Calvin Harris, new owner of the largest organic farm in Ibiza


no one is surprised that many artists choose Ibiza to settle, at least for a few months a year. But the calvin harris thing he has left everyone with their mouths open: the most wealthy DJ in the world (166 million euros, according to the latest data), which has fallen in love with the most rural part and less ostentatious of the island: agricultural Ibiza.

So much so, that the Scottish has sold his two mansions in Los Angeles to buy Terra Masia, the largest organic farm on the island. Located in the municipality of Santa Eulalia and well known by Ibizans, is the most important point of vegetable production, eggs or wine and an authentic oasis for lovers of the countryside and nature.

Harris himself has shown his new lifestyle on his social networks, sharing with his fans some images growing carrots, taking care of the chickens or accompanied by some of the farm's sheep. Some animals almost as exclusive as him, since half of the sheep of the Ibizan breed that exist are there. That has been the reason why the DJ has recently met with the Federation of Indigenous Breeds of Ibiza.

Terra Masía Ibiza.

Terra Masía, Ibiza.


Until just six years ago, the land currently occupied by Terra Masía was an abandoned wasteland. There was nothing left of his past when, under the name of Cas Mallorqui, supplied water to the entire island in the 1970s. Today, its 56 hectares of farmland have been transformed and have become the largest organic farm on the island thanks to the work of a team of farmers championed since 2018 by Marina Morán.

“I love being part of something that is Changing Ibiza for the better” , the young Spanish woman confessed at the beginning of the project, specialized in organic farming and who does not like to put labels on their her working methods.

The passion for the local product and the care and dedication to the field have always been the basis of the philosophy of everything the team that makes up the farm, doing a great didactic job and explaining every detail to visitors, curious and buyers seeking a more sustainable diet.

Terra Masía Ibiza.

Terra Masía, Ibiza.

that way of love for the land has managed to put the farm on the international map, which serves as international example of sustainable agriculture. In part, thanks to biodynamic vegetable cultivation techniques, which based on lunar cycles to optimize the value of the products.

In addition to Vegetables and greens, also produce free range eggs, fruit , various types of herbs and comestible flowers. All these products are sold on a weekly basis in your mythical ecological basket, that changes every week and that can be ordered or picked up directly by the farm.


During the summer, its fields are the scene of dinners signed by chefs recognized on the island, which serve closed three-course menus in an exclusive setting. After a forced stoppage due to the pandemic during the last two seasons, it is expected that throughout the 2022 season they can be resumed. To attend them, it is necessary to become a member of the farm through a subscription.

In its events agenda you will also find workshops for children, educational outings or even the possibility of renting some spaces for celebrate private events or weddings.

But to Terra Masía does not go alone to a social event or to buy ecological products. It is very common to find visitors who come simply to walk through its fields and closely observe the meticulous work of the farmers. Perhaps, now, this group of curious will increase in search of Calvin Harris, the most famous farmer -and owner- of all.

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