The cheesecake that madrileños fall in love with


Updated on the day: 09/23/21. He used to take them personally to your house. Now that production is much higher, the client has to go to look for them at home.

alex cordobes, a young man from Madrid who prepares his cheesecakes in his Las Rozas oven, he started making an average of ten cheesecakes a day. Now, given the success achieved –and the many requests that he had to reject because he did not give enough–, he is already preparing the imminent opening of a new larger premises that will also have a store part.

Until Las Rozas (and soon, until the new workshop) the well-informed come to collect them that they have heard wonderful things about them and that they have taken the precaution of ordering them in time (at least a week). We are not bluffing. Neither does he. Demand far exceeds supply.

Álex Cordobés' cheesecakes have become a real sensation in Madrid gossips (and the Madrid changing rooms). Everything is absolutely handmade. He does everything and spends about an hour on each of them. From there you just have to do the math to explain the select production.

Álex has no confectionery training, but he does have a lot of skill, a lot of perseverance (in the last year he has made more than a thousand, and the last ones are nothing like the first ones) and a history of many hours in the his grandmother's kitchen in England and in all the ones in which he has been allowed to mess around throughout his life (long before that cheesecake boom that he is experiencing these days).

Good food also influences the final result. Alex is clear. And he doesn't joke about his providers, like the "collector's" eggs from Cowards and Hens , which ensures that no one else uses it to make the cheesecakes. They inevitably bite off the side of him but, still, he is clear on it." I am linked to them in this project and it is indisputable ”, He assures him vehemently. With them, Galician cheeses from a small producer , artisan cream and very controlled amounts of sugar and salt (supervised by his uncle, a doctor), on a delicious biscuit base: there is only wax that burns.

One of Álex Cordobs' cheesecakes

Definition of scatter: Extend or spread without order and in different directions the elements of something that is piled up, ordered or that forms a set


It all started less than a year ago. By then Álex worked in the physiotherapy clinic together with his grandfather and, in his free time, she made it compatible with his pastry passion: “I made cakes for friends and family and they told me they were very good; little by little I was giving more to try and people were liking it”.

Regardless of who tasted them, the reaction was unanimous: “this is incredible”, so he did not hesitate to start contacting gastronomic critics to know their opinion . He himself would put them on his shoulder and carry them to his house. To his surprise, they showered him with "more praise, even, than within his own circle."



From there everything was shot. Word of mouth and networks did their job . His Instagram account demonstrates this, which, with just twenty posts, has more than 7,600 followers, including some who come from the Real Madrid changing rooms and who do not hesitate to tag him in their family birthday photos in front of his millions of followers. followers, attentive to everything they do, he says (and also, eat).


First it was the traditional cheese , after that of White chocolate (which is, according to his words, the one that receives the most compliments) and, later, the chocolate mix of dark and milk . All in a single size, 26 centimeters in diameter, which are enough for twelve generous servings , and a single price: 40 euros.

He has uniquely experimented with other ingredients, such as the truffle from a well-known producer, which has incorporated grated. But since Alex is from another planet, he recommends to those who liked it to buy the cake and the truffle directly from the supplier to grate it at home, " so as not to add more margin to a product that is not mine".

on the way it comes the one with cheese and lemon , but he won't "bring her out" until he's totally convinced. “I don't want to present something mediocre that isn't up to par with the others”. If everything goes as scheduled, soon will open workshop in Madrid , and it will no longer be necessary to go to Las Rozas to look for them.

Until then, we'll keep calling (at least a couple of days before) to make sure of ours. And he dedicated each one of them to his friend Eduardo and his grandfather Antonio, both of whom recently passed away, to whom he thanks for their support for believing in his dream.

Step by step, little by little and with much love. That is the intangible that never appeared in the business plan , but which has become the key to the success of the cheesecakes that make Madrid fall in love.

The new workshop by Álex Cordobs.

The new workshop of Álex Cordobés.

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