Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer


Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer

The 'International Number Ones' map

From the Greeks crowned as the biggest cheese eaters to the good use of electricity in which Iceland stands out, through argan oil in Morocco or Mongolia as the place in the world where the most velociraptor fossils have been found, the map _ International Number Ones _ shows what each country is best at.

“I was tired of seeing the same countries (United States, United Kingdom, China, Germany, Norway or Finland) always leading the rankings of anything" , explains to the person responsible for the creation of this map, the designer David McCandless from Information is Beautiful.

"I was wondering if I could find something that each country was the best at." tells about its origin.

Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer

American continent

Its creation required the work of three researchers for three weeks.

**“We delved into the most common data sources (UN, World Bank, The CIA World Factbook, Pew)** and then had to dig deep with many selective searches to find data from less ‘famous’ countries.”

The results are shown on a map marked by colors according to different categories: Commodities, Psychology, Ecology, Gastronomy, Economy, Details, Humanity and Despicable.

Yes, because being the best at something doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing. This is the case of Somalia and female genital mutilation; Angola, which stands out in infant mortality; or from China, at the head of imprisoned journalists.

Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer


And Spain? The International Number Ones shows that Spain excels in LGBT tolerance , according to data from the ** Pew Research Center ** from a survey conducted in 40 countries.

This map, the second made by Information is Beautiful after the one from 2010, dates from 2016 and has been updated ever since with better sources or more recent data.

To enjoy the third edition we will have to wait about three more years , “because it takes a lot of work to prepare a map like this,” says McCandless.

Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer


Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer


Is your country the best in the world at something? This map has the answer


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