The best French toast in the Community of Madrid: Pan Delirio and John Torres


The spaces of Delirium Bread Y John Torres winners of the contest have just been proclaimed 'The best French toast in the Community of Madrid'.

The contest, organized by the Association of Cooks and Pastry Chefs of Madrid (ACYRE Madrid) , took place this Monday, April 4, at the Center for Gastronomic Innovation of the Community of Madrid.

Delirium Bread has won the award for Best Traditional Torrija Y John Torres has done the same in the category Best Torrija of Innovation.

The second place in the category of traditional French toast has been for the delivery of Villaroy's and in third position has been The Pink Pastry.

In the innovation category, the second prize went to Corrochano House and the third for Tavern and Media.

The contest received a total of 38 proposals for French toast, between traditional and innovative participants, of which only 12 were selected to participate in the grand final (six in the traditional category and six in the innovation category).

The winners in the innovative and traditional categories John Torres and Pandelirio

The winners of the contest: John Torres and Pandelirio.


Javier Cocheteaux and Javier Cocheteaux Jr. , of the workshops Delirium Bread, have been crowned winners in the traditional category thanks to a very special French toast made with its famous roscón.

That roscón was one of the reasons they opened its first store almost five years ago, although his recipe, signed by Javier, has no less than three decades dazzling everyone who sinks their teeth into it.

“Our recipe has a very important part of our philosophy: the reuse of food, in this case with the roscón that hardens. In addition, we decided to make it lighter in the oven”, explains Javier Cocheteaux Jr.

“The trick is beat the egg until stiff with a splash of EVOO, so that we apply the components that the French toast has when you coat it and fry it. First we do a layer creating a kind of crepe that we bake and on top we put the torrijas which we cover again with egg and bake again to create a film that does not let the infused milk come out. We sprinkle the sugar with the cinnamon and it is ready”, adds the father.

Is your mouth watering? Well, run to try your delicious French toast at any of the places that Pan Delirio has in Juan Bravo 21, El Corte Inglés de Castellana, Professor Waksman 8 and Calle Naranjo 7.

Pan Delirio French toast

Pan Delirio French toast, winner in the traditional category.


Ana Martin and Laura Martinez , confectioners of the spaces of John Torres, they have won the award for the most innovative French toast with a most interesting French toast in which they have introduced a creamy curry and a coconut milk foam.

In addition, the torrija comes with a pipette of coconut milk to inject to taste, depending on whether you prefer to take it more soaked or more dry.

Ana and Laura's torrijas can be tasted at John Torres's shop from Ibiza street and in space John Barrita Canalejas Gallery.

Corrochano House wins second place in the innovation category, with a proposal that has pleasantly surprised the jury: a salty torrija of vigil soup in two bites, served in a small pot. Its ingredients? A infused fumet with saffron, cod and finished with cured quail egg yolk with M product from Madrid Quality, chickpeas from Juan Feliz and eggs from Granjas Villareal.

Third place in the innovation category went to Tavern and Media, who hangs the bronze medal thanks to his Creamy anise brioche French toast with vanilla ice cream.

The French toast by John Torres and John Barrita

John Torres and John Barrita's French toast, winner in the innovation category.


The twelve finalists of the contest were: Cármine, John Torres, La Rosa Pastelería, Pan Delirio, Qubek and Villaroy's (traditional) and Casa Corrochano, John Torres, La Rosa Pastelería, Sweet 36, Taberna y Media and Vanille Bakery (innovation).

The jury was made up of renowned personalities from the sector such as: Julian Marble (Madrid Food Ambassador and chef at the Michelin star Yugo The Bunker), Sergio Hernandez (chef of Latasia, Moemia and Taramara and winner of the Best French Toast for Restoration 2019), Begona Gardel (winner of the National Pastry Contest and confectioner from Mandarin Oriental Rizt), Lydia del Val (confectioner at the Hotel Wellington and winner of the contest The best French toast in Madrid in 2021) and the journalists Laura Villanueva and Elvira Lalana.

Casa Corrochano French toast

The torrija of Casa Corrochano.

All the members of the jury have agreed that the elaboration presented by Pan Delirio was very special, “being the only one made in the oven and not being heavy”. Also, “Its texture is soft and fluffy, well soaked and you want to repeat it”.

“Torrijas are a very important part of the sector, a traditional sweet but that at the same time is reinvented to adapt to the most sophisticated palates” , he claimed Jose Luis Inarejos Vice President of ACYRE Madrid.

“This event is a new opportunity to see the great talent that there is in the capital and in the Community, We are fortunate to be able to value it and act as speakers so that our gastronomy is known in more and more places, ”he concluded.

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