48 tricks if you stay 48 hours in Zaragoza


And long live Pilarica

And long live Pilarica!


1. The pillar. The monument par excellence of Zaragoza.

two. The Seo. “Seo” means cathedral, so to say “the cathedral of La Seo” is foreigner.

3. The bucket that covers La Seo . Architectural Satanism at the height of Calatrava that hides at its feet the treasure of the city: the ruins of the Roman forum.

Four. The Aljaferia. Historical complex, seat of the Cortes de Aragón and home of kings.

5.**The Caixaforum**. Indeed, we also have.

6. Pablo Serrano Museum. Ultra-modern and hyper-avant-garde building that houses important examples of 20th-century art.

7. Auditorium. Historic building of the University of Zaragoza.

8. Independence Walk. Social and cultural artery of the capital, it connects the Plaza de España with the Plaza de Aragón. The streets that spring from it, like San Miguel They also have great bars for dinner.

Caixaforum Zaragoza

Caixaforum Zaragoza

9. The Expo. Enclosure intended first for the 2008 International Exhibition, which was later to become a business park. But of course, now it's a wasteland. With nice buildings, but not much use.

10. The Water Tower. Part of the architectural complex of the Expo. It is empty inside and no floors can be built inside it. Very functional , of course.

eleven. World Trade Center. They are two twin office towers. Really.

12. Big park. Before Primo de Rivera, now José Antonio Labordeta. It's big, hence its name.

13. The Ebro. Living monument of the city.

14. The Stone Bridge. It is made of stone and connects the two banks of the Ebro.

The Ebro and the stone bridge

The Ebro and the stone bridge


fifteen. The tube. Gastronomic wonder made up of several narrow alleys with bars where you can have something to eat. Each establishment has a specialty.

16. The mushrooms. Actually, the place is called The Cave of Aragon. They make grilled mushrooms of 10.

17. Eggplants from La Viña . More famous than Amaral.

18. Brave Squid. The squid sandwich with brava sauce is a Zaragoza classic, like a fresco by Goya or a goal by Nayim from midfield.

19.**The braves of Montesol**. Potatoes with a sauce that people call “brava”, although in reality It's tasca ambrosia . They will definitely be at my last supper before the electric chair.

20.**The lamb from Aragon**. Local delicacy that can be enjoyed in most fine restaurants.

lamb from Aragon

Pure meat pleasure

twenty-one. Shepherd's crumbs. The ideal is to have a somewhat rural relative with mastery in its preparation, but you can always go to the variety offered by La Miguería, in the El Tubo area.

22. Pillar Cobblestones . Legend has it that someone managed to finish one. These are candy conglomerates, harder than a cobblestone, which could have been perfectly used as a throwing weapon in the Siege of Zaragoza.

23. Amber. Local beer, strong and indomitable like the character of Zaragoza. Something stubborn the next day. If you like it stronger, try the Export , with three malts.

The shepherd's crumbs of La Miguería

Nothing richer than some good crumbs


24. The Cierzo. It was there before us, so we adapted to it. Not for ever.

25. Fluvi. Sinister creature sent from another planet to subdue the human race, at the time, mascot of Expo 2008.

26. The killer catfish. Mammoth-sized fish that populate the Ebro and they have the peculiar hobby of devouring pigeons under the Stone Bridge.

27. Between two lands. You may hear this song somewhere or other.

28. fuck. Expression that can reflect different states of mind, depending on the intonation, which range from boredom to surprise , going through the irony.

29.Fuck flask. Like who throws more fuel on the fire.

30. Co . Equivalent of the "nano" of Levante.

31. Well. It can supply the functions of the period and followed in any sentence.

32. Go own. In Zaragoza, people do not go to places "on purpose" or "with the intention of appearing" but "of own".

A bit of general culture

A bit of general culture with El Pilar in the background


33. Area. Modern and non-modern premises, too.

3. 4. The helmet. Central and with bars of all types.

35. The Madeleine. In El Casco as well, but with a more alternative atmosphere.

36. Breton. To have a few drinks of tranquis.

37. The silver . Singing café where you can enjoy the “Iberian cabaret” , who helped restore Bigas Luna.

38. Oasis Room. A classic.

39. Deluxe . A good option if you want to stay late in El Casco.

40.**López Room**. The good thing is that it opens until late, with good music. The bad thing is that it is on the left bank of the Ebro.

41.**The Zeta. ** Heavy redoubt, well heavy.

42. Interpeñas. In case you go to parties, it is the reference. It is always full of people, as if each edition of the Pilar festival was the last. Prepare for crowds.

43. the roy. Although now there are hardly a couple of bars open, it was a reference in nightlife in Zaragoza at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st. It had to be on the list.

44. The blow job Tranquilos: a type of shot served at El Royo.

The silver

The Iberian cabaret of Bigas Luna


Four. Five. buses. Most abundant means of transport in Zaragoza. The state of some streets and the driving of some drivers can wake you up the feeling of meeting General Custer by stagecoach.

46. Trolley car. A comfortable and quiet way to travel, although there is only one active line.

47. Surroundings. In case you want to set up your base camp far from the city.

48. Bizi. Bicycle rental service with numerous stations. Put it away if you've been having drinks. "Don't drive drunk", as Stevie Wonder said.


public bicycle service

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