Delicatessen without cheating or cardboard in the Basque Country


Pure pleasure like the cheeses of Ramón Lizeaga

Pure pleasure like the cheeses of Ramón Lizeaga


There is no snack more popular than French fries But it is clear that they are not all the same. Hit the sweet spot tasty and crunchy , which can elevate them to the altars is not easy in an apparently simple product, in which the craftsmanship totally makes the difference. In Sarriegui they know it, and that is why their potatoes **(with or without salt)**, which are fried exclusively with virgin olive oil, are already a reference gourmet.


In the case of chillies , the origin also counts. those of Ibarra (Guipúzcoa) are a native variety that, not in vain, are called Ibarra prawns, and that are distinguished by their finesse, moderate itching, soft texture and small size . Ibarlur chillies have a quality guaranteed by the Eusko Label seal.

Sarriegui love and care for French fries

Sarriegui: love and care for French fries


The company Euskal Garagardoa elaborates in Oyartzun (Guipúzcoa) its craft beer Paying to –Pagoa Ohri, a smooth pilsner; Pagoa Gorri , a caramelized red ale; Y Pagoa Zunbeltz , a toasted stout and dry, bittersweet –, which is drunk in pubs in Dublin, London, the United States, Japan and Australia.


The cheeses of Ramón Lizeaga, who it was proposed to expand the variety in Basque production , are another example of care and dedication. His cheese factory, located in Aia (Guipúzcoa), buys milk from neighboring shepherds to make their soft cow cheeses and soft cheeses with sheep's milk , in which he has recovered ancient recipes to achieve his characteristic natural oiliness.

Ramón Lizeaga cheeses are pure natural smoothness

Ramón Lizeaga cheeses are pure natural smoothness


The Basque Country is a land of shepherds. Therefore, this cheese, made with latxa breed sheep's milk –native variety of the Gipuzkoan valleys– or carranzana , is an icon of regional gastronomy. Its origins date back to the Neolithic . Since then, little has changed in the way they are made.

Idiazabal is the Gipuzkoan municipality whose cheeses achieved fame and gave their name to the product that today is made in around a hundred cheese dairies distributed between the provinces of Guipúzcoa and Álava, and nearby Navarra, the most popular being the quality of the product, the from the Sierras of Aralar, Urbía, Andía and the Pyrenees . The D.O.P. requires that cheeses be made exclusively with raw milk, which requires rigorous control of almost 500 producing farms.

A cheese to repeat Idiazbal

A cheese to repeat: Idiazábal

The milk coagulates with natural rennet (especially suckling lamb) and the cheese is matured for a minimum of two months, whether smoked or not. All the cheeses of the D.O.P. are identified with a red tag and serial number on the bark . The handcrafted specimens bear the silhouette of the 'kaiku', a birch wood container with a capacity of about six litres, which was used to collect milk during milking, and which has become an icon of pastoral activity.


Another highly appreciated dairy product is Curd either mommy , which is consumed as a dessert seasoned with sugar or honey, but which is also It is used to make fried milk or French toast. . Milk and nuts are the base of intxaursalsa, an ancient dessert typical of winter, which mix ground nuts with hot sweetened milk.

_* Published in the Condé Nas Traveler Gastronomic Guide 2015, it is now on sale in digital format at Zinio and Apple. _ You can also download the application for Android and on the App Store completely free of charge and start diving into the Spanish gastro map.

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