Restaurant of the week: Gofio



Rabbit trout with Canarian salmorejo injected with aromatic herbs

Gofio, coarse corn, wheat or barley flour toasted and occasionally mixed with sugar, It has been the main source of food for the Canarian people and one of its hallmarks for hundreds of years.

A product with a lot of baggage behind it that gives its name to a restaurant in full Neighborhood of the letters in which a message is transmitted maximum canarity.

Here there is a clear common thread and a great desire to tell it through his dishes, no posturing or nonsense. In ** Gofio ** no aspect is left behind and this is perceived from the first moment: a creative cuisine who knows how to exploit every nuance of the dish to make it more attractive.

If this is accompanied by close and professional room management that explains each pass in detail, the experience of visiting Gofio is a pleasure. The room has recently renewed its decoration and together with the watercolors by Maria Bombassat in the walls we can travel to the Canary Islands without taking planes.


All the Canarian flavor in the neighborhood of Las Letras

safe cross and his entire team show that Canarian cuisine goes beyond wrinkled potatoes with mojo and they do so by renewing classic dishes combining aesthetics, textures, temperatures and everything that can lead to an evolution without losing sight of the taste.

The formula to display your message consists of three tasting menus of different extension where the renewed ideas of the Canarian cookbook are expressed. It is accompanied by an interesting islands wine list, with references from all the wineries and among which there is more than one rarity worthy of enjoyment.


A renewed Canarian recipe book presented in three tasting menus

From your current menu Maximum Canarity there are several dishes that do not leave you indifferent: the bollito de matalauva with pure flower cheese from sheep from Gran Canaria is juiciness and intensity of flavour.

The Rabbit trout with Canarian salmorejo Injected with aromatic herbs, it is a dumpling that is filled with stew in front of the diner, in this way the crunchy exterior texture is maintained while inside it makes you want to stick a spoon, pure unctuousness.

You could not miss your party meat: the pigeon cooked to the point, tender, with mojo picón, cotufas (toasted corn) and toasted pineapple, also accompanied by the legs of the bird whose meat comes off on its own.


Spicy goat soup, artisan cheese and black garlic tamale

In the sweet section, the roasted milk with tonka bean, cheese and garden herb ice cream (mint) with notes of vanilla, caramel, almonds and broad bean cloves together with the ice cream that refreshes the palate, they form a very interesting ensemble on the palate.

The recipe book for this cuisine is proportional to the number of cultures that have affected it, and in Gofio you can enjoy a large part of it. It is a different and unique concept in Madrid (and also on the islands), there are no copies.

Here the Canary Islands are cooked according to Safe Cruz and that results in exotic, surprising and tasty dishes. Strength and roots.


Safe Cruz and his entire team demonstrate that Canarian cuisine goes beyond wrinkled potatoes with mojo sauce

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