The other Peruvian cuisine: beyond pisco and ceviche


types of corn

Types of choclo (corn)

not only of Ceviche (or cebiche? maybe seviche?) live the Peruvian cuisine . The gastronomy of the Andean country sums up perfectly what is the Peru , in its seafood (mussels, octopus, sea bass...) and in its land delicacies (corn, pork and beef...) ; and also what it was, a land of welcome for other nationalities (such as the Japanese, hence the Peruvian fusion called nikki ; the china, with the wonder chifa ; or the Spanish and the flavors of the kitchen creole ) .

loin jumped

loin jumped

In our quest to discover more, much more, of Peruvian cuisine, we have turned to our authorized sources: Jaime Monzon (The Trafalgar Cebichería), Gonzalo Amoros (The Golden Inti), Omar Malpartida ( Luma , /M , Tiradito ), Miguel Valdiviezo (The Cevicheria), Alex Vargas (Quispe).

The dishes of Peru exude elaborations from other parts of the world without losing their foundation: powerful flavors that surrender to the use of chili pepper (hot pepper) and corn (corn) . Beyond the eternal ceviche and the acclaimed pisco (perhaps the most exported?), the streets of the towns of Peru serve a daily street cuisine, full of color and life.

types of corn

Types of choclo (corn)

The ** anticuchos ** (which in Japan would be called 'teriyakis' and in Spain we would call 'pinchos morunos'), the thousand ways of preparing octopus, the spicy cuisine, the fried yucca, the black shells, the peruvian desserts ("We are very sweet!" exclaims Gonzalo Amorós) like the Purple porridge with rice pudding or the I sigh to Lima (with a story after his name that they tell us in this video) ...

In addition, we take the opportunity to tell us more, what are the false myths of Peruvian cuisine? Is cooking as aphrodisiac as rumored? Let's see...


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