Restaurant of the week: Fierro reopens in the 'new normal'


iron rice

Restaurant of the week: Fierro

It's been 14 years since German Carrizo left his Argentina of the soul to make a personal and professional journey that took him to Valencia where he promised himself that he would only work as a cook. Soon he landed Carito Lourenco and started with Quique Dacosta in El Poblet : Germán was in charge of the salty game and pastry cart . They were years of a lot of effort, Michelin star included, and all that gave them the drive and the necessary boards to undertake their projects alone.

created from nothing Gastronomic Tandem , a consultancy to provide support and logistical support to restaurants, Doña Petrona: her most informal bet with an enjoyable terrace (almost) all year round and iron , the gastronomic restaurant of him, the pretty boy.

Carito Lourenço and Germn Carrizo

Carito Lourenço and German Carrizo

In Argentina it is called Fierro to the iron with which the cattle is branded and it is much more than an attractive name, Fierro is dedication and passion for an idea in which they believe very strongly . Carito and Germán found the space in which to develop their restaurant in the Ruzafa neighborhood , very close to the market. They raised it as a single table that with the 'new normal' welcomes up to 8 guests always with reservation and from which you can see a open kitchen. "The difficult thing is to go through the door and overcome that of sharing a table with other people ", Germán tells us. But once it is achieved, everything flows and you feel at home. They offer the possibility of book the whole table and that is something exclusive in Valencia and a plus at this stage in which they will open even in August.

To the team formed by Germán and Carito we must add two essential: Piero Ronconi in the kitchen and Eva Pizarro as sommelier . From the beginning, Eva and the kitchen team work hand in hand to successfully harmonize the dishes with the wines, even offering pairings with non-alcoholic beverages.

They just started their seventh season. when the Covid appeared and they come back with a proposal that is closer than ever to the Mediterranean, its products and its character: parsnip from Puig, rice, eel and duck from the beautiful Albufera, tomato from El Perelló, prawn from Denia and so a long list makes up Fierro's pantry this year.


Iron table

The menu begins with some appetizers, among which the Justina empanada stands out, a tribute to Carito's grandmother, with a not coarse dough and a juicy filling It is one of the dishes that does not leave the menu. Next appears the parsnip with its own horchata , the candied tuber itself and a spicy finish that gives a round point to this dish . It is the first time that they dare to include the jewel of Denia on the menu, the prawn with the broth from its head and with hardly any cooking touch, it is savored together with a tomato and pepper sauce.

The strong part comes from the hand of a delicious onion soup with spheres of Idiazábal and small surprises in the form of crunchy gizzards that turn this dish into a feast of nuances. And before the desserts we finish off the menu with the duck that is accompanied by a gazpachuelo Y a small French toast with the sirloin of the bird itself , intensity of flavor and correct cooking point in the meat: a delight.

Carito sweets leave aside bulk sugar and are made to enjoy from the balance . The best example is the tempeh and rice cake with white chocolate, ginger and miso. An excellent ending to a menu in which this almost Valencian Argentine couple bets on their adopted land without losing sight of their origins and their experience. How is Valencia, what a pleasure!

Address: Carrer del Dr. Serrano, 4, 46006 Valencia, Valencia See map

Telephone: +34963305244

Schedule: From Thursday to Saturday from 13.30 to 15.00. and from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. From Sunday to Wednesday, closed.

Half price: €50

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