Do you travel with your dog? These are the tips for a memorable summer


Let's claim a vacation with dogs.

Let's claim a vacation with dogs.

I don't know if for you, dear reader who is reading me right now, if your dogs are your lucky charm. For me, mine are. Are the joy of the house , of my life and, I am proud to think that I would give anything for them to live happily for the rest of their lives. That's why I'm taking them vacation , and I make him happy, although for many (those who do not understand those of us who love them above all), they are a nuisance.

And the demons take me away every time I see one more abandon on these dates, which are the rebound of the whole year. If you can't take them, there are hundreds of options for them: shelters, babysitters, dog schools... In addition, he never would.

In 2015 alone ** 137,000 pet animals were abandoned in Spain **, so let's put a little love, sanity and empathy, and much more today, July 21 , in the world dog day.

With that said, here's a decalogue to enjoy a vacation with a dog , crazy, different, sometimes uncomfortable, adventurous, full of licks and many smiles (yes, dogs smile too).

Dog life is the best life.

Dog life is the best life.

How to travel with your dog? The Foundation for Advice and Action in Defense of Animals, FAADA help us find out.

1. Your dog also has to travel with his ID

Just as you travel with your DNI, do not forget to take with you the vaccination record and identification of your dog , nor to put your microchip in case he might get lost or his name tag and your phone number. If you are going to leave Spain, ask for their European passport.

two. Do not forget: being close to you is the most important thing for them

The dogs are pets , his only desire in the world is to eat, sleep, go for a walk, interact with his family and enjoy his loved ones. They don't usually like change routines , so if you decide that they accompany you on vacation, make sure that their life is not too altered.

3. Monitor the hours of sunshine and the sea water

your dog just like you can not be exposed to the sun all day So hydrate it keep it in cool areas when you are outdoors and avoid activity during peak heat hours . If you're on the beach, don't forget (for the world) hydrate it with fresh water because they become dehydrated if they only drink sea water, which, by the way, causes diarrhea in some. So go prepared with bags and water for him/her.

Four. They also need suitcase

Do not travel without their things, they need them as a reference to the place where you take them. Your bed , his water bowl, his feeders, his blankets or towels and toys so as not to dislodge them even more.

5. Look for the best beaches to cool off

In Spain there are more and more dog-friendly beaches , this is the map you should get before preparing your trip. Find out about the regulations in each province.

Happy World Dog Day!

Happy World Dog Day!

6. let him sleep

One of the main mistakes that humans make on vacation, according to FAADA, is do not let the sleepers of the house rest . They need to rest their hours, so make sure they have time in the day to do so.

7. Never leave him locked up in the car

You should never leave your dog inside the car, much less during the day. The temperature, even leaving the windows slightly open, can rise rapidly and give the dog a heatstroke with fatal outcome.

8. Prepare your trip in advance

Whether you travel with it by car, by plane or train, find out about the legislation in this regard. Take your carrier or adapt the car so that it travels in good conditions. Remember that you must adapt the holidays to him/her, not the other way around.

9. Look for dog-friendly sites

There are more and more accommodations, hotels and restaurants where our soulmates are welcome. In most search engines there is already the option to "pets are allowed" to make your stay even better. This agency, for example, finds your perfect vacation.

10. Take care of your diet

His diet should not be altered by the holidays, so it is best to bring his feed to maintain his diet, rationing it for each day. Add some surprise like fresh fruit melon, watermelon or carrot type, to make them even happier. And to enjoy!

Your dog will be delighted to accompany you on your journey.

Your dog will be delighted to accompany you on your journey.

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