UnderOneSky, Condé Nast Traveler's global initiative for a new journey


UnderOneSky the global initiative of Cond Nast Traveler

The sky and the sea, Menorca

A few days ago, regarding the new normality – better to call it happiness, let's be optimistic – I thought that we suddenly walk brimming with new words, verbs and compliments that our routine has normalized in record time as if they had always been there, attached to our vocabulary. We "de-escalate" as if life were an Everest (which in the end it was, boy if it was) although such a verb does not exist, we "confine" ourselves patients without even looking at its unsettling definition in the RAE - "banish someone", " to seclude within limits”– and we rambled on about a “new normality” when the day before yesterday we defended that nothing and no one should be classified as “normal”, since **it is in the difference where the extraordinary is found. **

So in Conde Nast Traveler we decided this very thing: to do something extraordinary and launch our special summer with a cover empty of places, of geography, but full of words, of empathy.

UnderOneSky the global initiative of Cond Nast Traveler

Condé Nast Traveler, summer 2020

Empathy with you, that you will go to town. With you, who have reserved in your usual beach bar. With you, that you will step on the beach where you promised yourself that time. With you, I feel at home anywhere and why not. With you, who will cross seas. And with you, who still doubts. Words, in short, that aim to portray any summer, that smell of adventure and refresh your memories like a lemon popsicle. And it is that nostalgia has wanted in this 2020 to slip in as the perfect springboard –how nice it sounds, “springboard”– to inspire a summer that, how to deny it, will be unforgettable, but also invincible, That is how Anabel Vázquez defined it –oh, Camus–, in a precious article.

Cecilia Renard signs the snapshot and many others that, from his native Menorca, he shares in these pages as someone who shares remnants of life together with the recommendations of the great Matoses . they do the same Kris Adveeva and Niko Tsarev on its volcanic journey through the Aeolian mountains, with Stromboli as a beacon and Bergman and Rosellini there, always there. Y Diego Martinez and his remake of Il Sorpasso, Trintignant and Gassman at full speed. Y myrtle red, that she sends us postcards from Portugal soaked in saltpeter and saudade. Y Greta Fernandez and Arale Reartes , who repeat creative duo with views of Barcelona and leave us that again, speechless. Together with the Condé Nast Traveler team, they and many others have made possible an immense number, full of sea and siestas, festivals and bicycles, readings and horchatas, sand and love. Full of words, of life. Because we want always summer and we want it with you. Always.

UnderOneSky the global initiative of Cond Nast Traveler

Conde Nast Traveler China

But we are not alone in this adventure. Not this time.

For the first time in the history of Condé Nast Traveler, All the editions around the world have also wanted to launch a global message of traveling optimism: #UnderOneSky. Yes, under the same sky, the one that we share today more than ever and this is reflected by the teams from China, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Middle East and India, as well as the editors who work on the international edition from New York, in addition to us. themselves from Spain.

Together we walk in support of the travel sector and we are demonstrating it with various initiatives, such as our #YoSoyTraveler Quiz, video questionnaires to CNT travelers that are having a huge reception among the audience not only in Spain, but also in LATAM and Portugal (thank you!) or the interviews with Francis Ford Coppola, Cara Delevingne, Susie Cave and Stefano Dolce & Domenico Gabbana, among many others, which we will publish in the coming days. In the same way, the Condé Nast Traveler Conversations, launched from Spain with great success in its first edition –there will be more, of course–, are added to the talks that our colleagues from the rest of the world have starred in on their different platforms. And what we have left.

UnderOneSky the global initiative of Cond Nast Traveler

Condé Nast Traveler India

Thanks from here to the editorial directors of CNT – Melinda Stevens (UK), Divia Thani (India), Rhea Sharan (Middle East), Luca Dini (Italy), Shawn Ong (China) and Jesse Ashlock (USA) – and to its tireless teams for the effort involved in flying under the same sky without leaving our homes.

Now yes, we start the journey again.

#AlwaysSummer #UnderOneSky

UnderOneSky the global initiative of Cond Nast Traveler

Condé Nast Traveler UK

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