Festivals without music: from urban art to literature


festival there is literature

Grass, canoes and the best literature are at Hay Festival


If you are a fan of TED talks or you would like to meet your favorite writers in person: there festival is your next unmissable date from May 22 to June 1 (Hay-on-Wye) .

27 years ago, in a small Welsh town called Hay-on-Wye This meeting point was born for writers, thinkers, film directors, comedians... Days to lie down to the bartola in the Brecon Beacons National Park , read, share and enjoy its complete program. It looks like it hooks. In 2014 it will be held in 15 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, America and the Middle East. **From Beirut to Xalapa **, soup for your soul. But if Hay-on-Wye (hour and a half drive from Bristol) is a bit far for you, note the spanish quote : ** September 25 and 28 in Segovia **. Here you will come across future Nobel, Cervantes or Pritzker prize winners (such as this year's winner, the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, who in 2010 spoke of ** the social responsibility of architecture **) .

Festivals without music from urban art to literature

Festivals without music: from urban art to literature


let's go premiere from May 22 to 25 . a culture center, 800 free beers and 600 sprays for attendees. We leave behind the tourist center of Barcelona, ​​we reach an industrial area and its Llagosta park , where forty-seven urban artists (masters of the spray and the brush) participate in the BAUV biennial of urban art.

Put a face to the tattoo artists of the city and enjoy his talent live (from 11 to 8 in the afternoon). Sign up for their skate workshops , ** enjoy screenings ** or gossip like an artist blends in with his work . Do not miss it!


Uriginal and 46 other artists will participate in the decoration of a cultural center this weekend


If when they ask you your favorite movie you doubt between The Godfather Y toy story (you don't confess it in public but you cried with the third one), don't miss the Annecy festival from June 9 to 14 . It happens to be the world's largest event for lovers and professionals of animated films.

Fans, creators, artists, geeks, producers, distributors... they all fit into his universe. In this edition, Izibene Oñederra competes in the official section of shorts with Hotzanak, for your own safety . Luck!


With this image they give us long teeth for the 2014 edition


so described Gianni Rodadi the language of children (and their complicit laughter) in stories by phone . Fortunately, there are guardians of this universal language. What is it to be a clown? Open your dark circles and listen to the answer of the great Foo (Helen Donnelly). Experience laughter as the best therapy at the ** Clown Festival in Toronto ** from May 28 to June 1. Maraqui, barabasqui, pippimosqui!

Toronto Festival of Clowns

We're all a bit of a clown at the Toronto Festival of Clowns


Getting covered in mud as a recreational activity (ahem) . This is what the Boryeong Mud festival is all about South Korea . It started as an event to advertise the cosmetic properties of mud and has become a mandatory stop for travelers in search of **thrills**. Note: from July 18 to 27.

Boryeong Mud Festival

Mud everywhere!!


David Lynch drives us crazy. Literally . One of his television works is the story of intrigue and mystery most histrionic ever told ... and has thousands of die-hard fans around the world. The level of fanaticism reaches such a point that in August 1993 (an exact year after the premiere of the film of the series Fire Walk With Me ) a group of TwinPeaks-Addicts they met in North Bend (Washington) to honor the series. And they've been doing it for almost 20 years now, and this will be from the 1st to the 3rd of august.

In this town where apparently nothing ever happens the film and some scenes of the series were shot (made for the most part in studios of Hollywood ) and it is here (three minutes away) where the famous Sqonomie Falls so well known from the intro of the fictional town of Twin Peaks.

And what do you do when you meet real Twin Peaks fans? Of course, a Lynch movie marathon, a bus tour of the real locations of the series and the film, contests of the type " who knows more about Laura Palmer ”, eating cherry pie all the time and drinking coffee like crazy (**Lynch brand, maybe**) and... as a final climax, a great dinner and night out in the company of an actor/actress from the series in a room they dress in Black Lodge . We warn: Lady Leno she is super faithful to the date. This year the attendance of James Marshall, the biker and secret lover of Laura Palmer, is confirmed.

Quote? Between August 1 and 3. But if you think that North Bend you have a little out of hand, don't worry: there is also a festival in whitechapel , England, November 15.

ladywood twin peaks

Lady Leño is super faithful to the appointment of the Twin Peaks Festival


Seven days of debauchery in the desert of Blackrock in Nevada, United States, from August 25 to September 1 . They bet on the freedom away from marketing and consumerist conventions, moments to share and give away all kinds of objects and experiences . They govern their behavior according to a decalogue : anyone can be part of the festival, they value civil society, you don't have to dirty the environment... Days of radical self-expression (as defined by the organizers) whose high point is Saturday, the day on which burn a giant sculpture made of wood in the shape of a man (which gives the festival its name).

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Attendee at the Annecy Festival

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