Pristine, grandmother's recipes are already cooked in the Almagro neighborhood


Pristine tripe and stew

Tripe and vigil stew with cod and spinach

Finish a meal by slicing so that not a drop of chocolate is wasted is, without a doubt, a good sign. Spread the bread in the sauce of each plate arriving at the table and asking that they please not remove it yet is also a good indicator.

If all this takes place in a renovated 1945 building so that you feel as warm as you are in your living room, you are probably in ** Prístino , the contemporary restaurant that has just arrived in the Almagro neighborhood.**

Pristine restaurant dessert

The chocolate

It is not that in Pristine you start with dessert, although it would not be a bad idea. The thing is that one keeps thinking about 'The chocolate' for a few days after trying it. It's simple: chocolate ganache with vanilla ice cream from Madagascar and brioche breadcrumbs, which gains in flavor, interest and grace by seasoning it with salt and extra virgin olive oil to taste.

We insist, it is not that you start at the end; but we warn you of how it points out ways so that you remember it when you are busy dipping bread in the sauce of that delight that are their prey meatballs or feel tempted to ask again and again his Russian salad: homemade mayonnaise and pickles as a secret touch.

The usual, the whole life, The recipes of the grandmother'; but with adapted techniques and a current presentation. This is the line on which the chef has worked Jose David Fernandez To elaborate a letter from Madrid that will change as the seasons do to stay true to the seasonal raw material.

Thus, when the cold makes an appearance, the spoon dishes They do the same with proposals such as the tripe with nose and leg served in a clay pot, the Castilian lentils with their sacraments or the vigil stew with chick peas, cod and spinach.

What we say about the Russian salad will never be enough, but it shares space in the Starters section with other proposals that also deserve their minute (or more) of glory, such as the Iberian ham croquettes or its juicy and undercooked potato omelette.

Oxtail with Oloroso Parmentier

Oxtail with Oloroso parmentier

The Principals are distributed among proposals from the sea, such as the Cod confit Madrid style ; and options for carnivores: or was the mythical ox tail ? In this case, prepared with Parmentier de Oloroso.

“Each week we include up to four new suggestions on the menu with fresh seasonal produce. Now, for example, the protagonists of these elaborations are mushrooms, artichokes, game meats or queen scallops”, explains Miguel Marcos, director of communication, to

Traditional dishes that alternate with other seasonal ones to join the trend of neo-food houses, but always looking for the differentiated element. “In Prístino we focus on the purely Madrid cookbook, but without falling into clichés, and we use contemporary techniques that imply, for example, the use of the Josper oven, the Roner… ”, he points out.

Not surprisingly, Pristine means old, primeval.


Because we don't value simplicity enough and we tend to forget (and even revile) the usual, those recipes with which we grew up, until we sat down before a menu in which each dish does not require lines and lines of explanation to understand what one is going to eat. So yes, then one feels at home. Do not call us basic, we have simply learned to value what we have close.


Its warm and comfortable rooms will soon have company: a heated outdoor terrace for about 35 customers. Same menu as inside for lunch and dinner; and drinks between meals. “The project will start after Christmas. The idea is to get it ready before spring, we hope for the month of February”.

Pristine Restaurant Lounge

Pristine Restaurant Hall: Feeling like home was this

Address: Paseo de Eduardo Dato, 8 See map

Telephone: 91.737.36.40

Schedule: From 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Fridays and Saturdays, until 00:30 a.m.). closed on sunday night

Half price: €35

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