Take a walk around the world in these gardens in Denmark




The story begins when in 1943, Soren Poulsen, a peasant from Danish village of Klejtrup in the Danish town of Viborg, a stone in the shape of Jutland was found while he was working in the fields. This was what inspired him to create the walkable world map, ** Verdenskortet which literally means “map of the world”**.

But who is this gentleman? Søren Poulsen was born in 1888 on the shores of Lake Klejtrub and he moved to America when he was young. After 20 years abroad, he returned to the family farm in this Danish town. But that was not enough for him and that made his efforts focus on the creation of this park in which he worked until his death at the age of 81.



Always interested in geography, Poulsen, after finding this peculiar peninsula of Jutland, decided design this map of the entire world forming a small peninsula in the lake. His project was carried out with tools as simple as a hand truck and a lot of ingenuity. A curiosity: some of the stones that he dragged weigh more than a ton.

The map was created between 1944 and 1969 and extends over 4000 square meters. It is completely to scale: every 27 centimeters corresponds to 111 kilometers in the real world.

Sunset in the park Denmark

sunset in the park

Red posts have been placed to mark the line of Ecuador. Each country is represented with their flags , nailed to the ground, and which are renewed every year. Geographic elements such as deserts, mountain ranges, lakes and rivers are also represented.

In the park they have a policy of not touching any part of the map that Søren built, but they try to do new things every year. for 2018 they've built a new welcome center, they're also upgrading the miniature golf course, and last year they built a "labyrinth" and an "informative world" that talks about the world.


Verdenskortet has become a popular family attraction in the Vyborg area . Many take advantage of the visit to play miniature golf along the world's coastline, or row in the miniature Pacific Ocean. There is also play areas, interaction with animals, cafeteria and picnic. It is certainly a charming place that receives 35,000 visits a year, most of them Danish.


To get to this park, the organization recommends Traveler.es to travel by car or bus. If you travel without a car you can take the train to Hobro or Viborg , and from here there are buses to Klejtrup where the park is located. If you prefer the car, the easiest route is to take the E45 North motorway, and the exit 36 Onsild with Verdenskortet. Once you have taken the detour, the rest of the way is signposted until you reach your destination.

For the more adventurous, you can also rent bikes in Hobro or Viborg, from Hobro it is 12 km and from Viborg 22 km.

This natural atlas is perfect for geography lovers. Guided by the signage, visitors can see which country they step on at each moment. With just a few minutes you can go around the world while having a coffee.

Children at the lake Denmark

Children in the park lakes

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