Millennial dictionary: the words to be fashionable on your next trip



How many millennial words do you know?

Do you hear 'poshtel', 'estar living' or 'couple goal' and it is as if they were speaking to you in a language from another country or even from another planet? Do not panic! The time has come to break down the barriers and give a chance to that generation that has been so criticized and loved in equal parts.

You may have grown up in the days of 'dabuti' or 'nasti de plasti' but now, In the midst of the millennial boom, there is no choice but to try to renew itself without dying trying.

Each generation has its jargon and... this is ours. Some of the terms are anglicisms that are here to stay; others have emerged in the corridors of that social network called Instagram and they are even those that have been created 'inadvertently' in a simple conversation or at some point in the last few months.


Travel terms to communicate anywhere in the world

But if you don't want to be left behind, you have to internalize them in your mental dictionary, at least for a while, because you never know when you are going to have to use them.

It is possible that many of these words are already obsolete when you read these lines and others, on the other hand, you will never hear them, because one of the main characteristics of this generation is the continuous versatility of everything that encompasses the millennial world.

If we are people who cannot be in the same job, apartment or partner for more than a certain time, how do you expect us not to immediately get tired of always using the same words? Here is the secret of its creation and its subsequent evaporation.

Without further delay, discover this compilation with the best 'millennial travel words' that can be very useful in your next getaway or even in your daily routine. Shall we start?


lately we love recreate ourselves in past times and we let nostalgia run on Instagram profiles. Above all Thursdays with the famous TBT _(Throw Back Thursday) _ in which snapshots of memories from years ago are uploaded.

But now this initiative has come into competition with the #BeachThursdays which consists of uploading a photograph of a beach where you would love to be at that moment.

More than 10,000 hashtags on Instagram make it a practice with more and more followers. So, you can start preparing the photography for your next Thursday.


#BeachThursday: the beach where you would like to be right now


A perfect combination that combines business trips with pleasure trips. Bleisure translates into a business trip to which is added one or two extra days of vacation in which to enjoy and experience the place you are visiting.

It arises from the union of business with leisure (business with leisure) and on Instagram it already has more than 23,000 mentions, people who have opted to get the most out of their professional travel commitments.


More than 170,000 posts on Instagram under this hashtag show that we are facing one of the words of the moment.

comes to mean 'Ideal pair' and is often accompanied by a romantic photograph with a sunset in the background, next to a monument or a cheesy moment that will make our blood glucose rise like foam.

The couple goal are a kind of difficult extinction, you have been warned.


'Couple Goal': a romantic sunset where time seems to stand still


comes to be a platonic love or person who has you completely crazy in love. A kind of crush at first sight or whatever you want to call it that makes you only think about it.

Normally it is usually a somewhat childish crush, quite elusive as when you yearned for your high school sweetheart or for the fashionable celebrity of the moment.


Why are we only going to go on our honeymoon if now what it takes is to make a trip before and another after the wedding ? Once the pre-wedding has been installed within the bridal field, now it is time to focus on a new travel concept that emerged in 2017 and that has more and more followers.

An _ earlymoon _ is a small break for a few days in the weeks prior to the day of the link to disconnect from all the stress that these types of preparations entail. The beach, the mountains or some European city are the most demanded destinations.

Millennials break with social paradigms and norms rigid pre-established in society, even reaching the nuptial field. Passionate about travel, they are the main protagonists of this equation. Anything for the cause!


A trip before the wedding, and why not?


In English it means 'living'. This word is not just about being excited about something but it goes much further. 'Being living' is like a state of mind in which exaltation, emotion and joy do not allow us to think about anything else.

You can 'be living' with a dress that you just bought, with a movie that you have seen, a song that you have discovered or a trip that you are about to undertake. Everything works in this new concept of absolute emotion before life!


We have not invented anything new with this 'luxury campsites' but since the 19th century there are already references to joining the words glamor + camping.

But it is true that for some time there are more and more proposals from the tourism sector that are committed to this type of accommodation. Mainly designed for the millennial generation glamping perfectly fit your needs.

They are alternative rooms, luxury and designed for all budgets. Because we won't have money to buy a house but we can spend ten euros on an avocado toast. Something similar happens with these types of accommodation, You pay for experience and comfort.


Glamping is the new camping


One of the quintessential millennial words that has more than 600,000 mentions On Instagram. It means 'mood' and you can use it at any time and at any time of your day.

in your travels You can accompany it with the hashtag #travelmood and you will see how your likes go up like foam.


We are hearing it everywhere, but do we know exactly what it means? Or what is better, do we know how we can become one? Very easy, thanks to new technologies and digital conversion have been emerging new professions that decades ago were unthinkable. The digital nomad is one of them.

Are people working remotely (at a beach, cafeteria, hotel, house or on the other side of the world) instead of doing it in a typical office.

An ideal job for inveterate globetrotters who can't stand spending too much time in one place. Doesn't sound bad at all, right?

digital nomad

Digital nomads can't stand being in one place for a long time


Also known as 'the fashion of traveling to the posh' , the term 'poshtel' arises from the union between posh (elegant) and hostel (hostel), creating a new form of accommodation that has more and more followers.

It began to be known in 2015 but it was not until a couple of years ago that it sounded stronger than ever. And it is that now when it comes to sleeping, luxury is no longer reduced to a few, but it is more and more available to everyone and it is thanks to this type of establishments.

Its price is affordable, a little higher than a traditional hostel, but its sophistication, elegance and creative decoration make it the place to be par excellence for any traveler.

** Casa Gracia (Barcelona), The Hat (Madrid) or Generator Hostel (Madrid/Barcelona) ** are some of the best known 'poshtel' in our country.


His name can express it louder but not clearer. come to be a previous vacation to recharge pillar before starting a job that it may be the one of your dreams or one more stage in your life.

More and more companies are betting on this type of initiative to prepare and 'reward' your future workers because they prefer that they not join the job immediately, but wait a few weeks or months for the candidate to enter the company with their batteries charged, rested and wanting to give 100% in this new adventure.

Going on vacation with a guaranteed job on the way back? We sign NOW!

Grace House

Casa Gracia, where millennials stay in Barcelona


haven't you noticed a feeling of dizziness and even discomfort before buying that flight or in the hours before embarking on that dream trip? Don't worry, it's happened to us too.

Now that feeling has a name, specifically the Swedish word 'resfeber' and that can be translated as the combination of emotion and stress that arises before embarking on a trip.

There is the illusion but on the other hand that fear that can even feel like a disease. But in the end it always ends up being worth it!


That's what they are called totramundos who venture alone. They are people who decide to move away from group or company trips, embarking on a trip only with themselves.

And it is that solo escapades, although at first they can give you vertigo, in the end they are rewarding, unique experiences in which you end up meeting a lot of people interesting along the way.

On Instagram, more than 47,000 users have already referred to her and above all They are the women among those who most opt ​​for this variation of adventure. Once you start you will no longer need anyone but you as a travel companion!


Are you a Solivagant?


The most prepared generation in history has also been one of the hardest hit by the economic crisis which started in 2007.

Faced with an economy more delicate than our parents', many millennials don't have enough money to take all the trips they'd like. That is why, as a result of this latest crisis, the term 'staycation' arose, or what is the same a pleasant and peaceful 'vacation at home'.

During this time, it may be the perfect time to organize everything you had pending, start that activity that had been around your head for a long time and above all you can discover your neighborhood and your city making economic plans and the most hedonistic. Rest and savings are guaranteed!


Another anglicism that we have made ours. It could be defined as the person who explores and opens paths where no one had been before.

Millennials are branded as lazy, lazy, selfish and daddy's boys, but we are also facing the most non-conformist generation in history.

They seek happiness through experiences and intangible things, without aspiring to a family, house, car and stable job.

They let themselves be guided by emotions and for this they are in continuous movement. Why not discover places where no one has been before? Millennials are here to do it!


More than a hashtag has become a philosophy or lifestyle that many millennials do nothing but imitate. yes

Supported by more than four million mentions on Instagram, ** living in a motorhome always on the move and perpetuating it on social networks ** is more fashionable than ever.

Why not recover this practice that was so successful in the 80s? yes, now in a much more glamorous and comfortable environment.


What if we leave everything and go to travel the world in a motorhome?


You should not confuse it with its almost twin 'wanderlust' because the only thing they have to do with each other is the passion for travel.

On this occasion 'wanderlist' refers to the list of destinations that we have pending, a kind of whishlist but linked only to travel.

why not print it on paper or a large-scale world map and thus motivate you for your next destination?


It may be one of the most used travel words in recent years and we could not close this dictionary without including it.

Why are we going to call it dromomania when 'wanderlust' sounds so much cooler and millennial? We see it on maps, in social network states, in travel articles... and we have to recognize that this word has completely conquered us that even many of us capture it on our skin.

A word that comes from the Germanic language and that arises by uniting wandern (wander) and lust (passion), which would translate as 'passion for travel'.


And you? Do you have wanderlust spirit?

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