'Chemtrails': Are Planes Seriously Fumigating Us?



No, they don't fumigate us from the air

In case there is still someone who has not heard the word chemtrail and everything that its pronunciation entails, we will make a brief review.

The so-called as 'chemtrails' conspiracy theory (word that is made up of two words, chemical and trails, or what is the same, chemical trails) begins in the United States, after its air force, USAF, published an article on climate change.

And here it all started, because after that famous article, the USAF was accused of being "fumigating the population of the United States with mysterious substances (chemical or biological agents) from the planes , because it was proven (?) that these generated contrails that were out of the ordinary”.


Are we seriously being fumigated?

So, as usually happens in these cases, especially in the most catastrophic, from a grain of sand a mountain was made. The issue of fumigation for different purposes (to drive away the rains, control the temperature, fertilize the fields...) began to get entangled when some internet forums, in particular, began to echo the matter; and the population, in general, began to get scared when the supposed malicious fumigations until they were treated in some other late show.

Since then, because this is not over yet, the theory that they fumigate us has been growing like foam inside and outside the United States to such a level that many aeronautical, meteorological and environmental protection agencies have had to step in to try to shed a little light (and common sense) on the matter.

The result obtained has been the opposite of what was desired, since due to so many refusals now many people believe that this situation is really real , which has encouraged the emergence of numerous articles on the subject, as well as controversial images from other environments that could give credence to this hypothetical conspiracy.

In Spain, the issue became more relevant when in 2014 a news story stated that “Spanish meteorologists denounce to the EU that Spain is being fumigated by planes to change the climate” spread like wildfire.

No one bothered to confirm that this was a hoax , and that no meteorologist had confirmed such a calamity, but the concern (we can also call it morbid) about whether we were being sprayed with substances or not, was already created.


The logical explanation to one of the most famous conspiracy theories

** Alfonso de Bertodano, aviation pilot and commander on long-haul flights**, has more than 10,000 flight hours and numerous conspiracy theories behind him, "aviation lends itself a lot to stories to keep you awake", he tells us Bertodano, “although that of the 'chemtrails' is one of the ones that has made the most noise in a few years to this part”, he affirms.


"The 'chemtrails' are actually condensation trails and are explained very simply" , explains the specialist, and continues: “in the composition of the gases that come out of combustion when an airplane flies, one part is water vapour, which has the effect of increasing the level of humidity in the atmosphere. Under certain conditions, this level of humidity is higher than necessary for saturation and then condenses in the form of ice crystals, due to the outside temperature, causing contrails that are perfectly observable from the earth's surface”, confirms Bertodano

To the question of why we can see contrails on some days and not others, or why some planes leave this trail in the sky and others not, Alfonso de Bertodano goes back to the Second World War , at which time numerous studies were carried out on this phenomenon due to the fact that leaving contrails meant that aircraft could be detected by the enemy well in advance.

“But in answer to the question, thanks to those studies we now know the minimum temperature at which contrails form , and continues: “the level at which that temperature is found where they are formed is called MINTRA level (minimum trail), which It starts at sea level with temperatures below -24º, and -45º at 50,000 feet.

"However, the temperature of the exhaust gases of an airplane is very high, so it does that the relative humidity drops and that contrails are not always generated”, qualifies Bertodano.


"The 'chemtrails' are actually condensation trails and are explained very simply"

The next question almost asks itself, since if one thinks of 'chemtrails', one immediately visualizes planes and pilots in an issue in which aviation is in question.

"Aviation professionals take it with humor and with some surprise to see that distorting the right data can make the population believe anything " , referring to the topic in which everything indicates that there is no X-Files, but which does not stop talking.

Bertodan is right. We check that you just have to type “chemtrails memes” in a search engine to see the infinity of memes created (some hilarious, by the way) and the illogicality of this conspiracy, highlighting one in which the Washington capitol or the White House appears under real airplane contrails.

“Would the president of the United States “fumigate” himself?” , Bertodano asks rhetorically.


Organizations such as Ecologists in Action try to distance themselves from this theory

And while the aviators take it "with humor", Organizations such as Ecologists in Action try to distance themselves from a theory that has become a belief , and that, according to this entity, “is creating a community of increasingly active adept people”.

And he continues: “the fact that we ecologists do not support these conspiracy ideas is not out of contempt or disregard, but because we are guided by logic and reason , and also by feelings, but making sure that they do not blind us”.

For Ecologistas en Acción, what is truly a pity is that all this conspiracy energy “is not being channeled towards the real problem that humanity has to face in the 21st century: climate change”.

A whole message to the population of awareness to stop “this authentic and real environmental calamity” activists reflect.

A reality that has little to do with fumigations in particular and conspiracies in general, and a lot with consciousness and the human will.


"The real problem that humanity has to face in the 21st century: climate change"

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