Do you want to travel to Copenhagen and look for the secret of happiness... with all expenses paid?


girl sitting on her back in copenhagen

Happiness awaits you!

In Copenhagen was born hygge , that philosophy that finds happiness in the little things . A There are more bicycles than cars, here there is an ecological awareness that led it to be European Green Capital in 2014 thanks, among other things, to promoting policies such as that no citizen should live more than 15 minutes on foot from a green zone. In Copenhagen, finally, It is one of the best places to live in the world. as successively cries out the prestigious magazine monocle , specializing in lifestyles.

Another title that the city also carries with pride? The capital of the ** second happiest country in the world ** (or the first, depending on the year). That yes, Denmark always tops the atlas of well-being, and for this reason, IKEA has chosen it as a base of operations to seek happiness.

bike friends in copenhagen

You better know how to ride a bike...

The seeker they designate must be curious, travel-loving and sociable , and he must like to get in front of a camera, because he will have to share his findings with the world. In return, the furniture company will offer you, for two weeks in September, a house, free meatballs at his restaurant, all travel expenses paid -including those of the many visits that will have been scheduled for you- and A salary that corresponds to the average life of the country.

To participate in this fun contest you just have to fill in the application form Y attach a 60 second video explaining why you think you would be the best happiness researcher in the world -both tasks must be done in English-. We are sure that you will love copenhagen , and few opportunities more special than this you will have to visit it. Now, do you think you have what it takes to get such a peculiar job...?

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