Malaga with foam: its craft beers


Malaga with foam its craft beers

Malaga with foam: its craft beers


Javier and Charo They have fulfilled your (their) dream. They both lived in Madrid. He, born in Switzerland and dedicated to foreign trade, since he was 13 years old. She, Sevillian and market researcher, since she turned 18. Both, yes, with just the right time for everything, tired of traffic jams, crowds, asphalt and frenetic work rhythms. In 2010 they met and soon after an idea was hatched: break what they did not like and escape to a small town to set up their own business , if possible, linked with beer.

frigiliana captivated them, although that is the simplest part of this story: white alleys full of geraniums under the shelter of a great mountain to which the salty sea breeze reaches . A place with an interesting cultural life where Japanese tourists greet neighbors in al fresco cattail chairs. There Javier and Charo opened a garage where cars do not park. A site where the protagonist of the album cover The Battle of Los Angeles , of Rage Against The Machine , raises a beer. And in which you can find up to 200 references of this drink. It is the headquarters of La domadora y el León, Javier and Charo's firm that carries its own craft beer as its flag: La Axarca, one of the first in Malaga and born in September 2013.

La Axarca is the fruit of that (your) adventure. A tropical beer with character from Malaga . That smells of mango, artichoke, candies and pear. And that pairs perfectly with fish fry from Malaga, sushi or a good guacamole. One of the ideal places to take it is the Sollun restaurant, in Nerja, one of the best in town. But also, as recommended by Spain Food Sherpas, in El Acebuchal, that place that came out of a fairy tale, hidden between the mountains of Cómpeta and with magnificent homemade food. . The Garden restaurant is also worth a visit , back in Frigiliana and with the best views in the area: sea, valley, town and mountains. Everything at once. Robert, his cook, has created a specific dish for this beer. Ojito: panko crusted prawns, nigella, sesame and coriander seeds with fennel and chili pepper and sliced ​​octopus. If it sounds good, imagine how it tastes. Just like making your (their) beer dreams come true. Or is it that you have never thought about it?

Do not miss the artisanal Axarca

Do not miss the artisanal Axarca


Malaqa beer hit the streets with four varieties with crazy names: Kernel panic, Awesome bear, Tortuga and Brown Ale . Beers that ferment in the Malaga factory to the rhythm of a Spotify list with the music of Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters or Muse. Also Deftones , who name their fifth beer with one of their songs Malaqa: Back to school, born in the late summer of 2014.

The story of its creators, Paul and Army , resembles that of many other people: two friends who love this drink who, one day, after having a few beers, decide to purchase a kit to create their own . Except that, in this case, the adventure worked better than expected: they enjoyed their wines, but also the family, the friends, the friends... And the laboratory to which they sent a sample, where they were amazed when they found out that they had made it at home.

Faced with such a response, and two years after that idea, in February 2014 Malaqa beers were on the street. Since then, they have also made special and exclusive editions for specific places. Like Mosquito , which can only be purchased at the beach bar with the same name in Punta Umbria, in Huelva . It is essential to try the Tortuga variety with a dessert and the powerful Awesome Bear (9.2 degrees) with a spicy Mexican food like the one from l Tepito , in the Plaza de los Mártires in the capital of Malaga. In Malaqa they can produce up to 6,000 liters per month at their facilities in the El Viso industrial estate, where they hold training courses and on Saturdays there are guided tours. Now they have released a mobile application to find out where you can try it: impossible to miss.




Its creators say that Troyano is a secret weapon that keeps inside an army from the most powerful European hops: for us it is a delicious beer with five different malts and a red color almost as intense as that of its label. They also emphasize that each drop of Project Fear is pure bitterness : This powerful and light American variety contains a very high IBU content, that system that, with an incomprehensible formula, measures the level of beer bitterness. Both are brands owned by 84 brewers, a team made up of young Daniel and Jesús, who started brewing beer professionally at the end of 2014 after the success of those made for their friends in an amateur way. They always release limited editions, so if you don't catch them at the moment you run out of them. And it is quite likely that while you are reading this text the last one has ended.

If you find them, your site is Sun Wines , in the capital of Malaga, with interesting pairings. If they run out, don't worry, because 84 brewers are already fermenting the next variety they intend to release in August. An important date for them since they will also bring to market the variety made for the winery Antigua Casa de Guardia, the mythical wine tavern in the center of Malaga of which they are now part and in whose facilities they have their small factory with a capacity of 2,000 litres.


Almogía is closer to Málaga than the curves of its road make it seem. It's barely 20 kilometers, but it takes 40 minutes to get there. White houses, narrow streets and a complicated geography mark one of the cradles of the verdiales, pure folklore of the Montes de Málaga that you have to listen yes or yes. A freezer in winter and an oven in summer. Right there, among olive, almond and pine trees, Carma is brewed, a beer started by two friends who worked in the construction sector. Seeing how the landscape was, they thought it could be an interesting way out if everything went wrong . While they were making their first recipes, indeed, everything went wrong: they were both on the street. But in bad weather, a good face.

Their settlements served to start up the factory and Carma released its first beers last April in five varieties ranging from the strongest for craft beer regulars to the softest, ideal for those who have not yet entered this world. All the bars in town have Carma beers, from the classic Molino Pub to the Casa Meño restaurant , where to try them together with some sirloins. also on sale Brown Brothers , in the nearby Pastelero neighborhood: a classic stop for homemade food, ideal for Sundays when the heat goes away. If it goes.


A beer born between olive groves and almond trees


Torre del Mar is the neighborhood of Vélez-Málaga with a beach. He always wanted to be independent and, although he has requested it on occasion, they have never let him. We are on the eastern Costa del Sol, with beaches with hardly any stress, a more familiar tourism and a concept of life, in general, quite calm and far from that western Costa del Sol that they captain, depending on why, Torremolinos and Marbella. Torre del Mar is also where Murex is manufactured, where they assimilate that philosophy and use the products that are closest to you to make your, for now, six varieties of beer. One of them carries cane sugar produced in your region. And they also use Muscatel grapes from the vineyards of the Axarquia for the elaboration of the rich Raisins Triple Malt , without a doubt the most intense of its series and with a touch of liquor.

Although they can be found in a good number of establishments in the municipality, a great place to try them is the Jordan restaurant. There you can pair your chocolate desserts with the black or blonde variety with any of the salads. Murex, which came onto the market in March 2014, is something of a giant in the local sector with its production of between 3,000 and 5,000 liters per week and intends to continue growing . So much so that it can be found in places as varied as the gourmet section of The English Court of Malaga or the classic Malaga Pimpi . There is nothing.


Beyond luxury, Eva Longoria, the yachts in Puerto Banús, Julio Iglesias and the Jaguars parked one after another as if nothing had happened, there is another Marbella. An attractive and royal city, with wide urban beaches, an essential historical center and small places that never appear in the photos, except when the Obamas go. An example is art galleries such as Polígono Gallery or Yusto/Giner, which have decided to go to the outskirts, to the industrial areas. It is precisely where you can find La Catarina Craft, a brew bar that pays homage with a long bar to the product they make right there: craft beer . And where they have opted to give names with local dye to their varieties: white saw (like the mountainous massif that rises in front of Marbella), Golden Mile (for Marbella's Golden Mile), Blast furnace (for being the second city with blast furnaces in Spanish history) and Cross of Juanar (which takes its name from one of the peaks in the area). They can all be tasted in this modern bar where you can accompany them with hamburgers and Mexican-inspired dishes.

La Catarina Craft is based on an old industrial warehouse decorated with furniture from its promoters , pictures of friends, demijohns as lamps and light boards where they advertise anything, as well as a pool table for gamers and sofas for onlookers. Show rooms, exhibitions, DJ sessions or live music complete an intense weekly agenda for this space where they produce 4,000 liters per month of their beer varieties . Several restaurants and hotels in the area also have them already. It is essential to pair a citrus Sierra Blanca with sushi, ceviche or a tataki of good red tuna from Cadiz, as they were taught in the restaurants of Puente Romano. You will not be forgotten.

the ladybug

The beer showroom


Some people send postcards on their travels. Also, who buys beers to collect bottles. With Gaitanejo, you will have two in one, because his label features the Caminito del Rey: a recently rehabilitated high-altitude path along which Jesús Calleja himself has walked with his television crew. The history of Gaitanejo was born just over a year ago the fans of two young people from Ardales that, after doing separate tests, decided to join forces and bring a beer to the market . For now they only have one variety pale ale , although for autumn they will launch a blonder version. Their commitment to craftsmanship goes further and the first hop plants have already blossomed in their orchards. If the tests go well, they will be able to use the harvest in their beers together with the barley that is grown in the area: they will achieve their goal of use only own products for the recipe.

For now, to try Gaitanejo you will have to travel to Ardales because the region itself drinks the 500 liters of each batch they manufacture. In the town all the bars have it but -especially now in summer- the surroundings of the El Chorro swamp It is the ideal to taste it. First, because there you can take a refreshing dip. And, second, because you can accompany it with delicious cheeses, Guadalhorce orchard and meats such as suckling goat from Malaga. From Spain Food Sherpas they recommend restaurants such as La Garganta, El mirador or El kiosko, which will surely not disappoint you.


The beer of the Caminito del Rey


Rebeldía is the pioneer of craft beers in Malaga. It began to take shape in 2011 as a result of the efforts of a team that was born around a cooperative and La Casa Invisible as the center of operations and, at that time, the only place to test it). The thing was growing and they pulled crowdfunding to keep moving forward and have your own factory. Today they produce a thousand liters every six weeks and their beer can be found in very different places, such as social markets and consumer groups, but also in establishments such as The piano , an interesting little vegan restaurant in the center of Malaga or El Reloj , a wonderful spice shop in which it is possible to get lost.

They have two lines of rebel beers: a blonde with aromas of tropical fruits such as mango or papaya that they recommend pairing with Parmesan cheese, olives or dried tomato; and another toast, wood color and more appetizing to take with grilled meats, grilled fish and salty foods. The Rebeldía team also carries out tastings and training courses wherever they are requested through its website.


Pablo Rosas, a doctor in microbiology, had been making his own beer at home for a few years with a kit of just 50 liters . In those days, Juan José Rivas, a distant relative of his, was testing it and contributing his amateur opinion. The product was improving and a little over a year ago they decided that it was worth putting it on the market when they were presented with a unique opportunity: to acquire the machinery of an old malt beer factory in the La Malagueta neighborhood . After a year of repairs, in May 2015 they were able to release the first 3,200-litre run of Rosas de Málaga, one of the last beers to flourish.

Their philosophy is very local, both in production, where they use Coín mandarins or Axarquia mangoes, and in sales: for now they only want to supply the Malaga market so that it is well supplied and their beer is never lacking. every friday and Saturday morning they visit their factory in Alhaurín de la Torre for those who want to know the manufacturing process and participate in tastings. Rosas de Málaga works perfectly as an aperitif, although due to its Belgian style it pairs perfectly with meat. Its creators recommend us to drink it at El Muro, one of the few bars in the center of Malaga where you can enjoy a beer listening to Radiohead. In Spain Food Sherpas, they also recommend you try it in Mulse, in Victory Corner . The restaurant is owned by Juan José Rivas himself: nothing like having a beer at the manufacturer's house.


Manufactured with a long-standing machine


The tasting notes say that Costa del Sol beer is the one indicated for warm and bright days. Also for nights away from the cool. It must have been then the beer of the summer or, rather, of that heat wave that we are suffering in 2015 as a summer season: warm and bright days we have had quite a few this year. Costa del Sol is one of the varieties of Babel beers, an initiative of two brothers from Estepona with experience in the world of wines. And that they have opted to change sides by creating five very light options with low alcohol content launched on the market in November 2014.

Its varieties range from the aforementioned Costa del Sol with citrus and tropical aromas -perfect for tapas- to the American IPA, orange in color and reminiscent of peach, papaya and apricot, which pairs very well with red meats. In Babel they bet that everyone drinks the beer as they please and at the time they prefer, they also recommend some places to pair them: the La Casa del Rey and El Paso restaurants in Estepona. For now they produce 2,000 liters per month and sell more outside of Malaga than in the province itself, although if you want to try it, you can also go through their facilities where they carry out tastings that they announce through their website.


estepona brewery


The Trinidad family has traditionally dedicated itself to table olives in Alhaurin the Great , a town in the interior of Malaga. But they decided it was time to innovate. And they changed sides. Daniel, the creator of it, was just back home from England, where he got into the world of beer and thought it was time to make his own. Eye: his father seemed fine. He attended courses, visited factories, wrapped the blanket around his head and launched his beer under the name of the family surname, Trinidad. It went on the market in December of last year with two varieties. Blonde ale, more refreshing and smooth, for snacks; Y American pale ale, with more body and great to accompany with aged cheeses and meats. They have recently released a third option brown ale, toasted and with notes of coffee and caramel, It goes very well with desserts.

Although they have triple the capacity, for now they are producing about 2,000 liters per month at their factory in Alhaurín el Grande, which can be visited at the tastings that they organize and announce. on their Facebook page. Another great place to try it is Santiago's Kitchen, a beautiful international cuisine restaurant located in an old restored town house that is only open for dinner. And if you are looking for something more to walk around the house, in La Higuera you will find the typical cuisine of the town, perfect to pair with its local beer.


The craft of Alhaurín El Grande


Without discussion, the symbol of Ronda is El Tajo. That amazing bridge a hundred meters over the Guadalevín river that unites the city. And that leaves some postcard prints wherever you look at it. The Rondeña craft beer is precisely the protagonist of the label, the result of the initiative of Celedonio Arias and Salvador Márquez, two residents of the town who wanted to change course. The first, ceasing to work as an employee. The second, leaving the hospitality industry after 27 years in the sector with a pizzeria. They got to work and now they say that they themselves do not believe they have produced a beer like Rondeña.

For now, you can practically only try it in Ronda locals: you will have to travel there to drink it. One recommendation is to do it at the Malastrana beer bar, but if you also want to have tapas with Ronda products, all you have to do is go to La taberna, in Plaza del Socorro, centrally located and away from the tourist kitchen, as Spain Food recommends. Sherpas. There you can accompany your Rondeña with everything that Carlos, the chef, and his team suggest. Lamb skewer with cane honey, salad with goat cheese, beef burgers with boletus, porra antequerana or a local serranito, for instance. They started producing 1,800 liters per month, they have just doubled the figure and hope to triple it in the short term. For now they produce outside the city but, soon, they will have their own factory, too, near The Tagus of Ronda.


Celedonio and Salvador left everything for beer


In La Vinuela , small and disorderly town in the region of La Axarquia, there is a very special place. It's called Coexist space . And it is a self-managed center where alternative education is worked on, but which also houses other collaborative projects. Jaleo beer was born there, which is defined as one hundred percent vegan, as it does not include any animal food such as honey or fish gelatin. It is launched by Ana and Galo , a couple that firmly believes in this type of gastronomy: so much so that they have also launched their Vegan Fácil project, whose greatest exponent is the vegan menu that is offered every Sunday at La Casa Invisible and on Thursdays at La casa de Grund , in Malaga's Soho . Jaleo is a triple malt beer, with orange peel and spiced with cardamom and coriander, which give it a very particular touch and very little bitterness. Its creators say that it rhymes perfectly with a seitan in mustard and apple sauce, so we will have to try it.

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Jaleo Beer

It rhymes perfectly with seitan in mustard and apple sauce

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