Towns #OnFire: Villena, between medievalism and cosmopolitanism


OnFire Towns

Villena #OnFire


It is thinking about this neighborhood and appearing that hackneyed exact concept: rural gentrification . And it is that the set of streets, alleys and alleys that grew in the shelter of its imposing castle have recovered the vidilla of yesteryear thanks to popular affection . Its current neighbors, instead of succumbing to the siren songs and exposed brick of the modern neighborhood annexes, have opted for r exist and revitalize the true old town of Villena, making it a pleasure today to zigzag and discover corners such as the agnostic hermitage of San José or the watchtowers of the churches of Santa María and Santiago. But its streets themselves are a joy as they preserve the cheerful and multicolored facades recovered in this neighborhood process of sheet metal, paint and makeup.

The old town of Villena

The old town of Villena


Don't you know what kind of column we are talking about? Well, nothing happens, you just have to cross the little doors of the archpriest church of Santiago and look straight ahead . The panoramic view crosses this architectural element so typical of Catalan Gothic, a display that is intermingled with a Renaissance extension that gives greater clarity to this beautiful daydream made into a temple. Yes, other beautiful and distinctive points in this building could be listed, but in the end the gaze twists and climbs up these torso pillars of white stone and hypnotic beauty.

The paradise of the spiral column

The paradise of the spiral column


The town hall of this town is worth a visit for several reasons. The first is that It is located in a simple Renaissance palace . The second, for a plenary hall with a certain horror vacui and much ornamentation. And the third, and most surprising, for the gold inside . On the ground floor, just by crossing its patio, you will discover the local archaeological museum, a collection that drinks from different finds in nearby sites.

Of course, as much as there are showcases and panels, its main claim is hidden in a large chest . When it opens, something similar to what the rude Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield feel when opening the mysterious briefcase happens: a golden glow. This is the treasure of Villena, the most important archaeological find from the Bronze Age in all of Europe. The set is surprising for remaining intact since it was found inside a vessel, probably funerary. It is made up of a total of 59 objects of gold, silver, iron and amber, mostly bracelets and bowls and is displayed alongside its little brother: the Round Head treasure. In addition to this brilliant presentation, it is essential to attend to the NO-DO piece that is shown on an adjoining television where, with a certain old charm , it is told how important this discovery was back in 1963.


In this tourist revival, Villena is making its debut with a very special opening. At last its inhabitants can regain control of time, that is, of the clock that 'governs' them from the top of the church of Santa María. Its bell tower has become an essential climb where not only buttocks and twins are made, but you access the outside balcony. From here you can see the entire city and get the best view of the imposing fortress that protects it, as well as an excellent perspective of the urban differences between the Rabal (pure chaos) and the modern neighborhoods with wide avenues and straight lines . These views alone are worth the little hot flash.

Are you already wanting to lose yourself in its streets?

Are you already looking forward to getting lost in its streets?


The monument par excellence of this municipality does not resist the new times either. And it seems that here they have taken seriously that of “seen a castle, seen all ” and they have endeavored to invigorate the visit beyond the pure magnetism of their image. With this premise, the Atalaya Experience has taken its first steps, a theatrical tour where the theatrical representations of the history of Villenera are framed in the different scenarios that are improvised in its rooms. This new activity is the definitive accolade for a monument that, in the end, show one last gift . At the top of its homage tower, not only does the entire town and the region appear, but also a kaleidoscopic sunset is enjoyed, very #NoFilter, with which the light of Levante laughs at any other sky.


Enjoying festivals such as the Middle Ages (March) or the Moors and Christians (September), any visitor notes that its inhabitants love to dress up as a period , either from Knights Templar or from the house of stars (how much damage has Game of Thrones done) . Of course, outside these dates there seems to be a void that is filled by visiting, by appointment, the amazing Bodega del Caracol, a 15th century-style tavern that serves to remember and show what it was like to go to a tavern a few generations ago . Another alternative is to have a tea with dates in the Tuareg caves, some cavities under the Atalaya tuned to emulate the cave lifestyle of the Berbers.


Outside this historical area, Villena has been and is a busy city , with their concerns and urban yearnings that boil, above all, in their kitchens. And it is that beyond strong dishes such as gachamigas and century-old drinks such as fondillón, there is a new generation of establishments and chefs in search of the new glory on the tablecloth . The most intrepid of all is the Auroch Bar, a restaurant that, more than fusion, is fun with dishes that mix flavors and textures such as the chorizo ​​sandwich or the pastrami lasagna. At the end of the day, a plated demonstration that this town has traveled and demands originality.

For his part, the Titas Gastro Bar It boasts a concept and a decoration that could succeed in the most trendy neighborhoods in the world with a rogue menu and a young atmosphere that is endorsed in its dishes. In the simplicity of its recipes there are no trompe l'oeil, but pleasant surprises such as the glass of boneless roast lamb or baby squid salad . Old ingredients in solvent formats that show that their success is not by chance. Lastly, the Blue tile It combines the adorability of its atmosphere and proximity with tasting menus that always give a twist to the most traditional dishes and ingredients.




It's not hard to find him, it's hard to believe he's here. And it is that Villena can boast of having a cafeteria made by and for Friends addicts . An establishment that emulates the logo and the exterior appearance of the famous meeting point of Phoebe, Joey and company and whose interior is a museum with images of the protagonists and stills of the most mythical scenes chosen by its modern parishioners. In just a few months it has revolutionized this town and has achieved that it has a common link with New York.


The Alicante wine route has just been born, but it already has some essential stops among its associates. In the outskirts of Villena there is one of them, the Francisco Gomez winery , a wine tourism complex nestled between pleasant hills and small valleys. It is an ambitious and careful project, always with the intention of being shown and inviting the visitor to learn more about how its different products are made. In addition to the subsequent visit to the winery -don't miss the photogenicity of the barrel room, its space dedicated to Fondillon and its niche club -, the complex also includes a small oil museum and a chapel-cave for future weddings, baptisms and communions.

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Villena between medievalism and cosmopolitanism

Villena, between medievalism and cosmopolitanism

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