Five gadgets that we only find in a hotel


Viceroy Park

A desk with New York views

1. Luggage trolley. A contraption loaded with so much poetry and with such a distinguished bearing does not deserve such an ugly or composed name. Few people know that this piece of furniture that we see in hotel lobbies is called that. It is not customary to say out loud: "Mr. bellboy, watch my suitcase in the luggage trolley in case it slips." He fulfills his role to perfection in a quiet way Which is a great way to behave in a hotel. It is difficult to find it outside that space, due to its specific use, but we imagine it in the living room of a house , to support flowers, hardcover books that are hardly leafed through and some good ceramic pieces. AD colleagues, here we leave this idea.

two. Luggage rack. It is the little cousin of the previous one. It is that folding wooden or metal furniture that serves to support the suitcase . Do you have it at home? Neither do I. And I would like. I would give it impeccable use.

luggage rack

The luggage carrier, essential

3. Shoehorn. We open the closet and there he is, lean and serious. Perhaps around us there is someone who uses a shoehorn to put on shoes and that someone lives in society, mixed among us. But the reality is that that person is an endangered species , an Iberian lynx-host. Finding a shoehorn isn't the most exciting thing in a hotel room, but it doesn't hurt either, poor thing. And there will be a day when we need it and remember these lines.

Four. The writing office It is not true that it is only in a hotel. We see them (from afar) in ministers' offices or up close in consultations with orthopedic surgeons. The truth is that the Mac finished with the writing office . Many hotel rooms, in a touching attempt to perpetuate certain rituals, still have a table with all the dressings needed to write by hand. A beauty that we barely touched.

eastern beijing

The East Beijing Clerk's Office

5. The Bible in the drawer. Placing a Holy Bible in a drawer is a custom dating back to the early 20th century. The religious group Gideon started the Bible Project; With this project they intended to spread knowledge of the Bible in different environments, including hotels. The members of this protestant organization understood that it was a place conducive to reading; hence we continue to find specimens in the drawers of North American hotels. Although the idea is to offer Bibles all over the world it is in the United States where it is easier to find them. They have already distributed more than 1 billion. We have all seen and even touched them. And yes, if we feel like it we can take it. The Gideons will be happy.

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