These dishes show that Guadalajara must be Gastronomic Capital in 2019


These dishes show that Guadalajara must be Gastronomic Capital in 2019

These dishes show that Guadalajara must be Gastronomic Capital in 2019

Guadalajara sticks out its chest and shows that it is more than just a discreet city . The entire province turns to the candidacy and puts cards like these on the table:


One of the most recognized dishes of the Guadalajara province It is without a doubt the roast kid. And it is that we are in land of sheep and goats, and that is seen and smelled in their wood ovens.

Although there are many recommendations, we cannot ignore the spectacular roast kid from the town of Jadraque . Many people from Madrid come to this municipality to taste the famous kid, roasted in a wood oven and served in clay pot with its corresponding sauce to dip, dip and dip.

In addition, the sauce that is made in the town of Jadraque is very peculiar in this roast, since it is like a flavored vinegar that is sprinkled on the kid before being served.

Roasted goat meat

Roast kid, one of the references of the gastronomy of Guadalajara


As in the case of kid, lamb is the other standard of Guadalajara ovens in general, and in the region of La Alcarria in particular.

We must not forget that we are in lands where aromatic herbs, such as thyme or rosemary , are the ones that really govern the soil.

It will be these peculiar pastures that are responsible for these aromas being transmitted to the meat and, consequently, to their dishes. lamb and kid . Of course, always in a wood oven and in crockpot.

roast lamb

Roast lamb, to lick your fingers


It is another of the important dishes of the gastronomy of Guadalajara. Also having as guest of honor the lamb, this delicacy of high caloric and voltaic content It is usually eaten in the less hot months, although it is not entirely true since it can be found easily.

Depending on the area in which you are, the recipe may vary, but the common denominator of all good stews is: a good Manchego lamb, vegetables from the garden, white wine, slow fire, patience and affection. The rest will depend on looking for a napkin, since it is difficult to stop sucking your fingers.

La Mancha stew

Manchego lamb stew, delicious!


For those of you who think that the hornazo is a fiefdom of Castilla y León, and more particularly of Salamanca, we are sorry to give you some bad news: you are wrong We have already told you on some occasion about the hornazos that were in Spain, but we have wanted to stop at the one that offers Guadalajara, and not only in Lent.

And despite the fact that in some areas it is made following the recipe of the bun with oil pregnant with one or two hard-boiled eggs, the one from the town of Tamajon which, more akin to the Castilian recipe, keeps a meat feast inside.


The hornazo: with a surprise inside


It is very difficult to talk about a single game dish that can represent Guadalajara. In fact, the guadalajara table may well be adorned with a wild boar stew , which in mushroom season can be accompanied by a chanterelle or boletus sauce.

They are also known for their quail dishes, such as pickled quail , a game dish in which a carnival of very top spices is always present. And the deer, hare or partridge they can also make an appearance, some of them even in exquisite sausages.

pickled rabbit

Pickled rabbit, a real delicacy


Without a doubt, it is one of the hallmarks of the province of Cuenca, but its neighbor Guadalajara is not far behind in the preparation of this typical dish of La Mancha cuisine. The Morteruelo of Guadalajara it's a mènage a trois pork liver, field rabbit meat and bread. The result is something that might resemble to pate if it weren't for that spicy touch that characterizes it so much.


Also known as “shepherd crumbs” . Anyone who claims that you cannot talk about the gastronomy of a region without first having tasted its crumbs, is correct.

The migas of La Alcarria, as is customary in La Mancha, are made the day before with good garlic, chorizo ​​and bacon. It is not uncommon for it to be served in a huge pan and eaten around it. They are accompanied with grapes and yes, it is a unique dish.

Manchegan crumbs

Migas alcarreña, also known as migas del pastor


As the name suggests, the floury is a bun that is made with flour and which is basically filled with grapes, hence in some areas of Guadalajara they are known as “grape cakes”.

At first it may look like a hornazo, but its taste has nothing to do with it. In the preparation it is used bread dough, leavened with sourdough, which has been flavored with anise and lemon peel, and filled with black grapes . They are a delicacy in Sigüenza, where the Doncel yolks are also famous.


The floury ones: you will not be able to take just one bite


Very typical in Guadalajara capital, although they can be found in practically the entire province. There is no food or celebration in the city of Guadalajara that does not end with these delicacies.

It is a cake batter flavored with lemon or orange, that is soaked in a warm syrup made with wine, liquor and cinnamon. Although it is said that it is tradition to eat them for Carnival, drunken biscuits are not lacking in patisseries not even one day of the year , as they are one of the hallmarks of the city's gastronomy.

Drunk biscuits

Biscuits from Cogolludo (Guadalajara)


No, we are not facing another barbecue; it would be a bit difficult to introduce a whole leg of cow in an oven.

If there is something that you presume Mill of Aragon (in addition to its castle) it is this curious sweet that makes travelers with a sweet tooth lose their minds. It is a very popular sponge cake in local pastry shops, with a delicate flavor and "rockanroleado" of a pastry cream that takes away the meaning. Not many people know about this whim of the gods, but it's never too late.

cow feet

Cow legs from Molina de Aragón


Although it is not a specific dish, it would be an insult not to mention the most international food in Guadalajara, the one with which countless recipes are made. Honey from La Alcarria has had its own ** Denomination of Origin for 26 years ** and covers the municipalities of Guadalajara and Cuenca. The characteristic flavor of its honey is thanks to the lavender or rosemary that grows in its fields and feeds the bees.

And when you're ready to pair, don't forget that in Guadalajara it is toasted with Mondéjar wine, its possibly most unknown Denomination of Origin . You have homework.

Honey from La Alcarria

Honey from La Alcarria, with its own Denomination of Origin for 26 years

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