Why do we divorce more after the summer?


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The nine days in Thailand with your sweetheart They haven't turned out exactly as expected. , and that you have been planning every detail with enthusiasm for months. You come back wanting to kill and the worst thing is that it is him or her . And you don't stop reading in the press advice for not breaking up with your partner during the holidays! It turns out that your friend Maria, who has stayed in the city, is experiencing the same thing. And Alejandro, who has gone to the family home in the South.

you start to think that something is wrong in society , And you're absolutely right. Cristina Prieto, psychologist and sex and couples therapist, clarifies it for us: "We live especially stressful times for both sexes; Currently, the work overload, the [high] level of stress and the lack of shared time as a couple ".

And what happens when we increase that timeshare? well what It almost seems that we do not know each other, and what we know does not fit us at all... According to the El Prado psychological cabinet, specialists in love breakups, "during the rest of the year, work, routines, children, etc., do not leave much time for the couple , so that You don't live together as much and therefore there are fewer conflicts".

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If we add to this that we are in one of those times of "change the chip" , we will have another one of the keys of why a such a drastic decision It seems that he rushes back from vacations, whether they are summer or Christmas: "September and January are months in which, in some way, we become new purposes and we are more likely to make changes in our lives", they tell us from El Prado.

In addition, as we said before, it seems that there is "something" in the environment that leaves separation as the only possible solution, and it is not only the naturalization of divorce, which is no longer seen as something negative or criticizable. The cabinet explains it like this: " We live in an increasingly hedonistic and consumerist society ; pleasure and the avoidance of suffering take precedence over all. If something breaks, we buy something else, We don't fix it anymore and that also happens with the couple. You have to know how to differentiate between toxic relationship , which is not worth fighting for because it takes away our energy or lowers our self-esteem, from a relationship in which there are communication problems but for what it is worth strive To make it work".

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However, despite the dire picture we are painting, don't start shaking before the perspective of those diitas that you have caught for the next long weekend, which does not happen to everyone. "The healthy, cohesive couples and those who know how to communicate properly do not have to suffer any vacation crises ", Cristina Prieto assures us. And she advises us to pamper the relationship every day to avoid unexpected outcomes after the summer period:" Love is something that is built , so a couple relationship should take care of yourself throughout the year. It is important to enjoy intimate time together, establish a fluid communication and not avoid conflicts, but treat them naturally in present tense."

In this regard, El Prado places special emphasis on a crucial part, that of " communicate our feelings without attacking the other ". And attacking the other is usually as easy as complain about mother-in-law or brother-in-law , so be careful with this: "In summer many times lives with the in-laws , which can also lead to conflicts. In these cases, it is worth remembering that it will only be a few days and accept that in coexistence with others you always have to give in to a greater or lesser extent".

In fact, if you think about it, sharing a table with your partner's sister, no matter how insufferable it may be , she has until advantage, according to these professionals. "Being in the house of the political family can be positive, since we can take the opportunity to leave the children for a while with the grandparents and do some activity with our partner exclusively" . But, of course, without stress: " summer is for relaxing : we should not take the activities as an obligation nor should the schedules be too strict. be flexible - they repeat to us from the cabinet - it is fundamental".


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