Madrid will become a Velázquez painting


Madrid will become a Velzquez painting

Madrid will become a Velázquez painting

Nothing more and nothing less than 90 meninas (two meters tall!) will be installed , temporarily, in the streets of the Spanish capital. The sample _ Meninas Madrid Gallery _ , work of Antonio Azzato can be enjoyed for free from April 15 to July 15 . It will only be necessary to walk through the most significant points of the city to discover the modern version of the Infanta Margarita of Austria.

The historical journalist Soler Serrano, In an interview **to the master of surrealism Salvador Dalí **, asked the painter what would save if there was a fire in the Prado. His response was clear: “Dali would take the air, nothing less than air, and specifically the air contained in Las Meninas de Velázquez, which is the best quality air that exists” . And a genius said it, not us.

The Prado National Museum always has been one of the treasures of Madrid. Its rooms are a waste of art and history. There is no brushstroke that leaves us indifferent. But the star painting , that for which people are willing to do endless queues, the same one that everyone looks for as soon as they set foot in the museum, is, without a doubt, Las Meninas by Velazquez.

This painting is more than a work of art, It is one of the symbols of the capital. And Madrid is proud of it. Therefore, the Business Association of Textile Trade and Accessories (Acotex), the most representative organization of the Fashion and Retail sector in Madrid, decided that Las Meninas would the icon of this urban exhibition.

The Madrid City Council unconditionally supported the proposal and commissioned Italian artist Antonio Azzato the design of the figures, in which he has been working for years and taking care of every detail.

Except for three sculptures, which will be painted by Azzato, the rest They will be intervened by celebrities and well-known artists. The designer Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, actor and film director Jordi Molla, Margaret Vargas, bullfighter Enrique Ponce or Vicky Martin Berrocal, are some of the public figures who will participate in Meninas Madrid Gallery , shaping his vision of the city.

Three meninas have landed early. One of them was placed, three weeks ago, at the south entrance of Ifema, where she welcomed to FITUR visitors. the other installed inside one of the pavilions. And finally, the one that was in Margaret Thatcher Square on the occasion of the parade Madrid Capital of Fashion , at the end of the event, was transferred to Cibeles square.

Each piece will include a few words which together will represent the essence of Madrid . Will be in July when it is revealed the hidden message that all the girls keep. Also, as icing on the cake, in that same month, the creator has in mind to auction the pieces that have caused the greatest furor , and allocate all of funds to charities. One of those chosen by the author of Meninas Madrid Gallery is **the Aladina Foundation**, which provides comprehensive support to children and adolescents cancer patients.

Still more needed sponsors to be able to carry out the display , being the main patrons The English Court and he to the Meliá hotel chain . They also collaborate Magazine Hello and ** IFEMA **, reason why it hosted in its enclosure to the first sculptures.

Ready to go to the last corner of Madrid in search of the meninas?

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