The pigeon that wanted to bring down the Colosseum


The pigeon that wanted to bring down the Colosseum

The Flavian Amphitheatre, better known as the Colosseum.

"It is not very normal for pigeons to crash into monuments," says Carla Rodríguez, a specialist in mural painting and real estate, amused, "we can only include this event in the accident section. In our work we always have that there are certain things that are uncontrollable and sometimes even unavoidable . A pigeon does not have enough strength to throw a stone, if it has fallen it is because it was touched by death ", she sentences.

A fact that necessarily reopens the debate on the diligence of the Italian state in safeguarding its extensive heritage, inexcusable in a monument as symbolic as the Colosseum. Something that seems to worry the Italian firm Tod's more than the Italian government, since the footwear tycoon Diego della Valle will be in charge of its restoration, budgeted at €25 million , in exchange for managing the image rights of the monument.

Restoration is essential to preserve the artistic heritage of a country, but the daily ABC of specialists is 'preventive conservation', hence the techniques to alleviate the external effects of the deterioration of monuments and historic buildings. The budget for this is not infinite, unfortunately the experts know this well. "It is almost a duty to take care of those capital monuments, the lack of budget, perhaps due to the crisis, means that their preservation is not a priority, when it should be . With the case of the Colosseum and the pigeon, which could be somewhat anecdotal, I draw that in Italy, the cradle of restoration and the homeland of incredible professionals, its authorities should be more vigilant about its extremely important heritage," Rodríguez stresses.

The pigeon that wanted to bring down the Colosseum

A flock of pigeons racing through the sky.

Returning to the artistic heritage and its deterioration, without a doubt the external elements are more harmful than centuries of neglect; pollution, CO2 from cars and acid rains caused by the dirt in the environment irremediably shorten its life, but the most harmful agent, by far, are birds, especially pigeons and his misdeeds. The daily fight of the conservatives against the birds has been adding methodology until it has become a small science.

There are several more widespread systems to suppress their presence, always safeguarding their lives, of course. "Before proceeding with the restoration of a historical complex, the best way to solve the problem of birds, especially pigeons, is studied. Normally, the animal protectors proceed to remove nests and eggs from the buildings, and to take measures to that they do not nest again. It is logical, during the process we cannot wipe out the animals, no matter how harmful they are to the heritage . In the cities it is the pigeons, but in the towns it is the storks, which are protected," explains Rodriguez.

The most widespread techniques may seem rudimentary at first glance, but they are historically effective. The most basic materials serve to create barriers that protect monuments from urban fauna. "Metal spikes are placed to prevent birds from perching on roofs and pediments. Also, in cloisters and patios, very fine nets are used to prevent them from sneaking into them," the specialist lists, adding: "More recently, they tried systems to scare away pigeons, loudspeakers are placed from which recordings of birds of prey are emitted that terrify them , but it is not very effective since these disappear in the first instance, but they always end up coming back".

Despite the fact that pigeons are the most damaging agents for monuments, it is curious how sometimes coincidences, such as one of them twisting in its flight , uncover pending problems and manage to start up a small gear that seeks a solution. Without serving as a precedent, it may be that this one that has crashed into the Coliseum will make the authorities aware of the problem, and prioritize the conservation and protection of historical and cultural heritage among their issues.

The pigeon that wanted to bring down the Colosseum

A pigeon scheming which monument to attack.

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