Gacha, the first driverless bus that works in all weathers


gacha driverless bus

No matter how much it snows, Gacha will continue to work

Very little is missing for the inhabitants of three Finnish cities to see how a very peculiar guest joins the road traffic. Is about porridge , the first driverless bus of the world that works in all weather conditions, and who will walk the Finnish streets in March 2019.

"We are developing these vehicles so that they can be part of the daily chain of transportation services. autonomous vehicles cannot be used massively until we make sure your technology works in all climates ", says Harri Santamala, CEO of the Finnish company sensitive 4 . The same, together with the Japanese design firm MUJI is behind this technological revolution.

gacha bus

Gacha, rounded and revolutionary

However, we will not have to wait until March for the Finnish streets to be covered by driverless vehicles ; Helsinki, the capital, was already one of the first cities in the world to admit self piloted buses , as explained from the Helsinki Business Hub (the Helsinki Business Center) . Likewise, in espoo , the city where Sensible 4 comes from, the company offers free rides to whoever needs them self-driving vehicles as part of a pilot program.

Once this first phase of testing has been passed, Sensible4 and MUJI, in charge of designing Gacha -devised with the user experience as the main axis, of aspect rounded and "friendly", according to the company, and that does not have neither front nor back differentiated - they expect to be able to have all a fleet of these buses touring Finland in 2020 , and even get their technology implanted in any kind of vehicle for 2021.

gacha bus

A very "friendly" design

"The climate plays a role critical in the opening of the autonomous bus market or 'robotaxis' . Currently, the strong rains , fog or snow prevent self-driving vehicles from driving , since the technologies that exist are being tested and developed mainly in hot climates ", they tell from the Helsinki Business Hub. "However, Sensible 4 has focused on testing and validating its technology in the arctic Lapland conditions, which gives the company a unique advantage over other self-driving technologies. Naturally, all autonomous vehicles must be able to driving in various weather conditions, before they can be commercially implemented," they conclude.

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