Spain in 44 curious facts… and amazingly real



Spain always so surprising

- If it were a country, ** Castilla y León ** (with 94,226 km2) would occupy position 19 of the largest states in Europe ahead of Portugal (92,100 km2) or Austria (83,870 km2). _(Source: EU) _

- According to the international wine observatory, Spain is the country with the largest area of ​​vineyards (967 million hectares -mha-) of the world. It is seconded by China (870 mha) and France (787 mha).

- Only three autonomous communities have **more population than the city of Madrid** without counting the Community of Madrid itself: Catalonia, Valencian Community and Andalusia. _(Source: INE) _

- According to the Spanish Road Network of the Ministry of Public Works, the AP-7N, with 849 kilometers , is the longest road in Spain. Yes, from end to end, the N-340 can be considered the longest with 1,248 km , although the fact of having been renamed and modified in several sections means that it does not officially hold the record.

Cruïlles Monells and Sant Sadurní de l'Heura

Cruïlles Monells and Sant Sadurní de l'Heura

- In Spain there are three points considered the most central. Meco has the tradition and even a papal bull that allowed him to eat meat on Fridays during Lent because of its distance from the sea. However, with a topographical map in hand, the town farthest from the Spanish coast is Nombela (Toledo), which is 364 km from the sea while the center of the Peninsula is within I paint (Madrid's community) . _(Source: National Geographic Institute) _

- The Forest of Oma (Vizcaya) has 47 trees painted, baptized and registered by the artist Agustín Ibarrola in what is the most outstanding work of Land Art in Spain.

- You will need to 112 years and 6 months to sleep in all the hotel beds currently in Benidorm. _(Source: Statista) _

- The fact that the Great Wall of China can be seen from space is one of the biggest urban legends that exist. In fact, the most outstanding human action that can be seen beyond the stratosphere is the sea of ​​plastics in Almería. (Source: El Mundo, with statements by Pedro Duque)

Sierra de Grazalema

The point with the highest rainfall is in the Sierra de Grazalema (Cádiz)

- At the end of june, in Finisterre the sun sets at 22:20, which shows that the Spanish time zone is nonsense (as well as a blessing for the terraceo).

- Only Barcelona has more modernist buildings than Melilla.

- According to the Maxmind toponyms database, there are up to 53 cities named Valencia in the world, 49 ** Zaragozas ** and 43 ** Toledos. **

- In Lanzarote you can find the only underwater museum in Europe while in Cartagena there is one of the two monographic underwater archeology museums. The other is in Bodrum, Turkey.

- In Valencia there is the one considered as narrowest house in Europe, a building with a facade of 107 cm located in the Lope de Vega square.


At the end of June, in Finisterre the sun sets at 10:20 p.m.

- In Spain you drink more than a liter of gin (1.07) per person per year, which places it in first place in the world. _(Source: Statista Consumer Market Outlook) _

- According to the INE, 27.4% of the Spanish population have not tried not a drop of alcohol in the last 12 months.

- In Navaleno (Soria), is Arotz, the farm dedicated to the cultivation of truffle biggest in the world.

- The asteroid numbered 3851 is named after the Alhambra in homage to the red fortress of Granada.

- Between the Teide (3,718 meters) and the Atlantic Ocean (at the height of San Juan de la Rambla) there is only a linear distance of 13.8 kilometers. If a road were drawn that directly linked both points, its average gradient would be 26.94%.


The largest farm dedicated to the cultivation of truffles in the world is in Navaleno (Soria)

- Navarre, La Rioja and Extremadura are the only Autonomous Communities that do not have no Starbucks. You will not enjoy these cafeterias either in Ceuta or Melilla.

- On July 28, the record for more flights operated in Spain, with a total of 7,328 that were managed in our airspace. (Source: Europe Press)

- Google Arts & Culture It has 104 digitized art collections from institutions located in Spain.

- Sierra Nevada it is the highest station in Europe since it reaches 3,300 meters above sea level at its highest point.

- Spain is the country with more UNESCO Biosphere Reserves from all over the world thanks to its 49 protected assets. It is followed by Russia, with 45 and Mexico, with 42. _(Source: UNESCO) _


The Doñana National Park is the largest nature reserve in Europe

- Throughout 2017, the Santiago de Compostela pilgrims' office received a total of 301,036 penitents, of which 43 completed the path in a wheelchair.

- The concept of 'wine tourism' was registered by a Rioja town, new village of Ebro, although its authorities decided years ago not to litigate against anyone who makes commercial use of this word due to lack of resources and time. Yes indeed, no one takes away from having the URL registered.

- Every six months Pheasant Island (at the mouth of the Bidasoa), she changes her nationality, going from being Spanish to French.

- ** Menorca ** was a English colony for almost the entire 18th century, 94 years ending with the Treaty of Amiens in 1802.

- From 1998 to 2016 the population of female brown bears with cubs recorded in the Cantabrian System went from 6 to 40. _(Source: Fundación del Oso Pardo) _

Santiago's road

The pilgrim office of Santiago de Compostela received 300,000 penitents last year

- Spain, unlike other European countries, only has one large glacial lake: Sanabria Lake.

- In Rojales, Alicante, 67.8% of the population is British, which makes it the municipality with more than 10,000 inhabitants with the highest percentage of foreigners. _(Source: INE) _

- For decades it was spread that the Winter Villa, on Cofete beach, had served as a control tower and supply point for the Nazi submarines. Declassified FBI papers in 2007 began to cast doubt on this urban legend by ensuring that everything was based on rumours. In addition, the ABC newspaper uncovered a year ago that said tower was built in 1947, so it could not help the German navy during the II.G.M.

- Last year at Mercamadrid they sold 4,229,098 kilos of tuna. _(Source: Mercamadrid) _

- Inaugurated in 1901, the ** Tibidabo ** (Barcelona) amusement park is the oldest in Spain.


Tibidabo is the oldest amusement park in Spain

- The most common street name in Spain is 'Main Street' while the square one is 'Main Square'.

- Runway 18R/36L of the Madrid Barajas-Adolfo Suárez airport is three times longer than the Gran Vía Madrid.

- The **stained glass windows of León Cathedral** occupy a total area of ​​1,800! m2.

- The cactus garden that César Manrique designed in Lanzarote accumulates a total of 450 different varieties of these xerophytic plants.

- In Cuacos of Yuste there's a german military cemetery with 180 graves dedicated to the fallen soldiers (almost by chance) in Spanish territory during the two world wars. Eight of them belong to unidentified people.

- Athough it does not seems, more than a half (54.8% of the total) of the Spanish area is occupied by Forest mass while forests cover 18 million hectares, which represents 32% of the entire country. _(Source: INE) _


The majestic cathedral of León

- The Camp Nou Experience receive in one year only 200,000 fewer visitors than the sum of those attending FC Barcelona matches in a season. _(Source: LaLiga and FC Barcelona) _

- If all the fountains of the Granja de San Ildefonso started up at the same time they would consume 9,000 cubic meters of water per hour, which is what the entire Community of Madrid in 10 minutes. _(Source: Wikipedia and Canal II Segunda) _

- In the province of ** Castellón ** there are already more festival travelers than sun and beach tourists. _(Source: Valencian Community Tourism) _

- Frias, in Burgos, is considered as the city (has the title of town since 1435) smallest in Spain having only 283 inhabitants. _(Source: INE) _

- The King Abdul Aziz al Saud Mosque in Marbella is not only the most spectacular modern Islamic temple in Spain, it also houses up to 30,000 Koranic, religious and literature books from Al-Andalus. _(Source: WebIslam) _

The Farm of San Ildefonso

The Farm of San Ildefonso

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