Fuenlabrada, nerve center of urban art in Madrid


Graffiti in Fuenlabrada by Dulk

Dulk's imaginary invades the walls of the buildings of Fuenlabrada

In his firm commitment to urban art, the Fuenlabrada Town Hall has just launched an open-air museum. The project was going to start in March but due to the state of emergency it was able to start last June.

Suso33 is part of organizing committee , also being one of the artists involved. The urban artist, originally from Tetouan, has participated with a mural that occupies the entire façade of the Town Hall of the Municipality . It is a multi-story work in which "the diversity and cultural plurality of the population and of the passers-by of the municipality" is raised, through its already iconic silhouettes.

In the same street it is possible to see the interventions of Okuda San Miguel , @felipepantone, @sixeparedes and Dulk, "thus highlighting artists of great worldwide recognition who are currently based in Spain", Suso33 specifies.

The four, each through their characteristic style, have painted two large murals achieving a work “of very different technical execution and plastic language”. Also in this case, the reference to the multiculturalism of the neighborhood and There is no shortage of allusions to masks, that object that, much to our regret, is already part of our day to day.

"We are working on the expansion of this open-air art exhibition, we want to turn the city into a museum, trying to adapt to the new current regulations for the use of public space," he adds. Suso33.

In fact, the initiative foresees the participation of other high caliber urban artists , but today "being impossible to cross borders and with the consequent change of agendas", the urban artist cannot give us specific dates or names.

Fuenlabrada nerve center of urban art in Madrid

Of course, he invites us to follow the networks of the City Council to be aware of the next interventions , in case we want to see live and direct the creative process of a mural. If you plan to go, don't forget to wear your mask and keep your safety distance at all times.

But, how has someone who has his natural habitat on the street experienced confinement?

“I was in New York the week the confinement began, for the closing of the exhibition that we exported there; I came to Madrid for a meeting and couldn't get back to New York, so I continued working remotely with the Embassy of Spain with the project "14 days 14 artists", devised by Santiago Herrero, current cultural attaché of Spain in New York . I had the unique opportunity to collaborate with many other artists from different disciplines, remotely, such as BNET or Santiago Auseron , so, I was quite entertained”, comments the artist.

Fuenlabrada nerve center of urban art in Madrid

Suso33 is also curating the exhibitions of the Tomas y Valiente Art Center of Fuenlabrada, all of them in relation to the public space and the street framed under the title "The city as a stage".

The first, “Art is not a Crime 1977-1987” It revolved around the work of visual anthropologist Henry Chalfant, who documented and disseminated the most global artistic movement known to date and which has profoundly marked the course of art in cities. It was the first major worldwide retrospective dedicated to him and this year it has traveled to New York at the Bronx Museum of Contemporary Art, under the title “ Art vs Transit 1977-1987”.

The second will open its doors after the summer, always at the Tomás y Valiente Art Center in Fuenlabrada, under the title "Urban art…? The city as a stage. It is a reflective look at the controversial term "Urban Art" and shows the origins, trajectory, evolution and projection of many of the main national artists with global repercussions..

Graffiti in Fuenlabrada by Suso33

reality and metaphor

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