The maps to know how to respond to a sneeze around the world


Europe sneezing map

The map of Europe with the answers to sneezes in each country

Sneeze: It is said of the act of expelling foreign particles and irritants that slip into our respiratory tract. No more no less.

The sound of a sneeze is more or less the same throughout the world, with a few exceptions whose decibel level exceeds what is commonly considered normal.

This reflex action is accompanied by a reflex response, but this does vary depending on the area of ​​the globe in which we sneeze.

The scientific explanation was slow in coming, so many are the stories and legends that formed around the involuntary act of sneezing.

Map sneezes Latin America

In Latin America they respond 'health' to the first sneeze, 'money' to the second and 'love' to the third

Some ancient cultures believed that when you sneeze, a demon came out of people's bodies. Others believed that the soul could escape from the body.

In the sixth century, when the plague ravaged the European continent, the Pope Gregory the Great extended the expression "God bless you" as protection against this deadly disease and should be pronounced every time someone sneezes.

Another more optimistic theory says that ancient greek and roman They offered Jupiter his gratitude since they considered sneezing as a sign of well-being.

Despite having overcome all these beliefs, the custom of responding to a sneeze is more than ingrained in most cultures.

Asia sneezing map

In many Asian countries there is a superstition that if you sneeze, someone is talking about you

In Europe, many answers come from the language of each country. Thus, in Spain we say Health either Jesus ; in Portugal, santinho ; in the United Kingdom, bless you ; in Italy, greet; and in Norway, Finland and Denmark, prosit.

The expression 'salud' used in Spain is also used in Spanish-speaking countries of North and South America as a result of colonization.

And some answer words other than the first three: 'health money and love'.

On the other hand, In some Asian countries, such as China, Korea or Japan, there is no custom to respond to a sneeze. The Vietnamese, on the other hand, do not respond if an adult sneezes, but they do if it is a child.

sneezing map africa

The great variety of responses in Africa are a consequence of colonization

Furthermore, in many Asian countries there is a superstition that when you sneeze, someone is talking about you.

In China, if you do it once it means someone I miss you ; twice, that someone is criticizing ; and three times, you've caught a cold.

With these 'sneeze maps' elaborated by the Expedia travel agency, you will know how to respond anywhere in the world.


North America sneezing map

The sneeze map of North America

Australia sneezing map

'Bless you' is the most common response from Oceania

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