The best restaurants in the province of Almeria


The sea, the pantry of Almería

The sea, the pantry of Almería


Joaquin House

Royal, 111

phone 950 26 43 59


It is the reference in traditional cuisine of the capital. Excellent raw material from the sea and the land . Unique seafood.

High-level tapas at the bar, with fried dishes executed with mastery, even in large pieces such as sole. local seafood Pairing: red prawns and shrimp slightly grilled, the latter also raw. Something curious, the large seasoned snails and homemade salted fish. It is the place to try an authentic raf tomato.

In the dining room, frying or grilled with squid from great port e, baby squid, red mullet… and local stews such as monkfish in almond sauce.

Unpretentious place, with a family atmosphere, where the important thing is on the plate. Its cellar is capable of exciting the most demanding lovers of good wines.

The Fifth Bull

John Leal, 6

phone 950 23 91 35

An institution in Almeria tapas. Home cooking, family, based on stews , for whom it is advisable to have bread on hand.

The bar is the heart of the place, although there are also tables and a terrace. To start, the courtesy tapas are top notch: little livers with sherry, poor potatoes with fried egg, tripe, octopus with aioli, pipirrana, fried loin with garlic...

To continue, portions and half on the menu: lamb offal, soaking, meatballs... The gathering with the parishioners is fundamental.

Bullfighting atmosphere bar . His founder, John Loyal, names the street.

The Fifth Bull

El Quinto Toro, the restaurant in the city of Almería with a bullfighting atmosphere par excellence


The coast

Boulevard of El Ejido, 48

phone 950 48 17 77


A good example of haute cuisine in Eastern Andalusia. Excellent vegetables, vegetables and the best product of the coast.

To get to know the Jose Alvarez's kitchen it is advisable to opt for the tasting menu. Original and well-resolved proposals such as the squid soup with “fogueao” baby squid and fig bread; along with the evocative classicism of the skate with codium butter or the succulent Iberian secret confit with violet potatoes and butter land.

In the new tavern they are essential the blue roe shrimps, from the garden of El Ejido , the pepper, papaya and vanilla sashimi or a root dish like my mother's potatoes with garlic and bay leaves. Indeed, the tavern also offers original breakfasts.

The restaurant has a classic and formal atmosphere that the team makes close.

Coast Restaurant

Don't miss their tasting menu option


Sebastian House

Calilla, 18

phone 950 38 00 50


Proximity cuisine at the foot of the beach based on good work with the iron, although fried foods are also embroidered.

It is a theme park marine pantry of Levante Almeria . essential the Garrucha prawns who touch the iron only a sigh. They parade down the same catwalk cuttlefish of different sizes, turbot, octopus and XL snapper and, in season, tuna belly and squid. In frying you should not miss the red mullet.

Special mention for the always difficult rice dishes, which in this house have numerous devotees. Nor should we forget the tapas in the barracks with homemade stews such as tripe.

Family restaurant with excellent raw material. Eating listening to the sea does not increase the bill.


Juan Moreno

Ronda road, 3

phone 950 39 30 51


Updated Andalusian cuisine. Interesting theme sessions throughout the year and a tasting menu option.

Very wide offer of regional cuisine with certain international winks to enjoy good technique and quality product. Pheasant pate in EVOO , baby squid croquettes in ink, pig's trotters, oxtail volcano and potatoes; without forgetting the Garrucha red prawns : everything gives an idea of ​​the gastronomic journey offered by the menu. It is also a place for rice lovers: lobster and black

Juan Moreno has the wisdom to leave the avant-garde touches, foams and crunchiness for the appetizers.

Modern and careful decoration, warm atmosphere and large windows . Several private dining rooms.

The Trompe l'oeil by Juan Moreno

The Trompe l'oeil by Juan Moreno

Carmona Terrace

Sea, 1

phone 950 39 07 60


Updated Andalusian cuisine. A mythical Almeria hotel that is headed by the third generation of Carmona.

Antonio Carmona offers a market menu with a broad vision of the territory, d emphasizing the sea product and the local recipe book inherited from the family.

Among the first, the potera squid in EVOO, the rooster pedro with the aroma of sherry or the chicken with parsley garlic. From the recipe book that they treasure, it is necessary to highlight and l paprika broth with albacore , the “colorao” garlic with stripe, the pot of wheat, the gurullos with rabbit and the Vera-style ball stew, all of them represent a journey through time full of memories.

This restaurant offers a bar, dining room, terrace and private rooms with different environments.

*You can find the 2018 Gastronomic and Wine Guide in a digital version for your devices, at Manzana , Zinium Y google play .

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