Tell me what sign you are and I'll tell you what your perfect trip is for 2018


Tell me what sign you are and I'll tell you what your perfect trip is for 2018

Tell me what sign you are and I'll tell you what your perfect trip is for 2018

You are looking for inspiration for your getaways this year? Well, come closer, come closer to our traveling crystal ball It is full of perfect experiences for you! We have customized them according to your Zodiac sign, so we are sure that we will succeed. You do not? Check it!

ARIES _(March 21 to April 20) _

Individuals born under the influence of Aries tend to be clear about what they want And they don't hesitate to get it. Are confident, sincere, optimistic and determined, in addition to generous. They don't mind being the center of attention, and they don't have much patience. Due to their fearless character, they are always looking forward to live a new adventure. Your perfect destination is...

TAURUS _(From April 21 to May 20) _

It is difficult to alter calm Taurus. His strong attitude and silent character make him like to enjoy the loneliness . However, they are easy to deal with, and their serenity of spirit makes them fall well quickly. In fact, he is the type of person who, instead of chasing others, draws them to her so it is not surprising that they are so homey and prefer to receive than to visit. He feels especially comfortable in the nature. His perfect destiny is...

GEMINI _(From May 21 to June 21) _

Around a Gemini, it's hard to tell where reality ends and illusion begins. In fact, individuals of this sign They don't stop changing be it clothes, work, love... or -above all- opinion. They hate routine! It's easy to find them at bookstores, exhibitions or in bars, looking for other points of view or waging some dialectical battle , from which they will always come out victorious. However, they know how to listen and arouse a immediate and friendly sympathy. Your perfect destination is...

man jumping on rock

Geminis hate routine.

CANCER _(From June 22 to July 23) _

They like live at night and eat well, and it is said that his moods are so transient and intense like those of the moon. However, they are generally funny and laughing , and will stand out for their great sense of humor. They do not usually forget any of the experiences that they have lived, that remain firmly etched in their retina. In fact, it has some fondness for the past , and are interested in historical figures, old treasures and antiques. Your perfect destination is...

LEO _(From July 24 to August 23) _

Leos are comfortable in places more in vogue from the city. Also, they love to be the center of attention (whether they admit it or not), and they hate being contradicted or attacked pride -which is more easily hurt than it seems-. Are loyal, just, compassionate, generous, creative, original, vital and strong, and they like things well done Your perfect destination is...

VIRGO _(From August 24 to September 23) _

They are usually lonely , in addition to neat, perfectionist and silent , so they do not enjoy in the crowds -but, even in them, they radiate a charm hard to ignore. They conduct themselves sincere and I dont know deceive to themselves. They have a mental mechanism that seems to register each small detail happening around them, and it annoys them when they exude vulgarity, stupidity or carelessness . Your perfect destination is...

girl walking red door

Virgos don't enjoy being in crowds.

POUND _(From September 24 to October 23) _

Libra loves it people, but she can't stand crowds. She is affable and cordial , but she resists taking orders. she is extremely intelligent , and at the same time, incredibly naive. She talks a lot, but she is also very good at listening. First up, then down ; this is Libra, in constant search of harmony. To find her, she knows she must alternate bursts of frenetic activity with periods of complete rest . Her perfect destiny is...

SCORPIO _(From October 24 to November 22) _

Scorpios are franks ... perhaps, too much. Probably for this reason, they attract both loyal admirers and spiteful enemies. They also know how to be sweet, empathetic, generous and brave, and behave like faithful friends. They tend to show interest in everything mystical and through the phases of life and death; furthermore, they are passionate lovers and when they are determined, they can get everything they propose. Your perfect destination is...

SAGITTARIUS _(From November 23 to December 21) _

They have a unique combination of ingenuity, intelligence, ingenuity and optimism. They are restless and charlatans, and they don't usually show off much touch when it comes to talking, but they don't lack sincerity They don't have bad intentions. they adore the animals, and are attracted to the risk , whether in sports, at work or in your hobbies. They are always planning something spectacular with which they intend to amaze the world. They love eat, drink and travel . Your perfect destination is...

man jumping on rock

A little danger will fan the flame of the Sagittarius...

CAPRICORN _(From December 22 to January 20) _

You will find a Capricorn wherever he has opportunity to improve. In fact, they are disciplined and selfless . In addition, they respect authority and honor the tradition . They tend to be spectators rather than main actors - although they like the positions of power, conduct themselves soberly - and radiate a certain gravity and melancholy . They have great manual dexterity, they are practical and they like to find the security In their lifes. Your perfect destination is...

AQUARIUM _(From January 21 to February 19) _

Near an Aquarium, you will have to be constantly ready for the unexpected . Good-natured and calm by nature, he nevertheless enjoys defying public opinion and scandalizing the conventional. Is it so advanced in due time, and it is said that what Aquarius thinks is what the world will think in 50 years. They are interested in practically everything - not in vain, this sign is known as "the one with the geniuses" - and loves to be surrounded by friends. Its ideals: equality, fraternity, Universal love, live and let live, seek the truth and experiment. Your perfect destination is...

PISCES _(From February 20 to March 20) _

Very few of this sign can endure being confined for a long time in one place. However, if you want to find them, head to spaces creative, artistic, idle and even mystical. Pisces are by nature calm and sensitive and they possess an amazing capacity for organization. Are too gentle and balanced, they love pleasure, they have a lot imagination and a great sense of humor . And, above all, they are always willing to help. Your perfect destination is...

Girl walking up the mountain

Are you a fearless Aries? Or as confident as a Capricorn?

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