window vs. Hallway: a war almost as old as the world


Window vs Hall

True: from the window you can see the landscape better.

Will you meet the love of your life, like in the movies? Will your partner talk nonstop and won't let you sleep? Or will you be the one experiencing a bout of verbiage while your neighbor in the seat shoots you some murderous sideways glance? In that number is printed what life holds for you in the next few hours. You risk everything to one possibility: decide window or hallway , a war almost as old as the world, or at least as long as we were able to fly commercial airliners.

They say that we Spaniards prefer the window (60%, compared to 39% who opt for the aisle, and a rare 1% who choose the middle seat).** If possible, the window seat should be in the first six rows. “From my experience in companies that operate with free seating (or as my children would say, "**last fool")**, people often rush to occupy the windows, especially the elderly and children ”, he tells us Cristina Villar, stewardess who has passed through Futura, Air Europa express, Air Europa and Islas airways . But is it so tragic to sit in the hallway? Are you perhaps doomed and fate has inexorably appointed you a seatmate with cystitis during the next transoceanic flight ? Let's figure it out with the help of Cristina Fernández, stewardess of Iberia ; the aforementioned Cristina Villar; and the communication department Iberia , who have lent us a hand to elaborate these pros and cons lists , very practical to make the decision. Before further, spoilers: Against all odds, it seems to us that he wins... CORRIDOR!

Window vs Hall

The best sunsets: from the window.


1.- You may contemplate the landscape from above and see the clouds , abstract yourself from problems for a while and let your imagination run wild.

two.- You may raise and lower the window as you please, and only that seat has that privilege.

3.- You may support the head to rest better.

4.- If you fall asleep looking out the window no one will see how you snore with your mouth open (although they will hear you) .

_(Although try not to disturb the hallway when you sleep...) _

5.- You are the first to be served by the hostesses , since it is normally served from the inside out.

6.- Once you're seated you don't have to get up again to let other passengers settle down.

7.- You have two armrests , the one on the window side and the one on the other side.

8.- In addition, the window usually gives increased privacy in case the passenger wants to enjoy a while of reading, work or rest.

_(Although don't go overboard with this privacy:) _

9.- It is easier to disconnect from the conversations of the neighbors.

10.- Probably, for a short trip, less than three hours , window is more advisable and fun, since all these advantages will be.

Window vs Hall

Window, apparently, all pluses.


1.- You can remove the legs and stretch them down the aisle, as long as no car is coming.

2.- Get out of your seat more easily and without disturbing other passengers.

3.- The hostesses appreciate if you have a problem.

_(Especially if they are like this they will see you better:) _

4.- The emergency demonstration is better seen and the service cart, so you decide beforehand what you can order for a drink.

5.- You can ask the assistants and ask for things more discreetly What if you're at the window (your fifth drink? So what?).

6.- if you have greater sense of space.

Window vs Hall

Why do you ignore it? Why?

7.- You have better visualization of what is happening in the cabin.

8.- You receive less direct light in the eyes , especially on night flights, where a dim light is usually left in the windows.

9.- if your flight lasts more than three hours , you will appreciate that freedom of movement much better, you will be able to lower your hand luggage if you need it, or go to the rear if you are awake

10.- when the plane arrive at your destination , you can grab your handbag without waiting and you are immediately ready to go.

(Your things are more at hand, but don't be a bully:)


1.- When the flight lands and it's time to disembark, you will be the last to be able to pick up your luggage (even so, try to carry it with dignity) .

two.- You disembark last in line , and you depend on the speed and skill of the crew to get out soon.

3.- You have to bother the whole row to go to the bathroom or to stretch your legs.

4.- The same if you put something in the trunk What will you need during the flight?

5.- If your seatmate has fallen asleep and you want to go out, You're going to have a hard time waking it up (jumping over it is a bit difficult, unless you're one of the Incredibles).

6.- things get complicated if you have trays of food on you and they haven't been picked up. And you wanting to go to the bathroom...

_(What a burden if the one in the hallway unfolds all his gadgets:) _

7.- Panoramic views are not liked by people who have a phobia of flying In fact, many people look inward at the moment of takeoff. Also, depending on the row, the plane does not let you see more than the structure of the plane.

8.- The window seat is a little noisier , especially if it is close to the engines.

9.- It is more difficult for the assistants to hear you than if you are in the corridor , so you will surely have to press the call button, or shout a little louder to ask for something.

_(Too bad if you stay locked up like this:) _


1.- if it touches you a partner who gets up many times You will have to take a deep breath to exercise your patience. Especially if you're asleep and they wake you up.

2.- They hit you with the car when passing with the service, especially if you have your legs out and you've fallen asleep (that's annoying) .

3.- When opening the luggage racks something can fall on you. Caution especially if we fly with babies.

4.- You do not see anything of the landscape , unless you look over the shoulder of your rowmates. By the time you manage to see anything, the one at the window has closed the blind.

_(But, both in the window and in the corridor, everyone needs to stretch their legs:) _

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Window vs Hall

But the best photos are the ones from the window.

_(He passes this dilemma) _

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