Do you want to walk through Monet's 'The Water Lilies'? In this exhibition it is possible


Do you want to stroll through Monet's 'Water Lilies'? In this exhibition it is possible

Claude Monet, l’obsession des Nymphe?as - A VR experience by Nicolas The?pot

For 30 years, Claude Monet painted the water lilies that grew in the garden he created in Giverny (eastern France). He portrayed them at different times of the day and in different seasons, giving rise to a series that includes almost 250 works, including the large murals that can now be seen in the ** L'Orangerie ** museum, in ** Paris. **.

It is precisely those 30 years that are condensed in the virtual reality experience ** Claude Monet, l’obsession des Nymphéas ** which, coinciding with the exhibition Focus collection Monet - Clemenceau , you can enjoy until March 11, 2019 in this museum.

Do you want to stroll through Monet's 'Water Lilies'? In this exhibition it is possible

What if we go inside?

With the glasses on, one travels from the exhibition hall to 1897 and watch as the room begins to fill with water. Yes, the pond water. because suddenly you are inside a painting, you are in Monet's garden, to later visit his workshop and end up, again, in L'Orangerie.

all this listening a voice that pretends to be Monet's , who explains to us his evolution as a person and his work until I end up talking with Georges Clemenceau , who is being commemorated this year in France (hence the exhibition we are dealing with) and which turned out to be great friend of the painter. From this relationship arises the opportunity for Monet to give the French State two paintings that he finished creating on the day of the Victory of World War I.

The virtual reality experience Claude Monet, l’obsession des Nymphéas can be enjoyed at one of the three viewing stations set up in the museum or, alternatively, **watch the 360º video through the Arte website or download it through Vive Port** _(Museum hours: open every day between 09:00 and 18:00. Ticket price: 9 euros ) _.

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