Italy is giving away castles and historic buildings!


One of the accommodations that can be yours

One of the accommodations that can be yours

The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport will give away (you read correctly: he will give away) 103 properties , among which are castles, farms, historic buildings and sites . The donation will be made effective among all those who commit to renovate them and start them up as tourist accommodation . The objective? Revitalize areas of the country that are not so attractive to travellers, and thus distribute more equally the mass of people who travel to the country every year to enjoy their many wonders.

The project is called 'roads and sidewalks' , since the public buildings that are offered are located along pedestrian and bicycle paths and historical and religious itineraries. For this reason, it firmly defends the philosophy of slow travel and of sustainable tourism , also prioritizing the entrepreneurs under 40 years of age, cooperatives and associations in the tender, which will be open to people from all countries.

Or maybe you prefer a farm...

Or maybe you prefer a farm...?

The contest will open before summer , according to the Ministry, but until then, you can participate in the online survey What do you intend to collect? ideas and suggestions for improvement of the public buildings involved in the project, and in which you can participate until June 26.

Soon, both the survey and the rest of the information will be translated into english to be accessible to a larger number of people. For now, on the web you can find various documents showing the pathways that they intend to revitalize and the properties that will be donated in each zone. Any of them can be yours **for nine years (renewable for another nine years) ** if you really want to leave the city behind and relax in in some of the most peaceful parts of Italy...

It needs reform but imagine how it will be...

Okay, it needs reform, but imagine how it will look...!

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