Ten roscones de Reyes that sweep Madrid


Roscon Reyes

It's time for... roscón!

** OLD PASTRY SHOP OF THE POZO ** _(Calle del Pozo, 8) _

We have to go back to 1830 to know when they began in this indestructible pastry shop to make their first sweets.

The bakery, which owes its name to a supposed well that existed in that street and whose waters worked miracles, takes us today to another much more succulent miracle, that of his roscón de Reyes.

And it is that his roscón inevitably sneaks into all the lists of the best roscones in Spain and rightly so.

With a movement of about 1,200 roscones daily, its success is due to slow rising dough, with a rock & roll aroma that borders on heavy metal.

in the coverage, sugar and ground almond, no more. Price: €40/kilo.

Old pastry shop of the Well

La Antigua del Pozo pastry shop, since 1830 sweetening the life of the people of Madrid

** NUNOS ** _(Narvaez, 63) _

It is to end the year and begin to think what are the new eccentricities that have been able to occur this year to José Fernández, alma mater of the workshop.

We met with one of the most requested roscones in the capital, whose inspiration this year has revolved around movies and television series universal today and yesterday.

And it is that Fernández is capable of doing the impossible, with a collection that he will the delights of the little ones.

Among his creations, we find 101 Dalmatians, a two-tone roscón of chocolate cream, white and black hazelnuts; starwars , a roscón that dares with green lime, raspberry red and caramel gold peta zetas; Frozen , a roscón in which Bourbon vanilla is present and finally The Money Heist , with tiramisu and toffee. Price: €30


The Star Wars roscón, with green lime peta zetas

** SAN ONOFRE OVEN ** _(San Onofre, 3) _

One of the novelties that they have wanted to integrate into the roscón scene from the Horno de San Onofre is the possibility that the lactose intolerant can share roscón with others.

San Onofre has carved out an increasingly important niche for itself in the city's gastronomic scene thanks to its impetus in making typical Madrid sweets such as donuts, fritters or bartolillos.

And on the eve of Kings, the activity in the workshop is frenetic in the artisan elaboration of a roscón de reyes with a waiting list.

It may not measure up to Moulin Chocolat or La Duquesita, but their raspberry, angel hair or marzipan fillings are a hit on these dates. You can also find them in The Santiago (Main Street, 73) . Price: €32/kilo

Oven of San Onofre

A roscón de Reyes with a waiting list

MOULIN CHOCOLATE _(Alcalá, 77) _

If you have heard that it is possibly the best roscón de reyes in the capital, you are not misguided. Ricardo Velez has done magic again this year with its sidereal roscón, made with a very slow fermentation that allows a silky and velvety bun.

Vélez remains faithful to his Sevillian orange blossom water by Luca de Tena, to its coverage of nuts with almonds as a standard and to its roscones without filling (although they can also be made with toasted cream, cream or truffle) with a touch of rum. The result is the very image of elegance and sophistication. Price: €46/kilo

THE LITTLE DUCHESS _(Ferdinand VI, 2) _

That Oriol Balaguer has revolutionized Madrid is something that we have already told you on some other occasion. The Catalan pastry chef does not stop reaping awards with his croissants and his delicious panettone and, of course, he was not going to miss the opportunity to show us what he is capable of doing in terms of roscón.

Balaguer seduces us with the delicacy of a brioche dough that leaves us with that fabulous memory of butter so present in his creations. He also bets on the stuffed with toasted cream or cream for those with a sweet tooth. Yes indeed, there is a waiting list You have to order them yes or yes. Price: €56/kilo

** BABETTE'S OVEN ** _(Joaquín Lorenzo, 4) _

The roscón from this bakery is the result of many years of work until finding the perfect formula. Up to 18 hours of fermentation They are the ones used at El Horno de Babette to ensure that the texture of their roscón is what it is.

Among its ingredients, a sourdough prepared by them, ecological flours and top quality oranges and lemons, also ecological.

It may not be the prettiest or the fluffiest, but what is certain is that it is one of the most delicious that can be found in the capital which, moreover, can still be ordered online. Price: €19.50 for a half-kilo roscón.

DELIRIO BREAD _(Juan Bravo, 21) _

Another of the banners of organic flour in Madrid. Javier Cocheteux father and son They declare themselves to be inveterate romantics who have made the breads of yesteryear their hallmark.

This year they break into the roscón scene with a bet in which scotch whiskey has great prominence.

And they are the second Christmas in which they face the challenge of the roscón de reyes from Madrid, a real proof of know-how for palates as demanding as those of the capital's public.

Sourdough and a new ingredient, 12-year-old Cardhu, proposing a pairing with this well-known whisky. Price: €69

Delirium Bread

Will the bean touch you?

THE MALLORCAN _(Main Street, 2) _

The third generation At the head of the mythical establishment, it can well boast of having one of the most popular roscones de reyes in the capital.

House founded in 1894, makes the earliest roscones de reyes in the city, as they have been in operation since last November.

Faithful to the work of craftsmanship in the workshop, flee from the freezer and make their roscones in various sizes, all of them with their candied cherries and, if desired, stuffed with cream or truffle. The large size, one and a half kilos, reaches a price of €75 for those who want it with filling.

The Majorcan

The roscón de La Mallorquina, one of the most demanded in the capital

POMME SUCRE _(Waffle, 49) _

You have to move to Chueca to find this excellent roscón de reyes made with brioche dough the most classic style.

Every year, the bakery on Calle Barquillo adds more and more followers, who come on a pilgrimage to get their famous roscón.

The almond of its coverage, on this occasion, we find it laminated and not in pieces, and they usually make them without filling although they can be ordered with the same.

Its fermentation is double and its flavor is indescribable. Their roscón weighs half a kilo and costs around €20.

Pomme Sucre

Every year, the bakery on Calle Barquillo adds more and more followers

MOM FRAMBOISE _(Ferdinand VI, 23) _

Alejandro Montes is without a doubt one of the pastry chefs that we idolize the most at Traveler, for his good work and his explosive creativity. There is nothing that can resist Montes, who this past year burst onto the salty scene reaping another resounding success.

And the fact is that his imagination as a child has led him to reinvent the classic roscón de reyes, resorting to aromas and flavors such as ginger, chantilly or raspberry twinned with his brioche dough.

But surely his version of the chocolate cake It does not leave even the most skeptical indifferent, with a chocolate ganache filling and a crunchy chocolate in the form of sheets. Outstanding. Price: €35


Elizabeth Master _(Pedro Muguruza, 7) _

your roscon with candied orange can be tasted with the fabulous San Gines chocolate enjoying the views of the Hyatt Centric Gran Vía on these dates.

PASTRY VENICE _(San Amaro, 1) _

It is not one of the most central patisseries, but its r oscones with candied fruits they deserve mention.

THE RIOJANO _(Main Street, 10) _

possibly it is the most faithful roscón to the original roscón that we have known all our lives. Its proximity to San Ginés makes it a must.

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