Vermouth time has come


What if vermouth is the new gin and tonic

What if vermouth is the new gin and tonic?

Gastronomic chroniclers and lifestyle nibs (what a horrible word, huh?) have been -we've been- for years **searching relentlessly for the natural substitute for the extremely boring gin and tonic** in our bars and our livers. Is it the rum? Will the whiskey come back? Or maybe it would be the vodka? But the months passed and the trend magazines and gourmet sections of the market on duty continued with the usual refrain: premium gins, vegetable stews in balloon glasses, cute tonic brands and a cloud of gastrocanaperos flying over this entire scene.

But… what if the new gin and tonic was so right under our noses that we haven't even seen it? What if "the new" does not come from the east or the west but from your usual bar? What if the new is the old?

And the thing is, if in gastronomy the outdated snobbery of the little Michelin stars is mutating into "neighborhood haute cuisine" (Albert Adrià), why would the same thing happen with those designer cocktail bars that we no longer go to? What if the tavern is the new cocktail bar and the vermouth is the new gin and tonic?

Taverns, bars and bars of always: a bar with drinks in front of the mirror and glasses that are mirrors of the city that cradles them; In Madrid, vermouth is the norm (Don Ramón Gómez de la Serna used to say that “vermouth is the appetizer that you can call yourself” ) such as manzanilla in Cádiz or txacolí in Vizcaya.

bars what places

bars, what places

But the vermouth + appetizer has something special, something light, uncouth, easy and even a little kitsch . My friends from mariol house , also a little guilty of this Return of the Vermouth: “ The vermouth ceremony! It lives up to that of Japanese tea , the food of the Italian mamma or the Jewish Challah. The best thing about vermouth is that possibly the most freestyle ceremony in the world . You can do it standing, sitting, inside, outside, with people you know, with strangers, it serves to flirt, to relate, to enjoy the midday sun, it's cheap, you share food, etc. It is the daytime party enjoyed by parents, grandparents, young people and children”. Amen.

The most freestyle ceremony in the world

The most freestyle ceremony in the world

Come on, let's go for vermouth and the three or four bars where it's religion:


Founded in the 19th century, what to say about Ardosa. **One of the best potato omelettes in the kingdom** and the most respected tap vermouth beyond Recoletos. Is unique bar where Frank Sinatra fits, a modern and a minister . La Ardosa is the quintessence of the tavern and therefore of Madrid. And what is Madrid, if not a great tavern?

It's Madrid, brave city

That between ancient and modern

It has 300 taverns

And only one bookstore.

World atlas of vermouth how where and why

Ardosa Tavern, a Madrid classic


Vermouth on the slopes of Montjuïc. Table football -I'm a teacher, I warn you-, chiringo and views over there in the distance of the port of Barcelona. Clochinas, olivitas and all the charanga that Barcelona lacks is concentrated here , the fault of Jose María Parrado (owner of the Cañete bar) and the Mariols, who have created ad hoc the Elixir Martínez, a century-old recipe of which the recipe is not very well known but the effects are. Ays. I'll just give a hint: big door, friends.

The Martínez terrace long live the vermouth

The Martínez terrace: long live the vermouth


In the Aquarium the Dry Marini is religion but also the vermouth at 11 o'clock. Suede moccasins, newspaper, vermouth and ¡Santiago and close, Spain! What to say about this temple: principles, education and criteria is what is left over in this house opened in 1957 to the greater glory of the Valencian bourgeoisie of the expansion. The best? That nothing has changed and that José Indalecio continues to prepare the best cocktails in Valencia. And beyond.

And as a tip, my recipe for the perfect vermouth. No problem:

**1) Wide and short (and heavy) glass **. That's right, a glass of whiskey. 2) Ice, full. Gas station, more than good.

3) Half a glass of your favorite vermouth. Previously stored in the fridge (which I, the vermouth, like three steps beyond the "fresh"). 4) In the rest of the glass, merciless siphon. Siphon without fear. What bubbles are joys.

5) Three segments of orange peel. Eye, I say skin, not slice (and yes, I know, without a toothpick or olive; I am a rebel). 6) Popes, by God. The vermouth with potatoes. Specifically, with the best potato chips in the world. Bonilla.

7) Laughs, damn it. You don't live in Tokyo, damn it.

*** You may also be interested in...**

- All tablecloth and knife items - The best bars in the world - Madrid: vermouth calling - World atlas of vermouth

- Ode to the bars of always - Barcelona: one of vermouth and tapas

The Martínez terrace and its centenary recipe

The Martínez terrace and its centenary recipe

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