'Don't tell me stories', the initiative that compiles the inspiring stories of one hundred Spanish women


Egeria an adventuress of the fourth century

Egeria, an adventuress of the fourth century, by Angélica Ruiz and illustrated by Tutti Confetti.

"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman". Virginia Wolf.

Writers, painters, politicians, explorers, scientists, singers... There are many women who have played a relevant role in history, but their achievements have often been relegated to the background.

For this reason, the consulting firm ** Prodigioso Volcán and Koshletter **, the first independent newsletter published in Spain, have come together to develop the collective project don't tell me stories with which they collect the stories of one hundred Spanish women whose experiences are a source of inspiration.

“The objective of this project is rescue their memory and transfer their lives and achievements to children in their own language so that they find in them a stimulus for the future”, they comment on their website.

don't tell me stories

The project compiles the stories of Spanish women with the aim of inspiring the little ones

Many illustrators and writers have selflessly participated in the preparation of Don't tell me stories, to which many readers.

The selection of stories is based on three criteria: representativeness, professionalism and inspiration. That is to say, representative women of all times are sought, from all possible disciplines and whose history serves as inspiration for the little ones.

It's about a media project which aims to make the stories known through four channels: a newsletter , in version podcast to hear them through workshops with children –some schools have already expressed their interest– and, finally, the goal is a book that collects all the stories.

don't tell me stories

Don't tell me stories will be released through various channels

you can read now Rebeca, the chimpanzee's best friend, by Montserrat Domínguez and illustrated by Lupe Cruz, and discover how she came to direct the Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center.

You can also meet Egeria, a 4th century adventurer, by Angélica Ruiz and illustrated by Tutti Confetti. Egeria was the first woman travel writer in Spain and an example of how far curiosity can take you.

Rebeca the best friend of the chimpanzees

Rebeca, the chimpanzee's best friend, by Montserrat Domínguez and illustrated by Lupe Cruz

Don't miss the story either. Lola Touza and her sisters, three brave against the Nazis, by journalist Ana Cermeño and illustrated by reader Pilar Vega.

Ana recounts the adventures of these three Galician sisters who helped hundreds of Jews flee to the United States.

Also, you yourself can participate in this wonderful project proposing new stories of Spanish women, illustrating the stories or even writing one!

With Don't tell me stories we will make Anonymous never be a woman again!

Ángela Ruiz Robles the inventor of the first ‘tablet

Ángela Ruiz Robles, the inventor of the first ‘tablet’, by Ruth Prada and illustrated by Javier Tascón

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