Madrid launches inclusive traffic lights coinciding with the celebration of World Pride 2017


Madrid launches inclusive traffic lights coinciding with the celebration of World Pride 2017

72 little steps closer to equality and inclusion

The hegemony of the traditional figure of the man regulating pedestrian traffic in Madrid is already history. He has begun to share the limelight with new figures who represent women and couples of the same or different sex. In total, there will be 18 traffic lights of each model installed in 72 crossings from the 21 districts of the capital. The changes of the 288 lenses have already begun and are scheduled to end on June 26, they report from the City hall .

The traffic lights have been chosen to show off this change based on the continuous traffic of pedestrians that they regulate, considering that urban signage, due to its visual impact, contributes to advancing in the commitment to equality. And it is that this initiative aims to show the real diversity that exists in the streets and enhance visibility.

The changes, which will cost 21,747.33 euros, have already begun at the intersections of Cedaceros with Alcalá, where a female figure has been installed; Virgen de los Peligros with Alcalá, showing a female and male couple; Barquillo with Alcalá, where you can see a couple of women; and Paseo del Prado with Plaza de Cibeles (next to the Bank of Spain), which is marked by a couple of men.

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