What if you received a surprise book a month at your house?


And may literature come to you

And may literature come to you!

A book a month at home . A novel monthly reading, unexpected in your home. That is bookish , an initiative that aims to encourage reading through surprise, of "what book will arrive this month?", and that aims to make known new talents of literature, new stories, new ways of telling and seeing life.

"Get excited reading again" , is the claim that Bookish uses to define its philosophy, at a time when "32.8% of Spaniards never read books" _(The newspaper) _ , according to data from the **Barometer of Reading Habits and Buying Books** prepared by the **Federation of the Guild of Publishers (FGEE)**. At the same time, we find news that points to the great competition of the video game , an industry that doubled its turnover in Spain in the last five years .

And here's the thing: in a time of digital technology, audiobooks, and unbeatable immersive epic adventures... how to revalue a "simple" book?

Bookish intends to appeal to sentiment, to the emotion of receiving at home a piece of literature but with added value.

In your box, in addition to the literary novelty , you can enjoy a experiences map (which will draw you the most beautiful places and landscapes of the book that you will have in your hands) and, in addition, other surprises that will complement the reading experience.


"Get excited about reading again"

This special package Is it one of the possible solutions to try to encourage reading? "I don't know what the solution is for young people to read more, but I am convinced that it goes through send them good books and transmit the love for these; Regardless of age, we are moved by those stories with which we are able to bond, to establish a deep contact ", he comments to Traveler.es Thomas Casals , Product & Marketing Manager at Bookish.


1. "I read it before anyone else"

All subscribers will receive the same book on the same day (to avoid spoilers). And with a plus: "once we have sent a book days before it has been released in bookstores, although as a general rule we arrive at the same time or a few days later".

From the platform they promise to return the money in case you already have the book at home, although "In these two years, among more than 15,000 books sent, it has only happened to us about 4 or 5 times."

two. Quality as a philosophy of life

It is the Bookish team itself who makes the selection , but adds the opinion of independent booksellers, publishers, professional readers and other industry experts, which ensures the quality of the work that will knock on our door. "Our books may be liked more or less, but they are indisputably good in all senses, from the most literary to the most editorial", comments Tomás.

3. Tension in crescendo

And yes, each shipment is thought of in relation to previous and future shipments: "How we chain the books is a very elaborate sequence for always keep our readers on the lookout, to captivate them and sometimes also to provoke them ", says Thomas.

"We work with the best labels in the large publishing groups (Seix Barral, Alfaguara, Random House Literature...) even with more independent publishers (Errata Naturae, Impedimenta, Asteroid Books...) . We do a job of prescription and we also help our readers stay up to date and learn more about the publishing world."

woman reading

Quality and novelty, the main premises of the selection

Four. A book to identify and fall in love

The concept "bedside book" mutates in Bookish to a "trend book"; the stories of the books you will receive speak of everyday stories, easily identifiable to the lives of readers "this is what we want to convey: the real heartbeat of our moment, the world we're living in ", analyzes Casals.

What Bookish subscribers receive most are contemporary novels , although from the platform team they indicate that throughout the year there are somewhat less mainstream proposals , that help the reader to draw a map of the current literary scene.

Book shelves in a house

We want to live here and SO


Every title you keep on your shelf, It is accompanied by a map with two faces : one that you should read before the book; another that you will have to save until the end of your adventure.

It is about going far beyond a typical back cover and knowing the context and vital anecdotes of the author to understand how the book you have in your hands is born (just as the publishing house that has opted for the title is also valued) .


But to complete the reading experience, what better than creating a perfect environment to concentrate between page and page?

"Comes a tea chosen especially for the book and a art print made by an artist also inspired by the title of that month, in a special edition for our readers". Of course, everything does not end here... "once in a while, we also like to get off the hook with a surprise", concludes Tomás.

books and t

Tea, pages and silence

Half price: €21.95 per month, without permanence or shipping costs

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