A321neo: this is how you fly in the most modern, efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft


This is how A321neo is flown in the most modern efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft

A321neo: this is how you fly in the most modern, efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft

You have to go back just a few months, until June, to remember the arrival at the airport Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Of the first Airbus A321neo with the colors of Iberia Express. With the world submerged in a permanent crisis, especially with regard to the tourism industry, the 26th of that month was, without a doubt, a party: the one that was set up to receive the first of the four aircraft that will form part of the most advanced fleet of the airline , and that from then until today has already brought together three units. Only one is missing to round off the bet by Iberia Express, a very brave one that represents a boost in the Covid era for the recovery of activity and air connectivity. And this is good news, whichever way you look at it.

The A321neo

The Iberia Express A321neo has a total of 232 seats and 39 rows

The plane is, as any savvy consultant would say, a 'win-win' manual for all agents in the airline value chain . From the point of view of the European manufacturer, Airbus, the new A321neo is the best aircraft in the family (perhaps next to A321LR, aircraft that at the moment no Spanish airline owns, and that represents another of the manufacturer's bets to operate transoceanic flights with narrow-body aircraft). From the point of view of the airline, having units of this type of aircraft in its fleet ensures the reduction of important indicators, such as fuel consumption (almost 15% less) , as well as from CO2 emissions (15%) or NOx (up to 50%).

For the passenger, traveling in this model is a extra comfort, space and, above all, noise reduction in the cabin . And last but not least, for the planet, because with this addition, Iberia Express reinforces its commitment to efficiency and sustainability , factors that will be key in this stage of recovery, although it is true that the airline has been working all these years on initiatives to reduce the environmental footprint and achieve net zero CO2 emissions in 2050. I wish Greta Thunberg knew that not everything is being done wrong.

This is how A321neo is flown in the most modern efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft

A321neo: this is how you fly in the most modern, efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft


The A321neo owes its “surname” to the concept “ New Engine Option ", namely, new engines 17% more efficient thanks, among other factors, to better propulsion, the use of new manufacturing technologies, lighter and stronger composite materials and modern waste disposal systems that increase the protection of the motor and, therefore, its durability. An updated technology that, in a healthy market when operators need additional capacity, it perfectly ups the ante for a fleet bearing the 'neo' surname. Carlos Gómez Suarez, CEO of Iberia Express confirms that "the arrival of the A321neo will help us further consolidate the value proposition to our customers , enhancing your experience on board, recovery of air activity , prioritizing safety above all else, but without forgetting our firm commitment to sustainability”.


I had the opportunity to test the third of the A321neo units, and therefore the newest , of the four aircraft with which Iberia Express will complete its fleet this 2020. The route, from Madrid to Tenerife , where the airline hopes that this aircraft model will play a key role, not only on this island, but also in the connections between the peninsula and the Canary and Balearic archipelagos. It was my first time on board an A321neo, but so was on board any of Iberia Express' own aircraft , so the expectation for my soul of #AVGeek , was maximum. Despite the masks, I was received by a young and smiling crew and, after a very brief inspection (cabin movements are limited to the maximum for obvious reasons), it goes without saying, but it is a pleasure to do so, that the two cabins were impeccable. After all, this A321neo was not even a month old and brand new aircraft is not a luxury that one accesses every day.

A321neo: this is how you fly in the most modern, efficient and sustainable Airbus aircraft 17670_5

The A321neo owes its "last name" to the concept "New Engine Option"

The Iberia Express A321neo has a total of 232 seats and 39 rows (which it involves a 6% improvement in capacity, compared to the current A321 that make up the fleet ), Come in tourist and business class . All rows have 3 seats on each side except row 28, which has 2 , by housing the emergency doors located on both sides of it. The first 6 rows are arranged for business class and my seat was there too, the 2A.


All business class seats ( arranged as 3 and 3 but with the middle seat canceled as in any business class in the world with or without Covid) they are Collins Aerospace Pinnacle, or what is the same, they are modern, they are bigger and they are more spacious. And I add, they are also very comfortable. The rest of the rows, those belonging to tourist class, they are equipped with the Recaro SL3510 seats better known as Slim Seats , which, as its name suggests, are thinner and offer up to 5 additional centimeters of space due to its slimmer and more stylish design (or in other words, sacrifice padding and back thickness to maximize legroom). All seats are reclining . Both in the tourist cabin and in the business cabin, you can also find USB ports , and in the case of business class a plug for electronic devices.

The A321neo

None of the planes in the Iberia Express fleet have WiFi or their own individual screen

None of the planes in the Iberia Express fleet have WiFi or their own individual screen (something that I do not consider necessary in the case of an airline that operates short and medium haul), but instead it offers a in-flight entertainment option on all its routes through the Club Express Onboard , platform offered by Imfly and which can be accessed from any mobile device but which, unfortunately, did not work during the entire time that my flight lasted until I reached Tenerife, about 2 hours and 50 minutes. Things that happen.


Good news and bad news. The good news is that you can finally enjoy the Do&Co catering service , the Austrian company that has made the gastronomy of airlines fly so high Turkish Airlines or Lufthansa , on board all Iberia and Iberia Express aircraft as well as on the airport lounges . The bad thing is that in the middle of a pandemic, the gastronomic service on board is frankly lackluster and limited to one of the so-called 'meal box' , Or what is the same, a cardboard box with a cold plate, bread and a dessert . On my flight the box included a salad, which honestly at 5 in the afternoon, the time my flight took off, did not seem the most appetizing, but instead the dessert, a panna cotta with passion fruit it was really rich. The fact that the already forgotten beverage trolley does not travel through the cabin (one of the first measures shot down by the pandemic), did not prevent the crew from offering each business class traveler wine, water or cava, the bubbles are back! and at the end of the food service and throughout the flight, also coffee.

for now, and due to its scrupulous sanitary protocol on board , The airline does not offer mobile bar service in economy class , but yes water can be requested completely free of charge . We will have to wait for better times to come, which will come, to enjoy the gastronomy of Do&Co in all its splendor in which it is already one of the most applauded bets of the IAG group. That not everything was going to be bad news in aviation, luckily.

The bubbles are back on board

Bubbles are back on board!

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