By bike in Japan: rolling through the Japanese Alps


The Roosters venturing into the Japanese 'jungle'

The Roosters entering the Japanese 'jungle'

In this region we would cycle for three days under constant rain, with cold (important note, even if it is summer, do not underestimate that the heights are considerably low and the humidity very high) but despite this, the place is worth it, being one of the essential points when visiting Japan.

japanese alps

First thing you should know about the Japanese Alps: the rain, at any time of the year

Due to the inclement weather, in these three days we slept indoors, experiencing the sensation of the authentic Ryokan , traditional guest houses, with typical Japanese baths, tatami mats and futons to rest.

These places made us feel like we were in a movie Kurosawa ( even in one of them you can have kymonos to feel the true Japanese essence).

The Roosters in their kimonos

The Roosters in their kimonos

The first stage starts from Higashi to Shirakawa-go . This day would be our first contact with the mountain range, a particularly hard day due, in addition to the bad weather, to the unevenness that we would face. Despite this, this stage is always worth it for the vegetation that accompanies the ride and the arrival at the town of Shirakawa-go , really impressive. It is not surprising that this area was the inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki to locate his animation work my neighbor totoro . As described in the film, it is full of large thatched-roof cabins on the edge of a lake surrounded by mountains.



In this town, a World Heritage Site, we slept on our first Ryokan , the ShirakawaGO Hostel , a highly recommended place if you want to stay for a reasonable price and with all the comforts. An important fact: this area is very touristy for the Japanese, so it is advisable to make a reservation if you do not want to be left without a place.

Shirakawago Hostel

Shirakawa-go Hostel

The next stage would take us to Gujō Hachiman , a traditionally warrior area, with great memories of the samurai who once inhabited it.

This town is located at the junction of the Yoshida, Nagara and Kodara rivers, which makes fish reign there at a gastronomic level. The Miharaya Ryokan , in which we stayed, fell on one of these rivers. Important issue: its owners do not speak English, French or Spanish.

The road to Gujo Hachiman

The road to Gujo Hachiman

The town is crowned by the Gujō Hachiman Castle , which according to the Japanese writer Ryotaro Shiba it is the most beautiful mountain castle in japan.

On the third day, with time without giving us a break, we continued pedaling until Ogaki, almost reaching the end of the alpine stage, accompanied, yes, by massive vegetation and a mountainous format that for foreigners is one of the best memories that can be taken from the Japanese country.

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Hidden gems in the Japanese Alps

Hidden gems in the Japanese Alps

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