Places to go to drink (and where food is an excuse)



Chin Chin!

Because if there are 'fudis', there are also 'drinkis' (forgive the word) and drinkers (I like it much more) we have, throughout Spain, places where we know we are going to be in our sauce, which is wine, of course.


Barcelona has a few places where you can try delicious wines, corners that could be considered small theme parks because there are more or less specialized in types of wines. But since it is not about listing all of them, I choose two where I am a repeat offender.

One, brutal bar _(Barra de Ferro, 1) _, with a retro air, like an old grocery store, and specialist in natural wines. What does this mean? Get ready for a rock session with cloudy wines, wild aromas, fierce acidities. But also for surprising wines, aromatic, drinkable and seductive from anywhere on the globe.

let yourself be tempted by a straw wine from the Jura, a red made in jars in Georgia or some sparkling punk that you will drink without realizing it. One note: Brutal is not suitable for classics, and it is better to read the menu or ask prices before ordering, to prevent the free will of the service from giving you a scare in the account.

Other, Mut Bar (Pau Claris, 192), almost an Eixample classic where you can enjoy whole bottles and, if your day is lazy or you're a little lost among the letter, be advised by the staff. Oh, and here, the food, excuse, excuse, it's not, to prove it, try their (very famous) egg carpaccio. Oh.


Champagne… can you really say no? Well, in San Sebastián, capital of cinema (and pintxos, of course) you can find ** Essencia ** _(Zabaleta, 42) _ a place run by a true madman of French bubbles (and of wine in general), Dani Corman.

Corman is an ambassador authorized by the champagne bosses and also a defender not only of the great houses, but of small producers, rare products, limited editions…

To eat, the options are more local (that tortilla!). In addition to bubbles, r Check out their selection of other wines. You won't want to get out of there.


Essencia, the Bilbao temple of champagne


Come on, it's a play on words to bring up an essential among drinkers: Cork (Bachelor Poza, 45), wine temple where the priest is Jonathan Hernando and where the followers would be the envy of any Scientologist.

How has a small bar, modest in appearance and in the heart of the pintxos area (where pintxos and txikiteo with local wines prevail) become an essential for winelovers? Well, in part because that wonderful option of having incredible wines by the glass.

Thanks to Coravin (a contraption that allows wine to be served without uncorking it), Jonathan serves bottles that are unusual, or almost impossible, to drink by the glass: Terroir al Límit, Lousas de Envínate or the extremely rare Pandorga are just a few. But you stop by Cork and… become a cork player.


Blessed is the day I landed in this fishing village of the Arosa estuary, but not because of the beautiful beach with cool waters (to say the least) or how lively it is in summer, no.

Blessed because here it is ** A Curva ** (Rua Rafael Pico, 56), wine place (eye, you don't eat anything, not bad, but those of us from wine first see the liquid menu and then we look away “let's see what we can eat with this”).

Here Miguel Anxo Besada uncorks true little treasures that, as Michelin says in its reviews, justify the trip there: with special effort in the Galician, you can find old albariños (yes, old, a decade old), monterreis, ribeiros, ribeiras sacras… so you don't get tired.

And if you are also a bit of a brewer's groupie, you may bump into one of them and start exchanging drinks with their table. If that happens.


Fortunately, Madrid is finding one with places where you don't want to order a beer so much when you come across the wine selection, and then there are some sites that are beginning to establish themselves (long live!) .

** La Fisna, ** which began as a small wine corner in Lavapiés and for some time has expanded its functions and is a magnificent tavern on Calle Amparo, 91 (which still has a shop, with an appetizing selection of Burgundies, above all, but also special wines and small Spanish and French production).

Here you can order what you see on the shelf (and uncork it for a fee) or let yourself be carried away by what Delia and Iñaki tell you, captains of this project that, not without much effort, has carved out a niche for itself among the best bar à vins (pronounced baraván) in the city. Now that the kitchen has been installed, you know when you enter La Fisna, but not when you leave.

the fisna

You know when you enter La Fisna, but not when you leave!

Although if you go out... and wanting more, stop by Bendito, wines and vinyls _ (Mercado de San Fernando, 41) _ and relax while José Ángel, the owner, uncorks some of the samples from his selection. One note: he loves natural wines and looks for labels with something to tell.

In little angel _(Calle Reina, 4) _ the concept is different, but what a concept. David Villalon An impressive (and long, very long) wine list is worked on based on visiting vineyards and knowing places to bring some samples and leave us drinkers the good part, that of the drink. Glasses, half glasses, bottles... and something to eat, please... above all, their cheeses.

Angelita Madrid

David Villalón has wine in his genes


Hidden since 1978, says his motto. Open secret between 'sherrylocos' and other wine fauna, it can be said. Tavern der Guerrita _(San Salvador corner with Rubiños) _ is another of those altars dedicated to wine that have, as always, a disturbed seeker of special things, difficult to find, exclusive.

The Tavern has been standing for forty years and today it maintains it at the top arming war, son of the founder, who does good honor to his surname because he puts up a good fight in the capital of chamomile: organizes cheeky tastings, with diverse guests and scoundrels, and it is also a place where wine people take refuge to talk, exchange, learn.

Fear not, they do not bite. There you can wander around the store and choose from its more than 200 sherries, which will be uncorked for a small supplement. Do you want more? Yes, you can also eat it, but you know that's the excuse...

Der Guerrita

40 years giving war

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