Matadero Madrid opens its doors again


The El Matadero building in Madrid from the outside

The new normality arrives at Matadero Madrid

they are back the reeds in the sun and the walks at sunset between the warehouses of Matadero Madrid, which opens its doors today. What services can we enjoy? Apart from the reopening of its gastronomic proposals -La Cantina and Café Naves-, outdoor areas and bicycle rental service from Mobeo will also be available.

The space, which has adopted the hygienic-sanitary measures corresponding, will not start its cultural activity until Tuesday 23 , day of the reopening of the exhibition Twelve Urban Fables (Nave 16) and the exhibition dedicated to work of the artist Hao Jingban (Ship 0) , within the framework of the ***Depth of field program. ***

Courtyard of the Canteen

Courtyard of the Canteen

And, of course, Matadero joins the Madrid summer movie nights: the wonderful sessions of Cineteca Madrid are other activities that we can enjoy from July 16, the date on which the summer Cineplaza will start, the cycle of indie movies which is celebrated in Matadero Square and that will stay a month.

The screening rooms will reopen in September, as well as the Center for Artistic Residences -a center for contemporary creation-, Intermediae -a space for the production and visibility of artistic projects based on shared experimentation, knowledge and learning- and Terrarium.

At the same time, the Spanish Theater and Naves del Español in Matadero are working hard to resume its programming in September. Until then, they will take place events scheduled for live broadcast that will take place in the Naves del Español since the beginning of July, as is the case with IV edition of the Dramaturgy Tournament which will be broadcast on Warehouse 11/Fernando Arrabal Room.

As for the Casa del Lector, its programming will start with professional activities, content generation and training from June 23, opening its doors to the public in September.

“Matadero will be one of the cultural epicenters of Madrid in this new stage, with the recovery of the Naves del Español in Matadero and with a program that will attract all kinds of public”, he commented Andrea Levy, delegate of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports.

The center will open every day between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (from 10:00 p.m. the entrance and exit of the enclosure is carried out exclusively through the access to Plaza de Legazpi) and the Information point will be available continuously from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


The exposition halls will see their capacity reduced to a third of its capacity in phase 2 and half in phase 3 , being mandatory to access the use of mask . In addition, they will be made available to the public hydroalcoholic gels and pedal bins at the information point, as well as the physical distance will be marked required.

On the other hand, the lockers will remain closed and, for the time being, Guided or group tours will not be carried out -all the information necessary to enjoy the exhibition will be available on the Matadero Madrid website-, **allowing those of an individual nature and those of members of a family unit. **

On Tuesday June 23, in Nave 16 , will be reopened to the public Twelve urban fables -inaugurated a month before the state of alarm was declared-, an exhibition, organized by Matadero Madrid with the collaboration of The Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA) , which gathers 12 proposals that, from the field of art and architecture, pose new narratives around the concept of city and question their future.

The exhibition, which will remain open until January 31, 2021 , will soon be updated to become Twelve Urban Fables + 1 , adding a new work by the prestigious architecture studio founded by Rem Koolhaas, Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA). Under the title The Hospital of the Future , this project, led by Reiner de Graaf, addresses the issue of the city and health.

On the other hand, within the framework of Depth of field, at Ship 0, you can visit the exhibition dedicated to the audiovisual work by the young artist Hao Jingban (China, 1985) , winner of the Hans Nefkens-ARCOmadrid Foundation Video Art Production Award 2019.

The exhibition presents his new production Opus One, a two-channel video installation s for whose creation the artist has taken as a reference the work of Félix González-Torres , central theme of the last edition of the ARCO fair, as well as includes your work From South Lake Park to Red Flag Street (2018) , which deals with the past northeast China. The sample will remain until November 1st.

The schedule for the visit of both will be from Tuesday to Thursday between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays between 12:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in June and July; and from Tuesday to Thursday between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. from September to January. During the month of August they will close.

Hao Jingban exhibition frame

Hao Jingban exhibition frame


During confinement, Matadero Madrid has offered a wide range of digital content in order to support the campaign #CultureatHome of the Department of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the City Council. Recently, it has added to its catalog the monthly meetings baptized as Chapter One , in which the international literature will be the protagonist.

Over the next few months, apart from gradually resuming cultural life in situ, it will continue to have digital events that encompass different artistic disciplines.

The next appointment will be June 20 and 21, days in which Matadero European Music Day will be celebrated, an online (and free) music program designed together with four independent platforms: Radio Primavera Sound, Radio Gladys Palmera, Radio Relativa and

Its objective is to pay tribute to live performances, which have suffered a break due to the health crisis, and for this it will offer 17 hours of concerts in different formats through the websites of the different associated platforms and their social networks. Some of the confirmed artists are **Cariño, Baiuca, La Rueda, Letón Pé, Caribombo and Pedro LaDroga, among others. **

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