Portugal prohibits the free overnight stay of motorhomes and campers


Mobile home

A perfect means of transport for the security and independence that they guarantee

Portugal is a paradise for lovers of travel in motorhomes and campervans and we, its neighbors, know it well.

According to Spanish Association of Caravanning Industry and Commerce (Aseicar) , registrations increased surprisingly last June, when Almost 9,000 motorhomes were registered in Spain.

The pandemic has changed the way we travel. Nature, fresh air, secondary roads and places with little traffic have become the destination of our adventures, many of them, with the house in tow.

Motorhomes are a perfect means of transport to travel around the security they guarantee, in addition to the feeling of freedom and independence they give us.

There are many motorhomes and campers that cross the border with Portugal to enjoy the wild Atlantic, the fascinating interior, its charming villages and other Portuguese wonders.

However, as of January 2021, The overnight stay of motorhomes and campers is prohibited outside the authorized places, throughout the territory of Portugal.

The most popular routes to travel by motorhome.

Fines range from 60 to 600 euros


The Government of Portugal has thus put an end to the free rental of motorhomes and campers throughout the country, approving the Decree Law 102-B/2020 amending the Traffic Code and in which article 50-A states:

“Prohibition of overnight stays and motorhome parking:

1.(…) Overnight stays and the parking of motorhomes or the like outside the places expressly authorized for this purpose are prohibited.

2. For the purposes of the provisions of the previous number, the following are considered:

a) 'Parking', the parking of the vehicle with space occupation greater than its perimeter;

b) 'Motorhome or similar', the vehicle that has a living space that is adapted for the use of a living space, classified as 'motorhome', 'special bedroom' or 'caravan' by the Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, I. P. ;

c) 'Overnight', the permanence of a motorhome or similar in the parking place, with occupants, between 9:00 p.m. one day and 7:00 a.m. the next day.

3 - Whoever violates the provisions of No. 1 will be sanctioned with fines from (euro) 60 to (euro) 300, except in the case of an overnight stay or parking in areas of the Natura 2000 Network and protected areas, in which case the fine will be from (euro) 120 to (euro) 600 (euro)”.

Camperize your van

The measure has raised opinions of all kinds

This Decree, mandatory since January 2021, is the Transposition of the European Directive 2020/612 and its purpose is to control the overcrowding of this type of tourism because, although most users show respect and care for the environment, some have reprehensible behavior.

Some of the areas that receive the most motorhomes and campers are undoubtedly the beaches, which attract surfers from all over Spain, Portugal and the world.


The coast, one of the main attractions

Rita Marquez, Secretary of State for Tourism of Portugal commented on her twitter account in relation to the measure that "The Action Program for Responsible Caravanism of Tourism of Portugal is making its way. Portugal leader in sustainable tourism! However, users and associations do not agree on some points.


The Portuguese Motorhome Association (CPA) and the Portuguese Motorhome Federation (FPA) , main associations of the sector, have shown their disagreement with the new measure.

The CPA issued an official statement where it says “strongly repudiates the attack on the practice of motorhomes and motorhome citizens that the concept of overnight stay introduced by Decree-Law No. 102-B / 2020 represents.

“In the shadow of the covid-19 containment measures, when everyone internationally argued that motorhomes were the safest and least contagious way to take a family vacation, The Government approved the unjustified and discriminatory measure that motorhomes cannot spend the night in car parks near the beaches. This is a clear violation of the right of motorhomes to access public places”, the statement continues.

The CPA says he will do everything in his power to reverse what he considers "a government decision conditioned to well-placed lobbies without having listened to those interested." And they claim they are working on it legally.

In addition, the CPA has joined forces with the FPA to combat the harmful actions of the motorhome practice. that have been announced for months, complaining to the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, "requesting assistance and, above all, institutional and political intervention.

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