Hugo Ortega (or how to surf the world with only 18 years)


“The truth is that since I can remember I have wanted to be a surfer. It's my father's fault, I saw him at sea and wanted to do the same”, Hugo introduces himself with great admiration for his father. And boy, has he done it, by far!

Other reference: "Dane Reynolds," he says bluntly.

The surfer Hugo Ortega

Surfing is a way of life that allows you to be in contact with nature.

At only 18 years old, he has a blonde hair that many of us would like, and we will never succeed unless we spend hours and hours between saltpeter and sun. Hugh admits that The hardest thing about this profession – which he has chosen at such a young age – is having to leave family and friends. "at home" to chase waves around the world.

Ironically, for him, the most rewarding is discover new waves.

What differentiates you from an amateur? “I am lucky to be sponsored by RVCA, which is my favorite clothing brand, and by Pukas, which is one of the best surfboard firms”.

The surfer Hugo Ortega

Discovering new waves is one of Hugo's goals when he travels.

The Catalan he was going to be a tennis player, but the love for water was stronger. He admits that he surfs every day, and this has led him to be a finalist in the Quemao class, 'THE' wave in Europe, according to experts.

Yes, he is the surfer equivalent of Snowflake. An atypical Barcelonan on a par with the great Hawaiians, Brazilians or Australians. And all a Traveler with a long way to go. On the plane, he prefers the window seat to sleep. And he boasts that he always arrives at the airport two hours earlier, as prudence dictates.

The surfer Hugo Ortega

Backpack, board... and off you go!

Surfing took him to Brazil at the age of 7, the first trip he remembers. And, since then, all of his adventures have been to destinations with waves. Although later take the opportunity to have moments of tourism, the only reason to move is in the currents of the sea.

“My favorite place is Indonesia: amazing tide, cool people and good vibes. It is also the ideal place to buy rings, my other passion”, he laughs. From there, he was fascinated by perfect tube waves, like the ones on Instagram reels. “It was the first time that he surfed waves with a coral bottom, really dangerous, but I was very lucky and I didn't get any serious injuries”, he recalls.

And it follows: "The tubes are what most attracts me to this sport along with aerials." Of course, he confesses that it was difficult for him to get used to the food. It's all so different from Europe!” exclaims this lover of carbonara pasta.

The surfer Hugo Ortega

The Barcelonan Hugo Ortega.

The second time he went to Indonesia he was in South Sumatra, where, in the event of an injury such as a cut from coral, there is a serious problem, because the nearest hospital is 10 hours away. Still, "what's really scary about the area is to take a motorbike, often chaos!, he is sincere with humor.

If we ask him about his most repeated trip, he looks at the interlocutor with his enormous green eyes and does not doubt: Nicaragua. “I go every summer to a friend's house since I was 12 years old. There I learned to drive when I was 13”. And Hugo wants to end with a warning. “When passing through the villages you have to be careful not to run over any pigs, there are many! And also you have to watch the heat, sometimes you can't even surf”, he describes him.

The surfer Hugo Ortega

Sun, waves… and good vibes.

Another tip, this time for beauty: “Before surfing, I smear myself with sun protection that respects marine biodiversity”.


Everyone on this list has a must-have for the teen: “They are quiet, you can see the sea and they have a varied and powerful breakfast”.

* The W, in Barcelona (preferably after some burgers at the Surf House restaurant)

* Manary Praia Hotel, in Natal, Brazil

* Anantara Uluwatu Bali Resort, in Bali

* Tropic Popoyo, in Jiquelite, Nicaragua

The surfer Hugo Ortega

Hugo Ortega, finalist in the Quemao class of Lanzarote.


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