something similar happens in London in the W Leicester . It has its Screening Room for members of the industry to meet. It is designed as if it were the interior of a Victorian chamber bellows chamber and It has velvet, leather and tweed to go-go . It has a VIP entrance and its corresponding popcorn bar. There is no cinema without them. The Bulgari London Hotel has its own screening room dedicated to Richard Attenborough. Like the rest, it has state-of-the-art technology in HD and all the advances we can imagine and even those that we can't.

The Tribeca Grand Lounge

The Tribeca Grand Lounge


There are hotels located in old cinemas. That prints character. This is the case of the ** Astoria 7 in San Sebastián **, built where the old Astoria Cinema used to be. Each of its 102 rooms is dedicated to a star that has been invited by the Festival. It has the logical movie theater. A similar case is that of the ** Cinema Hotel , in Tel Aviv **. There each client can enjoy cinema sessions with their popcorn at the end of the day. All inclusive. In Madrid there is a mythical example: the Hotel Vincci Capitol . It is, he iterally, about the Capitol cinema . It conserves original machinery and is the only one in Spain that has an active cinema in its space.

The W Leicester Screening Room

The W Leicester Screening Room


If going to the conventional cinema seems like a decadent act, you can always choose to get the ticket for one from a hotel. That must have thought of him Soho-Hotel , From london. Here offers more than just a movie: you can have lunch, tea or dinner at the Refuel restaurant before seeing a premiere or a classic. A way to improve the experience.

And the loop of pleasure can be curled more: especially when the weather is good. We are talking about outdoor cinemas. You can be in a good hotel, enjoying a movie and under the moon. There are hotels that have made it their star service, such as the Limes Hotel in Queensway (Australia) . The cinema is open year-round to guests and visitors. The ** Sani Resort , in Greece ** reruns the winter movies in its summer cinema. A summer cinema of those that they involve homemade sandwich, cold beer and uncomfortable chairs. a delight

New generation hostels are jumping on the idea of ​​putting an XL screen in their space. In your case, they use it to generate more community among their guests and they are perfect territory to watch soccer finals or short sessions. The U-Hostel in Madrid has a small movie theater where you can see literally everything and at zero cost. The **Hamburg Superbude**, everything hipster we've come to expect, does the same.

"Honey, are you done with the club sandwich, are we going downstairs to see the latest Bourne?"

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The open-air cinema at the Sani Resort

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