Condé Nast presents the results of the first global assessment of its carbon footprint and launches its sustainability commitments


Cond Nast presents the results of the first global evaluation of its carbon footprint and launches its...

Condé Nast presents the results of the first global assessment of its carbon footprint and launches its sustainability commitments

Condé Nast has announced the next phase of its long-term global sustainability commitments. by publishing its sustainability assessment and five-year strategy. The company aims for a zero carbon footprint by 2030. It will start with a 20% reduction in corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and 10% reduction in print and digital supply chain emissions by the end of 2021.

"At Condé Nast we believe that the health of people, our businesses and the planet are interconnected. We cannot take care of one and ignore the others. We also believe that the credibility of our environmental journalism depends on our willingness as a company to improve our own operations and supply chains, in a way that drastically reduces our carbon footprint and the level of waste. Our five-year sustainability strategy demonstrates the commitment of our teams on every continent to lead by example, to work with our industry partners and to leverage the global influence of our brands to inspire collective action." Wolfgang Blau, Global Chief Operating Officer of Condé Nast and Chairman of Condé Nast International.

Condé Nast's five-year sustainability strategy includes all areas of the company, with the ultimate goal of mitigate your global environmental footprint by reducing emissions and offsetting your carbon footprint, when reduction is not possible

The company also aims inform and influence consumers to take practical action on climate action and, at the same time, will collaborate with its partners to encourage positive change throughout the supply chain.

The strategy and related commitments comprise four main areas of interest:

Reduce emissions: Condé Nast aims to offset its carbon footprint by 2030. It will start with a 20% reduction in corporate emissions and a 10% reduction in the supply chain by the end of 2021. With this, Condé Nast will become one of the first companies in the publishing sector to calculate the carbon footprint of its digital value chain.

Involve suppliers: Condé Nast will work with partners across its supply chain to promote a more sustainable publishing industry, review its procurement protocols and encourage industry-led initiatives. It will start with the transition to more sustainable materials throughout the production process, as well as the adoption of high-performance alternatives.

Use of more sustainable materials: Condé Nast will transition to using a 100% internationally certified paper by the end of 2021. It will also eliminate all fossil-based and non-recyclable plastic packaging from publications in all Condé Nast markets by 2025, as part of its adherence to the Global Commitment for the New Plastics Economy from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Being a voice for change: Condé Nast aspires for its brands to be recognized as leaders in the defense of sustainability, setting the standards for reporting on issues of climate change and responsible fashion. As part of this objective, cast the Sustainable Fashion Glossary , the global reference resource for understanding sustainable fashion and the role of the fashion industry in the climate emergency.

The company will also continue to work with its industry partners as part of the initiative. "Fashion for Global Climate Action" from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, with the common goal of promoting more ambitious climate action.


The first assessment of Condé Nast's greenhouse gas emissions and materials covers corporate facilities in Condé Nast's 12 markets, the entire supply chain, and the use of paper and plastic packaging in magazine production. The result of the evaluation is:

  • In 2018, Condé Nast generated a GHG emission of approximately 341,233 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). 8% were from corporate sources and 92% were from the supply chain.
  • 96% of the 35,000 tons of paper used in 2018 were fully certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
  • In 2018, they were used 440 tons of single-use plastic on magazine packaging.

Condé Nast's detailed sustainability assessment is available here.

In 2019, Condé Nast became the first media company to sign the Fashion Industry Charter for Global Climate Action and joined the Global Commitment for the New Plastics Economy from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


Within the Condé Nast group, In 2012, Condé Nast Spain became the first media company in Spain, and in the group at a global level, to develop an active environmental policy aimed at combating the effects of climate change, not only as a means of communication, but also from an operational perspective.

For this, he developed and implemented a Environmental Management System certified by ISO 14001:15. In addition, Condé Nast Spain is certified with the PEFC seal (Association for Spanish Forest Certification) which certifies that all the paper used to print its publications comes from sustainable forests.

The company has also developed an action plan aimed at calculating and offsetting 100% of its carbon footprint through offset projects in developing countries. In 2018 Condé Nast Spain has offset its carbon footprint through projects certified by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

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