The Real Fábrica de Eventos, the place to celebrate an unusual wedding


the event factory

The Event Factory

After too long a break, the world of weddings returns with more strength and enthusiasm than ever. And with them new openings, trends and concepts that do nothing more than show that we want to celebrate with family, friends and partner a day that – for many – will be remembered for life.

That is why the opening of the Real Fábrica de Eventos comes as a breath of fresh air in these times of uncertainty, but at the perfect moment when the light at the end of the tunnel is already beginning to glimpse. A few steps from the main access door to the San Ildefonso Farm –on the other side of the walls– we located the historic Royal Glass Factory that has been standing for more than 250 years.

Right in the same facilities, the creators of the space La Estación Industrial Events, Jorge Pascual Ballester (Jorge Pascual from Espacios Prados Riveros) with Cristina Rodríguez Diez de Baldeón (Cristina & Co) have decided to join forces together with Artigot Catering , to create this unique enclave where design and industrial character is one of its most significant attractions. Come and see.

Interior of the old Crystal Factory

Interior of the old Crystal Factory


Before entering fully into everything that the guest is going to find as soon as he crosses the doors of the venue, one must understand that this is not a place to use. The Royal Glass Factory makes up a set of buildings totaling around 25,000 m2 of built surface and that over the centuries has become one of the main attractions of La Granja de San Ildefonso in Segovia.

“Built in the 18th century (between 1770 and 1784), it was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1997 and translates into a jewel of industrial architecture. The building is preserved as it was created and the most significant thing is that throughout its history it has always had the same use as a glass factory, it has not been used for any other function than this," they tell from own Foundation of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja.

Main hall of the old Crystal Factory

Main hall of the old Crystal Factory

250 years of history that have been since the 1980s – period in which the foundation was promoted by the City Council – recovering all the existing heritage around the factory. “Since then we have been preserving not only the building, but also the trade what is the most important where they come into play many jobs such as blowers, carvers, engravers, decorators and other professionals that make it possible that more than two centuries later this is still standing " , they add from the foundation.

Currently, in addition to the work related to the world of glass, visitors can access the Technological Museum, witness a live demonstration of the work in the ovens, receive training on the techniques they use on a daily basis or even take home some of the handcrafted pieces that can be purchased at the Royal Crystal Factory itself.

Samples that both in their day and today, served to supply the royal houses and other relevant personalities and that they have nothing to envy to other types of glass such as Murano glass or Bohemian glass.

A building of great value that now opens a new chapter in its history, managing to combine the tradition of a trade that has a great legacy with a new way of understanding events. We cannot think of a better possible combination to say 'yes, I do'.

the event factory

The Event Factory


The founders of La Estación (Jorge Pascual Ballester and Cristina Rodríguez Diez de Baldeón) knew the history of the Royal Glass Factory of La Granja because they loved this Segovian destination and they had frequented it many times.

There came a time when they decided to expand their wedding and event business, p Proposing to the director of the National Glass Center Foundation to reform those areas of the factory that were in disuse and transform them into spaces suitable for any type of celebration. Maintaining –of course– **the function and compatibility of the museum's activity and the work of creating glass. **

“We made them a proposal in September with all the reform and restoration work and we reached that exploitation agreement in force for a decade. In November we began with the work, the investment and we revitalized the spaces that were most punished by the passage of time," Jorge and Cristina told

"This is an unprecedented proposal where people will be able to know the historical importance of the enclave, in addition to all the economic development that it entails for the area”, they add.

One of the corners of the outdoor patio

One of the corners of the outdoor patio

They used the year of the pandemic – when most weddings were canceled, postponed or celebrated in a different way – to create the entire project and get it ready with the lifting of restrictions. It is now when this wonderful complex opens its doors that promises not to leave anyone indifferent.

“Having the opportunity to attend an event in a historic place and being able to see all the activity that takes place there, It will be a very positive experience for all those people who visit us”, they conclude.

One of the corners inside La Fábrica de Eventos

One of the corners inside La Fábrica de Eventos


There are four main spaces with which the visitor is going to find as soon as he crosses the doors of the Real Fábrica de Eventos:

-The first is called 'Half Earth Courtyard', which translates into a centenary patio destined to carry out the civil ceremonies. For those couples who prefer religious weddings, a short distance from the complex there are the Royal Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, Our Lady of the Rosary or Our Lady of Sorrows.

-After the ceremony we went to a patio for open-air cocktails located in the nave of the old ovens. Otherwise, it has another interior space for when the weather conditions do not accompany or for celebrations during the colder months.

-The one known as the 'woodshed ship', which is in part the workshop area where glass is still worked following the oldest and most traditional methods, is where they will offer the banquets. "A large nave covered with two waters, with armor that rests on a central line of granite pillars", comment the founders.

-Finally, it is the turn of the disco, located in the Nave of the old ovens. "A vaulted space, with a unique architecture that preserves all the details of this emblematic place with so much history," they add. Along with this, a kind of greenhouse with a floor in black and white mosaic format that serves as an extension of the dance area or for those guests who wish to rest from the bustle of music. And pay close attention to the impressive lamps in the toilets!

the event factory

The Event Factory

“The Royal Events Factory gathers the essence of the classicism of La Granja with the industrial style marked by the factory and for the use of it”, indicate Jorge and Cristina.

To the question of why future couples should contemplate this infrastructure to give themselves the future 'yes, I do', its founders are the ones who answer the question: “For us it is perfect because of the experience it entails, because of the comfort for the guest because it is close to Madrid and other parts of Castilla y León. It is not a place for boyfriends who want the usual, but couples who prefer different spaces and that is exactly where we come in”.

Not to mention the menu Artigot Catering, Although they offer a closed option, it can always be modified, adapting to the needs of each client. "This year we already have quite a few weddings booked and next year we hope to have more," they add.

Royal Event Factory… Stay with his name because he promises to give a lot to talk about during this season and all those to come!

the event factory

The Event Factory

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